Error messages (Device Stage Visual Editor)

This topic contains Device Stage Visual Editor error messages, their causes, and their resolutions.

Error Cause Resolution
You must be in test mode to test a metadata package. Click Tools > Enter Test Mode. You will be asked to restart your computer. This error message indicates that you’ve chosen Save and Copy to Metadata Store when you are not in test mode. Enter test mode. To do so, on the Tools menu, click Enter Test Mode, and reboot. We recommend that you enter Test Mode immediately after Device Stage Visual Editor is open, before you start editing any metadata.
Task Requirement is not in the correct XML format. This error refers to the incorrect format in the Raw XML Editor of the Requirement field for a custom task. Correct the XML test. If you do not know how to proceed, refer to the field content of the same field in a non-custom, template-based task.
The content in the Category Task Description field is invalid. If you add a category or task and then try to build or save it before you have filled in all the required metadata fields with valid data, this error message appears and identifies the first field that has no data that Device Stage Visual Editor detects. Device Stage Visual Editor does not let you save a metadata package that is missing required information. Before you build or save your metadata package, make sure all the required fields have valid content.
You cannot delete a default template-based category or task. You can delete only custom added categories and tasks. You cannot delete default categories and tasks in any Device Stage Visual Editor templates because Microsoft requires them for operating system continuity that targets common device functionality. Do not try to delete template-based categories and tasks.
You cannot add a <task> or <category> from this location. Click TaskCategoryMapping and then add a task. When you attempted to add a task or category, you clicked your mouse or touchscreen pointer on something other than the TaskCategoryMapping element in the Device Experience pane. To add a new task or category, you must click your mouse or touchscreen pointer on the TaskCategoryMapping element in the Device Experience pane. The only instance when clicking the TaskCategoryMapping element is unnecessary is when you want to add one or more subtasks under a custom category. In this scenario, you click the custom category under which you want to add one or more subtasks, and then click on the toolbar.
Please restart the computer to enter test mode. You entered test mode but did not restart your computer before you tried to build your metadata package. Restart your computer to activate test mode.
The computer is no longer in test mode. You tried to exit test mode a second time but did not restart your computer the first time you exited test mode. Restart your computer to deactivate test mode.
Device:Icon needs to be in .icon format. You tried to save your metadata package but Device Stage Visual Editor detected that the file you selected for the Properties Icon field is not an .ico file. Add an .ico file to the Properties Icon field and then save your metadata package.
The metadata file should be named in the format "GUID.devicemetadata-ms". You receive this error message if you use Save as… to save your metadata package under a file name other than the default GUID or an alternate GUID you generate using the Create a GUID tool. If you want to save your metadata package under a name other than its default GUID, generate a new GUID using the Create a GUID tool and paste it in the SaveAs… dialog box. For details, see “Creating a GUID” earlier in this guide.
Exception from HRESULT:0x800A03EC The prefix name that the tool used to export local resources is too long. Limit the string length to 250 characters.
The file could not accessed. Try one of the following:
  • Make sure the specified folder exists
  • Make sure the folder that contains the file is not read-only
  • Make sure the file name does not contain any of the following characters: < > ? [ ] | or *
  • Make sure the file/path name doesn't contain more than 218 characters.
The prefix name that the tool used to export locale resources does not comply with the naming convention, or the path to the storage location does not exist. Follow the instructions in the message to change the file name and the path to the storage.
The locale file is not for this metadata package. Imported locale Resource file does not match the Metadata Packages that are currently open. Choose a matching Locale Resource file to import.


Device Stage Visual Editor v1.5 User's Guide

Windows 7 device experience



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