Filter and Transition Properties (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the properties exposed by the supported filters in Microsoft® Windows® CE and a description of the purpose of each.

Properties Description
Color Sets or retrieves the #RRGGBB value of the color applied with the filter.
  • Shadow filter - String value that specifies or receives the color value.
  • Chroma filter - Variant that specifies the color applied to the chromakey transparency.
  • DropShadow filter - Variant that specifies the color of the drop-shadow effect.
  • Glow filter - Variant that specifies the color of the radiance applied to the object.
  • MaskFilter filter - Variant that specifies the color that is applied to transparent regions.
Direction Integer value in degrees. Sets or retrieves the direction that the filter's effect is offset.
  • 0 - Top
  • 45 - Top right
  • 90 - Right
  • 135 - Bottom right
  • 180 - Bottom
  • 225 - Bottom left. Default.
  • 270 - Default. Left
  • 315 - Top left

Applies to the Shadow filter.

Duration Floating-point value in milliseconds format (0.0000). Sets or retrieves the length of time the transition takes to complete.

Applies to Fade, RandomBars, and RandomDissolve transitions.

Enabled Boolean. Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether or not the filter is enabled.
  • true - Filter is enabled. Default.
  • false - Filter is disabled.

Applies to Alpha, BasicImage, Chroma, DropShadow, Glow, Light, MaskFilter, and Shadow filters. Applies to Fade, Pixelate, RandomBars, and RandomDissolve transitions.

FinishOpacity Integer in the range of 1 to 100. Sets or retrieves the opacity level at the end of the gradient.
  • 0 - Transparent. Default.
  • 100 - Opaque.

Applies to the Alpha filter

FinishX Integer. Sets or retrieves the horizontal position at which the opacity gradient ends. Default value is 0.

Applies to the Alpha filter.

FinishY Integer. Sets or retrieves the vertical position at which the opacity gradient ends. Default value is zero (0).

Applies to the Alpha filter.

Function Integer. Sets or retrieves the compositing operation to perform.

0 - CLEAR. Perform no operation. Default

1 - MIN. Compare the brightness of each pixel in both images, and show the less bright of the two pixels.

2 - MAX. Compare the brightness of each pixel in both images, and show the brighter of the two pixels.

3 - A. Display only Input A.

4 - A OVER B. Display Input A over Input B. All of Input A is visible, and Input B shows through translucent regions of Input A.

5 - A IN B. Display all parts of Input A that are contained in Input B. Only regions with nonzero alpha values for both images are visible, and no part of Input B shows through.

6 - A OUT B. Display all parts of Input A that are not contained in Input B. No part of Input B is displayed.

7 - A ATOP B. Display Input A covering Input B, with each sample scaled by the alpha channel of Input B.

8 - A SUBTRACT B. Display Input A with the sample color values of Input B subtracted from the corresponding sample color values of Input A. The resulting color is scaled by the alpha values of Input A.

9 - A ADD B. Display Input A with the sample color values of Input B added to the corresponding sample color values of Input A. The resulting color value is scaled by the alpha value of Input A.

10 - A XOR B. Display pixels of each set of input where the two images do not overlap. Pixels that overlap are scaled by their inverse alpha value.

19 - B. Display only Input B.

20 - B OVER A. Display Input B over Input A. All of Input B is visible, and Input A shows through translucent regions of Input B.

21 - B IN A. Display all parts of Input B that are contained in Input A. Only regions with nonzero alpha values for both images are visible, and no part of Input A shows through.

22 - B OUT A. Display all parts of Input B that are not contained in Input A. No part of Input A is displayed.

23 - B ATOP A. Display Input B over Input A, with each sample scaled by the alpha channel of Input A.

24 - B SUBTRACT A. Display Input B with the sample color values of Input A subtracted from the corresponding sample color values of Input B. The resulting color is scaled by the alpha values of Input B.

25 - B ADD A. Display Input B with the sample color values of Input A added to the corresponding sample color values of Input B. The resulting color value is scaled by the alpha value of Input B.

Applies to the Compositor filter.

GrayScale Boolean. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether content is displayed as the average of the RGB component values.
  • 1 - Display content as the grayscale average of the RGB values.
  • 0 - Display content with normal RGB values. Default.

Applies to the BasicImage filter

Invert Boolean. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the content is displayed as the complement of the RGB component values.
  • 1 - Display content as the inverse of the RGB values.
  • 0 - Display content with normal RGB values. Default.

Applies to the BasicImage filter.

Mask Boolean. Sets or retrieves whether transparent content of an object is changed to the MaskColor value.
  • 1 - Transparent content is changed to the MaskColor value.
  • 0 - Display content with normal RGB values. Default.

Applies to the BasicImage filter.

MaskColor Integer. Sets or retrieves the color used to mask transparent content of an object.
  • 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF - 32-bit RGB format color values.
  • 0x00000000 - Opaque black. Default.
MaxSquare Integer. Sets or retrieves the maximum width, in pixels, of a pixelated squares. Value can range from 2 to 50 pixels. Default value is 50.

Applies to the Pixelate transition.

Mirror Boolean. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the content display is reversed.
  • 1 - Reverse the content.
  • 0 - Display the content normally. Default.

Applies to the BasicImage filter.

OffX Integer value in pixels. Sets or retrieves the value that the drop shadow is offset from the object along the x-axis. Default value is 5
  • Positive values move the drop shadow to the right
  • Negative values move it to the left.

Applies to the DropShadow filter.

OffY Integer value in pixels. Sets or retrieves the value that the drop shadow is offset from the object along the y-axis. Default value is 5
  • Positive values move the shadow down.
  • Negative values move it up.

Applies to the DropShadow filter.

Opacity Sets or retrieves the opacity level at the beginning of the gradient.
  • For the Alpha filter, Integer value in the range of 1 to 100. Default value is zero (0).
  • For the BasicImage filter, Floating-point value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. Default value is 1.0.
Orientation String. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the filter effect is horizontal or vertical.
  • horizontal - Transition lines are horizontal. Default only for the RandomBars transition.
  • vertical - Transition lines are vertical.

Applies to the RandomBars transition.

Overlap Floating-point. Sets or retrieves the fraction of the transition's duration that both original and new content are displayed. Value can range from 0.0 to 1.0. Default value is 1.0.

Applies to the Fade transition.

Percent String. Sets or retrieves the point in a transition at which to capture the display for a static filter output. The value specifies or receives the progress of the transition, which can range from 0 to 100 percent complete.
  • 0 - Transition has not started. Default.
  • 100 - Transition is complete.

Applies to Fade, Pixelate, RandomBars, and RandomDissolve transitions.

Positive Boolean. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the filter creates a drop shadow from the nontransparent pixels of the object.
  • true - Drop shadow is created from the nontransparent pixels of the object. Default.
  • false - Drop shadow is created from the transparent pixels of the object.

Applies to the DropShadow filter.

Rotation Integer. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the content is rotated in ninety-degree increments.
  • 0 - Content is not rotated. Default.
  • 1 - Content is rotated 90 degrees.
  • 2 - Content is rotated 180 degrees.
  • 3 - Content is rotated 270 degrees.

Applies to the BasicImage filter.

StartX Integer. Sets or retrieves the horizontal position, as a percentage of the width of the object, at which the opacity gradient starts. Default value is zero (0).

Applies to the Alpha filter.

StartY Integer. Sets or retrieves the vertical position, as a percentage of the width of the object, at which the opacity gradient starts. Default value is zero (0).

Applies to the Alpha filter.

Strength Integer value in pixels. Sets or retrieves the distance, in pixels, that a filter effect extends.

For the Glow filter, default value is 5.

For the Shadow filter default value is 1.

status Integer. Retrieves the state of the transition.
  • 0 - Transition has stopped.
  • 1 - Transition has been applied.
  • 2 - Transition is playing.

Applies to Fade, Pixelate, RandomBars, and RandomDissolve transitions.

Style Integer. Sets or retrieves the shape characteristics of the opacity gradient. that specifies or receives one of the following values:
  • 0 - Uniform opacity gradient. Default
  • 1 - Linear opacity gradient.
  • 2 - Radial opacity gradient.
  • 3 - Rectangular opacity gradient.

Applies to the Alpha filter.

XRay Boolean. Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the content is displayed as a grayscale defined by the complement of the average red and green component values.
  • 1 - Display content in grayscale, using the complement of the average red and green component values.
  • 0 - Display content with normal RGB values. Default.

Applies to the BasicImage filter.

For more information about the supported properties and attributes, see this Microsoft Web site.

See Also

Adding Filters and Transitions

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