Reading the Registry in an NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver

In NDIS 6.0, the NdisOpenConfigurationEx function replaces the NdisOpenConfiguration function. NdisOpenConfigurationEx receives, as parameters, an NDIS handle and a pointer to a configuration handle.

If the driver obtained the NDIS handle passed at NdisHandle by calling the NdisRegisterProtocolDriver function, NdisOpenConfigurationEx provides a configuration handle to the registry location where the protocol driver's configuration parameters are stored.

If the driver obtained the handle from the pointer at the BindParameters parameter of the ProtocolBindAdapterEx function, NdisOpenConfigurationEx provides a configuration handle to the registry location where the underlying miniport adapter configuration parameters are stored.

The protocol driver uses the configuration handle in subsequent calls to the NdisReadConfiguration and NdisWriteConfiguration functions. For more information about configuration functions, see NDIS 6.0 Configuration Functions.