TAPI Initialization (NDIS 5.1)

Note   NDIS 5. x has been deprecated and is superseded by NDIS 6. x. For new NDIS driver development, see Network Drivers Starting with Windows Vista. For information about porting NDIS 5. x drivers to NDIS 6. x, see Porting NDIS 5.x Drivers to NDIS 6.0.

After an NDIS WAN miniport driver has registered, been initialized and indicated that it is a TAPI provider, MiniportQueryInformationis called with an OID_TAPI_PROVIDER_INITIALIZErequest. There is a one-to-one relationship between a provider and a TAPI-capable adapter. The NDIS_TAPI_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE structure passed in the call contains a ulDeviceIDBase representing an offset. The miniport driver should add this offset to its zero-based line device identifiers when it refers to a device in subsequent OID responses. If the miniport driver manages two devices and it is passed a ulDeviceIDBase of n, those devices will be referenced in future calls as n and n+1, for example, in the ulDeviceID member passed to the miniport driver in the structure for an OID_TAPI_OPEN.

The NDIS WAN miniport driver should fill in two members of the OID structure before returning from MiniportQueryInformation. The ulNumLineDevs is set to the number of line devices supported by the adapter. The NIC driver should also set the ulProviderID member to a unique (per adapter) value. Since there is currently no means to guarantee unique ulProviderID values, a good strategy is to pass the NDIS handle passed to MiniportInitializeas the ulProviderID. The ulRequestID member of the structure is reserved for NDISTAPI and is opaque to the miniport driver.

The OID_TAPI_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE request sent to registered NDIS WAN miniport drivers is always the result of a higher-level telephony module being loaded and initialized by the first client process. A miniport driver will only receive the OID_TAPI_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE request once per adapter when the first client process on the machine makes a lineInitialize request.

Communicating Device Characteristics (NDIS 5.1)

After the NDIS WAN miniport driver has returned the number of devices it supports, its MiniportQueryInformationfunction will be called to return the capabilities of its devices with an OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CAPSand to return its device configuration with an OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CONFIG. This information describes how the WAN miniport driver models its device. For example, the same ISDN adapter can be modeled as:

  • 1 line, with 1 address, supporting 2 calls per address

  • 1 line, with 2 addresses on this line, supporting one call per address

  • 2 lines, each with 1 address, supporting 1 call per address

A miniport driver will be queried for its characteristics using these already mentioned OIDs, once for each device that it indicated in its response to OID_TAPI_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE.



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