TUI UI Object Model (Windows CE 5.0)

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The TUI's user interface code resides in a number of files, contained in the directories explained in TUI Source Code Directories. Although these files provide many functions and classes, some have key roles in the TUI's user interface. This section explains these elements.

This section does not explain the CVoIPDesktopManager class, which creates and manages the instances of classes explained in this section. For more information about CVoIPDesktopManager, see CVoIPDesktopManager.

The UI object model, explained in this section, provides a hierarchy of Win32 windows, implemented with C++ classes and the ATL window functionality. For a comparison of the overall TUI object model and the TUI UI window hierarchy, see TUI Object and Window Hierarchies. For more information about how the classes in the TUI UI window hierarchy use ATL, see How TUI Uses ATL.

Note   The TUI is a sample application and does not expose an external programmable API. For these reasons, the Windows CE documentation does not include an exhaustive TUI API reference section. The information in this section is not a replacement for an API reference; instead, it introduces developers working with the TUI to the most important elements of the code. For information about an element, refer to the code.

  • CVoIPDesktop. This is the parent window in the TUI window hierarchy and receives all unhandled windows messages. It then uses the application's CVoIPDesktopManager instance to handle most of these unhandled messages.

    For more information about this class, see CVoIPDesktop.

  • CVoIPMainDialog. This is an ATL window instance provides the user interface for most screens for the section of the user interface above the context buttons. This user interface includes a list box, a status bar, and a title bar.

    For more information about this class, see CVoIPMainDialog.

  • Other TUI Windows. Most of the screens provided by the TUI use a list box to display information, and use the CVoIPMainDialog class. Those that do not use a list box, like the PIN entry and Home screens, use special-purpose classes.

    For more information about these classes, see Other TUI Windows.

  • CVoIPStateMgr. This manages implementations of the IVoIPState interface to control the main dialog displayed by the TUI application.

    For more information about this class, see CVoIPStateMgr.

  • IVoIPState and CVoIPState.

    • Each IVoIPState instance defines how the user interface controls defined by classes like CVoIPMainDialog look. It also defines what happens when the user interacts with the application using context buttons, keypad buttons, and so on.
    • The CVoIPState class is a generic parent class that provides common functionality for IVoIPState implementations. Generally there is a single IVoIPState implementation for each screen in the application.

    For more information about this interface and class, see IVoIPState and CVoIPState.

  • Display Items. The TUI application relies heavily on a list-box-driven user interface. Display items define how the list box draws individual rows in the CVoIPMainDialog list box.

    For more information about display items, see Display Items.

See Also

TUI Object Model

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