
简单命令是未参数化且不需要持久保存的命令。 可通过三种方法创建和执行简单命令。

  • 使用 Command 对象

  • 使用 Connection 对象

  • 使用 Recordset 对象

使用 Command 对象

若要使用 Command 对象创建简单命令,必须将指令分配给 Command 对象的 CommandText 属性,并为 CommandType 属性设置相应的值。 若要执行命令,需要将打开的连接分配给 Command 对象的 ActiveConnection 属性,然后对 Command 对象调用 Execute 方法。

以下代码片段演示了使用 Command 对象对数据源执行命令的基本方法。 此示例使用返回行命令,并将该命令执行的结果作为 Recordset 对象返回。

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:  
    Dim objConn As New ADODB.Connection  
    Dim objCmd As New ADODB.Command  
    Dim objRs As New ADODB.Recordset  
    objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, " & _  
                         "RequiredDate, ShippedDate " & _  
                         "FROM Orders " & _  
                         "WHERE CustomerID = 'ALFKI' " & _  
                         "ORDER BY OrderID"  
    objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText  
    ' Connect to the data source.  
    Set objConn = GetNewConnection  
    objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn  
    ' Execute once and display...  
    Set objRs = objCmd.Execute  
    Debug.Print "ALFKI"  
    Do While Not objRs.EOF  
        Debug.Print vbTab & objRs(0) & vbTab & objRs(1) & vbTab & _  
                    objRs(2) & vbTab & objRs(3)  
    'clean up  
    Set objRs = Nothing  
    Set objConn = Nothing  
    Set objCmd = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    'clean up  
    If objRs.State = adStateOpen Then  
    End If  
    If objConn.State = adStateOpen Then  
    End If  
    Set objRs = Nothing  
    Set objConn = Nothing  
    Set objCmd = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
Private Function GetNewConnection() As ADODB.Connection  
    Dim oCn As New ADODB.Connection  
    Dim sCnStr As String  
    sCnStr = "Provider='SQLOLEDB';Data Source='MySqlServer';" & _  
             "Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial Catalog='Northwind';"  
    oCn.Open sCnStr  
    If oCn.State = adStateOpen Then  
        Set GetNewConnection = oCn  
    End If  
End Function  

使用 Recordset 对象

还可以创建一个命令作为文本字符串,并将它以及命令类型 (adCmdText) 一起传递到 Recordset 对象的 Open 方法进行执行。 下面的代码片段演示了此操作。

Const DS = "MySqlServer"  
Const DB = "Northwind"  
Const DP = "SQLOLEDB"  
Dim objRs As New ADODB.Recordset  
Dim CommandText As String  
Dim ConnctionString As String  
CommandText = "SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, " & _  
                     "RequiredDate, ShippedDate " & _  
                     "FROM Orders " & _  
                     "WHERE CustomerID = 'ALFKI' " & _  
                     "ORDER BY OrderID"  
ConnectionString = "Provider=" & DP & _  
                   ";Data Source=" & DS & _  
                   ";Initial Catalog=" & DB & _  
                   ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
' Connect to data source and execute the SQL command.  
objRs.Open CommandText, ConnectionString, _  
            adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText  
Debug.Print "ALFKI"  
Do While Not objRs.EOF  
    Debug.Print vbTab & objRs(0) & vbTab & objRs(1) & vbTab & _  
                objRs(2) & vbTab & objRs(3)  
'Clean up.  
Set objRs = Nothing  

使用 Connection 对象

还可以对打开的 Connection 对象执行命令。 前面的代码示例现在变为:

Const DS = "MySqlServer"  
Const DB = "Northwind"  
Const DP = "SQLOLEDB"  
Dim objConn As New ADODB.Connection  
Dim objRs As New ADODB.Recordset  
CommandText = "SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, " & _  
                     "RequiredDate, ShippedDate " & _  
                     "FROM Orders " & _  
                     "WHERE CustomerID = 'ALFKI' " & _  
                     "ORDER BY OrderID"  
ConnectionString = "Provider=" & DP & _  
                   ";Data Source=" & DS & _  
                   ";Initial Catalog=" & DB & _  
                   ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
' Connect to the data source.  
objConn.Open ConnectionString  
' Execute command through the connection and display...  
Set objRs = objConn.Execute(CommandText)  
Debug.Print "ALFKI"  
Do While Not objRs.EOF  
    Debug.Print vbTab & objRs(0) & vbTab & objRs(1) & vbTab & _  
                objRs(2) & vbTab & objRs(3)  
'Clean up.  
Set objRs = Nothing  
Set objConn = Nothing