CDaoDatabaseInfo Structure


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The CDaoDatabaseInfo structure contains information about a database object defined for data access objects (DAO).


struct CDaoDatabaseInfo  
    CString m_strName;       // Primary  
    BOOL m_bUpdatable;       // Primary  
    BOOL m_bTransactions;    // Primary  
    CString m_strVersion;    // Secondary  
    long m_lCollatingOrder;  // Secondary  
    short m_nQueryTimeout;   // Secondary  
    CString m_strConnect;    // All  


Uniquely names the database object. To directly retrieve this property, call CDaoDatabase::GetName. For details, see the topic "Name Property" in DAO Help.

Indicates whether changes can be made to the database. To directly retrieve this property, call CDaoDatabase::CanUpdate. For details, see the topic "Updatable Property" in DAO Help.

Indicates whether a data source supports transactions — the recording of a series of changes that can later be rolled back (canceled) or committed (saved). If a database is based on the Microsoft Jet database engine, the Transactions property is nonzero and you can use transactions. Other database engines may not support transactions. To directly retrieve this property, call CDaoDatabase::CanTransact. For details, see the topic "Transactions Property" in DAO Help.

Indicates the version of the Microsoft Jet database engine. To retrieve the value of this property directly, call the database object's GetVersion member function. For details, see the topic "Version Property" in DAO Help.

Specifies the sequence of the sort order in text for string comparison or sorting. Possible values include:

  • dbSortGeneral Use the General (English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Modern Spanish) sort order.

  • dbSortArabic Use the Arabic sort order.

  • dbSortCyrillic Use the Russian sort order.

  • dbSortCzech Use the Czech sort order.

  • dbSortDutch Use the Dutch sort order.

  • dbSortGreek Use the Greek sort order.

  • dbSortHebrew Use the Hebrew sort order.

  • dbSortHungarian Use the Hungarian sort order.

  • dbSortIcelandic Use the Icelandic sort order.

  • dbSortNorwdan Use the Norwegian or Danish sort order.

  • dbSortPDXIntl Use the Paradox International sort order.

  • dbSortPDXNor Use the Paradox Norwegian or Danish sort order.

  • dbSortPDXSwe Use the Paradox Swedish or Finnish sort order.

  • dbSortPolish Use the Polish sort order.

  • dbSortSpanish Use the Spanish sort order.

  • dbSortSwedFin Use the Swedish or Finnish sort order.

  • dbSortTurkish Use the Turkish sort order.

  • dbSortUndefined The sort order is undefined or unknown.

For more information, see the topic "Customizing Windows Registry Settings for Data Access" in DAO Help.

The number of seconds the Microsoft Jet database engine waits before a timeout error occurs when a query is run on an ODBC database. The default timeout value is 60 seconds. When QueryTimeout is set to 0, no timeout occurs; this can cause the program to stop responding. To retrieve the value of this property directly, call the database object's GetQueryTimeout member function. For details, see the topic "QueryTimeout Property" in DAO Help.

Provides information about the source of an open database. For information about connect strings, and for information about retrieving the value of this property directly, see the CDaoDatabase::GetConnect member function. For more information, see the topic "Connect Property" in DAO Help.


The database is a DAO object underlying an MFC object of class CDaoDatabase. The references to Primary, Secondary, and All above indicate how the information is returned by the CDaoWorkspace::GetDatabaseInfo member function.

Information retrieved by the CDaoWorkspace::GetDatabaseInfo member function is stored in a CDaoDatabaseInfo structure. Call GetDatabaseInfo for the CDaoWorkspace object in whose Databases collection the database object is stored. CDaoDatabaseInfo also defines a Dump member function in debug builds. You can use Dump to dump the contents of a CDaoDatabaseInfo object.


Header: afxdao.h

See Also

Structures, Styles, Callbacks, and Message Maps
CDaoWorkspace Class
CDaoDatabase Class