WSCInstallProvider (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function installs the specified transport provider into the system configuration database.

int WSCInstallProvider(const LPGUID lpProviderId,const LPWSTR lpszProviderDllPath,const LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfoList,DWORD dwNumberOfEntries,LPINT lpErrno);


  • lpProviderId
    [in] Pointer to a provider-selected, globally unique identifier (GUID).
  • lpszProviderDllPath
    [in] Pointer to a string containing the load path to the provider's DLL. This string observes the usual rules for path resolution and can contain embedded environment strings (such as %SystemRoot%). Such environment strings are expanded whenever the ws2.dll needs to subsequently load the provider DLL on behalf of an application. After any embedded environment strings are expanded, the ws2.dll passes the resulting string into the LoadLibrary function to load the provider into memory. For more information, see LoadLibrary.
  • lpProtocolInfoList
    [in] Points to an array of WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW structures. Each structure defines a protocol, address_family, and socket_type supported by the provider.
  • dwNumberOfEntries
    [in] Contains the number of entries in the lpProtocolInfoList array.
  • lpErrno
    [out] Pointer to the error code.

Return Values

If no error occurs, this function returns zero. Otherwise, it returns SOCKET_ERROR, and a specific error code is available in lpErrno.

The following table shows the possible error code.

Error value Description
WSAEFAULT One or more of the argumentsis not in a valid part of the user address space.
WSANO_RECOVERY Caller application is not trusted.


This routine creates the necessary common Winsock configuration information for the specified provider. It is applicable to base protocols, layered protocols, and provider chains. After this routine completes successfully, the protocol information provided in lpProtocolInfoList will be returned by the WSAEnumProtocols. Note that in Win32 environments, only instances of the ws2.dll created after a successful completion of this function will include the new entries in WSAEnumProtocols.

Any file installation or service provider-specific configuration must be performed by the caller.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ws2spi.h.
Link Library: Ws2.lib.

See Also

WSCDeinstallProvider | WSCEnumProtocols

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