GetString 方法示例 (VB)

此示例演示 GetString 方法。

假设你正在调试数据访问问题,并且需要一种快速、简单的方法来打印小型 Recordset 的当前内容。

    'To integrate this code  
    'replace the data source and initial catalog values  
    'in the connection string  
Public Sub Main()  
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler  
     ' connection variables  
    Dim Cnxn As ADODB.Connection  
    Dim rstAuthors As ADODB.Recordset  
    Dim strCnxn As String  
    Dim strSQLAuthors As String  
    Dim varOutput As Variant  
     ' specific variables  
    Dim strPrompt As String  
    Dim strState As String  
     ' open connection  
    Set Cnxn = New ADODB.Connection  
    strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='MySqlServer';" & _  
        "Initial Catalog='Pubs';Integrated Security='SSPI';"  
    Cnxn.Open strCnxn  
     ' get user input  
    strPrompt = "Enter a state (CA, IN, KS, MD, MI, OR, TN, UT): "  
    strState = Trim(InputBox(strPrompt, "GetString Example"))  
     ' open recordset  
    Set rstAuthors = New ADODB.Recordset  
    strSQLAuthors = "SELECT au_fname, au_lname, address, city FROM Authors " & _  
                "WHERE state = '" & strState & "'"  
    rstAuthors.Open strSQLAuthors, Cnxn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText  
    If Not rstAuthors.EOF Then  
    ' Use all defaults: get all rows, TAB as column delimiter,  
    ' CARRIAGE RETURN as row delimiter, EMPTY-string as null delimiter  
       varOutput = rstAuthors.GetString(adClipString)  
        ' print output  
       Debug.Print "State = '" & strState & "'"  
       Debug.Print "Name             Address             City" & vbCr  
       Debug.Print varOutput  
       Debug.Print "No rows found for state = '" & strState & "'" & vbCr  
    End If  
    ' clean up  
    Set rstAuthors = Nothing  
    Set Cnxn = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    ' clean up  
    If Not rstAuthors Is Nothing Then  
        If rstAuthors.State = adStateOpen Then rstAuthors.Close  
    End If  
    Set rstAuthors = Nothing  
    If Not Cnxn Is Nothing Then  
        If Cnxn.State = adStateOpen Then Cnxn.Close  
    End If  
    Set Cnxn = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  


GetString 方法 (ADO)
记录集对象 (ADO)