Q2931_ADD_PVC structure

Note   NDIS 5. x has been deprecated and is superseded by NDIS 6. x. For new NDIS driver development, see Network Drivers Starting with Windows Vista. For information about porting NDIS 5. x drivers to NDIS 6. x, see Porting NDIS 5.x Drivers to NDIS 6.0.

The Q2931_ADD_PVC structure specifies Q.2931 parameters needed by a call manager or MCM driver to add a permanent virtual connection (PVC) to its list of configured PVCs.


typedef struct _Q2931_ADD_PVC {
  ATM_ADDRESS         CalledParty;
  ATM_ADDRESS         CallingParty;
  ATM_VPIVCI          ConnectionId;
  ATM_AAL_TYPE        AALType;
  ULONG               Flags;
  ATM_PVC_SAP         LocalSap;
  ATM_PVC_SAP         DestinationSap;
  BOOLEAN             LIJIdPresent;
} Q2931_ADD_PVC, *PQ2931_ADD_PVC;


  • CalledParty
    Specifies the ATM of the called party, formatted as an ATM_ADDRESS structure. For more information about this structure, see ATM_ADDRESS.

  • CallingParty
    Specifies the ATM of the calling party, formatted an ATM_ADDRESS structure. For more information about this structure, see ATM_ADDRESS.

  • ConnectionId
    Specifies the VPI/VCI of the PVC, formatted as an ATM_VPIVCI structure. For more information about this structure, see ATM_VPIVCI.

  • AALType
    Specifies the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) type as one of the following values:

      AAL 0

      AAL 1

    • AAL_TYPE_AAL34
      AAL 3/4

      AAL 5

  • ForwardFP
    Specifies the flow parameters for the forward direction (the direction from the calling user to the called user) formatted as an ATM_FLOW_PARAMETERS structure. For more information see, ATM_FLOW_PARAMETERS.

  • BackwardFP
    Specifies the flow parameters for the backward direction (the direction from the called user to the calling user) formatted as an ATM_FLOW_PARAMETERS structure. For more information about this structure see, ATM_FLOW_PARAMETERS.

  • Flags
    The flags can be one of the following:

      Specifies that this PVC should now be used by the call manager or MCM driver as the signaling VC (the VC on which the call manager or MCM driver sends and receives signaling messages).

      Specifies that the call manager or MCM driver should use the PVC for an incoming call if a SVC cannot be used for the call. (The call manager or MCM driver can be optimized to not search for PVCs in this case.)

  • LocalSap
    Specifies the SAP of the calling user, formatted as an ATM_PVC_SAP structure. For more information about this structure, see ATM_PVC_SAP.

  • DestinationSap
    Specifies the SAP of the called user, formatted as an ATM_PVC_SAP structure. For more information about this structure, see ATM_PVC_SAP.

  • LIJIdPresent
    Reserved for future use. Clients must set this to FALSE.

  • LIJId
    Reserved for future use.


Q2931_ADD_PVC is passed in the variable-length array at Parameters in a CO_SPECIFIC_PARAMETERS structure contained in a CO_PVC structure. A connection-oriented client passes a CO_PVC structure when sending an OID_CO_ADD_PVC to a call manager or MCM driver. OID_CO_ADD_PVC adds a permanent virtual connection (PVC) to the call manager's or MCM driver's list of configured PVCs.



Atm.h (include Atm.h)

See also










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