WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo function

[ This function is obsolete for Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and later, and is no longer supported. ]

The WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo function returns a pointer to a WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW structure, which describes the characteristics of the protocol(s) supported by this helper DLL. This function is only called during setup of the WSH DLL.


INT WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo(
  _In_  LPWSTR              ProviderName,
  _Out_ LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW *ProtocolInfo,
  _Out_ LPDWORD             ProtocolInfoEntries


  • ProviderName [in]
    Pointer to a buffered null-terminated string specifying the name of the provider.

  • ProtocolInfo [out]
    Pointer to a buffer in which WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo returns the characteristics of the protocol, formatted as a WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW structure.

  • ProtocolInfoEntries [out]
    Pointer to a variable in which WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo returns the number of entries in the array returned at ProtocolInfo.

Return value

WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo returns zero if the operation was successful. Otherwise, WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo returns WSAEFAULT to indicate a problem with the input buffer parameters.


Target platform



Wsahelp.h (include Wsahelp.h)



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