导出 Microsoft OneDrive 体验设置

用户的 Microsoft OneDrive 体验存储信息,以帮助用户查找并导航到他们感兴趣的内容。 最终用户可以使用下表中列出的相应产品内功能访问大部分此信息:

体验 存储的数据 用户访问权限
共享的项目 其他人与用户共享的文档列表。 它还显示用户与其他人共享的文档的视图,这是用户对其 OneDrive 帐户中项目设置的权限的视图。 从用户的 OneDrive 中选择“共享”。
移动推送通知 将通知推送到用户的 OneDrive 和 SharePoint 移动应用(如果已配置)。 这包括相关活动,例如与其共享的新文件。
管理员可以在新 SharePoint 管理中心的“设置”页上管理这些设置。
关注的网站和内容 用户可关注网站、文档或人员。
可以在 SharePoint 主页体验中查看和管理关注的网站。 此体验还显示 “最近使用的网站 ”。
从用户的 OneDrive 帐户中选择“设置”齿轮图标,选择“网站设置”,然后选择“新闻源”。 在右侧,他们可以单击“我正在关注”下的适当内容类型。
新闻源 用户活动列表,包括关注的内容、提及和配置文件更改。 用户可以使用产品内体验访问它。 从用户的 OneDrive 帐户中选择“设置”齿轮图标,选择“网站设置”,然后选择“新闻源”。
访问请求 针对内容的访问请求列表。 从用户的 OneDrive 帐户中选择“设置”齿轮图标,选择“网站设置”,然后选择“访问请求和邀请

管理员可以使用本文中的 PnP PowerShellSharePoint Client-Side 对象模型 (CSOM) 命令导出这些列表。 SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline Microsoft PowerShell 模块中包含所有必需的 CSOM 程序集。

这是一个示例脚本,可以根据组织的需求进行调整。 例如,管理员可以使用以下过程提取 其 user1@contoso.com 信息。

  1. 为自己分配对用户 OneDrive 帐户的管理员权限。 这可在 Microsoft 365 管理中心中完成

  2. 安装必需的 Microsoft PowerShell 模块:

    Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline

    Install-Module CredentialManager

  3. 运行下面的 ExportODBLists PowerShell 脚本(或自定义版本的脚本):

    $ODBSite = "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/user1_contoso_com"

    ExportODBLists.ps1 -siteUrl $ODBSite

该脚本会将上表中所述的功能存储的数据导出到多个 CSV 文件。 管理员可以在向最终用户提供它们之前对其进行审阅或修订。

如果) 找到相应的列表,该脚本 (创建以下 CSV 文件。 CSV 文件的名称对应于列表的标题。

文件 说明
(引用, <id>) .csv,其中 <id> 是字母和数字的序列 与用户共享的项列表
共享 Links.csv 用户生成的共享链接列表
userActivityFeedHiddenListF4387007-BE61-432F-8BDB-85E6B9679E4B.csv 相关活动列表
notificationSubscriptionHiddenList6D1E55DA-2564-4A22-A5F9-6C4FCAFF53DE.csv 发送给移动应用的通知列表和这些设备的应用 ID
Social.csv 已关注内容列表
MicroFeed.csv 新闻源项目列表
访问 Requests.csv 访问请求列表
SharePointHomeCacheList.csv 缓存了用户导航到 SharePoint 主页的数据。 每次用户导航到 SharePoint 主页时,都会刷新此项。

ExportODBLists 脚本

复制以下内容并将其粘贴到文本文件中。 将文件另存为 ExportODBLists.ps1。 该脚本可以使用 参数从目标列表中 exportAllFields 导出所有字段。 可以修改脚本以导出所有列表以及处理其他网站。


如果看到未加载程序集的错误,请仔细检查最新版本的 SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline PowerShell 模块的路径,如Add-Type Path 参数中定义。 计算机上的路径可能不同,或者你可能使用的是不同版本的模块, (模块版本是路径) 的一部分。

#Exports OneDrive experience settings, stored in several SharePoint lists

param([string]$siteUrl, [bool]$exportAllFields=$false, [bool]$useStoredCreds=$true, [string]$exportFolder)
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\2.26.1805.0\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\2.26.1805.0\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"

if (!$siteUrl)
    Write-Host "Please specify a OneDrive site using -siteUrl."

if ($useStoredCreds)
    Write-Host "Retrieving stored Windows credentials for $siteUrl."
    $cred = Get-StoredCredential -Target $siteUrl
    if (!$cred)
        Write-Host "Didn't find stored credential for $siteUrl. Please provide credentials to connect."
        $cred = Get-Credential
   $cred = Get-Credential

$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($cred.UserName,$cred.Password)
$webURL = $siteUrl
$ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($webURL)
$ctx.Credentials = $credentials

#root folders of lists to export
$SWMRoot = "Reference " #starts with this string
$notificationsRoot = "notificationSubscriptionHiddenList6D1E55DA25644A22"
$activityFeedRoot = "userActivityFeedHiddenListF4387007BE61432F8BDB85E6"
$accessRequestsRoot = "Access Requests"
$microfeedRoot = "PublishedFeed"
$SPHomeCacheRoot = "SharePointHomeCacheList"
$sharingLinksRoot = "Sharing Links"
$socialRoot = "Social"

#list fields to eexport
$SWMFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Title","RemoteItemPath","OwnerDisplayName","OwnerSipAddress","RemoteItemFileSystemObjectType",
$accessRequestsFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Title","RequestId","RequestedObjectTitle","RequestedObjectUrl","PermissionType","PermissionLevelRequested","RequestDate",
$microfeedFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Title","MicroBlogType","PostAuthor","RootPostOwnerID","RootPostUniqueID","ReplyCoungett","Order","ContentData")
$notificationsFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Title","SubscriptionId","PoolName","SecondaryPoolName","AppType","NotificationHandle",
$SPHomeCacheFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Author","Editor","Title","Value")
$sharingLinksFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Title","SharingDocId","ComplianceAssetId","CurrentLink","AvailableLinks")
$socialFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Author","Editor","Title","Url","Hidden","HasFeed","SocialProperties")
$activityFeedFields = @("ID","Created","Modified","Title","ActivityId","ItemId","PushNotificationsSent","EmailNotificationSent","IsActorActivity","IsRead","Order",

#get lists in the web
    $lists = $ctx.web.Lists
    write-host "$($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor red

#identify the lists to export
$listsToExport = @()
foreach($list in $lists)
    $listTitle = [string]$list.Title
    $listRoot = $list.RootFolder.Name

    Write-host ("Processing List: " + $list.Title + " with " + $list.ItemCount + " items").ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-host (">> List Root Folder: " + $listRoot) -ForegroundColor Yellow

    if ($listRoot.StartsWith($SWMRoot,"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase") -and $list.ItemCount -ge 1)
        Write-Host ">> Found: Shared With Me List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "Shared With Me List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $SWMFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $notificationsRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: Notifications List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "Notifications List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $notificationsFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $activityFeedRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: User Activity Feed List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "User Activity Feed List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $activityFeedFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $accessRequestsRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: Access Requests List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "Access Requests List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $accessRequestsFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $microfeedRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: MicroFeed List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "Microfeed List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $microfeedFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $SPHomeCacheRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: SharePoint Home Cache List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "SharePoint Home Cache List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $SPHomeCacheFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $sharingLinksRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: Sharing Links List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "Sharing Links List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $sharingLinksFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails
    elseif ($listRoot -eq $socialRoot)
        Write-Host ">> Found: Social List" -ForegroundColor Green
        $listDetails = @{listType = "Social List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listFields = $socialFields}
        $listsToExport += $listDetails


#export list function
function exportList
    Param ([string] $listTitle, [string[]]$listFields, [string]$exportFile)

    Write-Host ("Exporting List: " + $listTitle).ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host (">> File location: $exportFile") -ForegroundColor Green

    #Get the list items
    $list = $lists.GetByTitle($listTitle)
    $listItems = $list.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
    $fieldColl = $list.Fields

    if ($listFields) #if you're passing a specific set of fields, in a specific order, process those
         #Array to Hold List Items
         $listItemCollection = @()
         #Fetch each list item value to export to excel
         foreach($item in $listItems)
            $exportItem = New-Object PSObject

            Foreach ($field in $listFields)
                    if($NULL -ne $item[$field])
                        #Expand the value of Person or Lookup fields
                        $fieldType = $item[$field].GetType().name
                        if (($fieldType -eq "FieldLookupValue") -or ($fieldType -eq "FieldUserValue"))
                            $fieldValue = $item[$field].LookupValue
                        elseif ($fieldType -eq "FieldUrlValue")
                            $fieldValue = $item[$field].Url
                            $fieldValue = $item[$field]
                    $exportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $field -value $fieldValue
            #Add the object with above properties to the Array
            $listItemCollection += $exportItem
        #Export the result Array to CSV file
        $listItemCollection | Export-CSV $exportFile -NoTypeInformation
    else #export all fields for the list
         #Array to Hold List Items
         $listItemCollection = @()
         #Fetch each list item value to export to excel
         foreach($item in $listItems)
            $exportItem = New-Object PSObject
            Foreach($field in $fieldColl)
                    if($NULL -ne $item[$field.InternalName])
                        #Expand the value of Person or Lookup fields
                        $fieldType = $item[$field.InternalName].GetType().name
                        if (($fieldType -eq "FieldLookupValue") -or ($fieldType -eq "FieldUserValue"))
                            $fieldValue = $item[$field.InternalName].LookupValue
                        elseif ($fieldType -eq "FieldUrlValue")
                            $fieldValue = $item[$field].Url
                            $fieldValue = $item[$field.InternalName]
                    $exportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $field.InternalName -value $fieldValue
            #Add the object with above properties to the Array
            $listItemCollection += $exportItem
        #Export the result Array to CSV file
        $listItemCollection | Export-CSV $exportFile -NoTypeInformation


#export the lists
foreach ($list in $listsToExport)
     #if we have a valid folder for export, use it, otherwise export to the current directory
     if ($exportFolder -and (Test-Path $exportFolder -PathType Container))
         $filepath = Join-Path -Path $exportFolder -ChildPath ($list["listTitle"] + ".csv")
         $filepath = ($list["listTitle"] + ".csv")

     #export the lists
     if ($exportAllFields)
         exportList -listTitle $list["listTitle"] -exportFile $filepath
         exportList -listTitle $list["listTitle"] -listFields $list["listFields"] -exportFile $filepath