设置简单 SHA


从Windows 10开始,网络访问保护平台不可用


以下示例 (SHA) 设置一个简单的系统运行状况代理,并显示两个可选操作:运行状况声明 (SoH) 更改通知和刷新 SoH 缓存。 请注意,为简单起见,main () 函数中不包含错误处理。


NAP SDK 还包含一整套示例代码,位于 ...\Samples\NetDS\NAP...SDK 安装的目录。 此示例集包括 SHA、系统运行状况验证程序 (SHV) ,以及强制客户端 (EC) 。 它具有在 SHA-SHV 和 SHA-EC 之间设置通信的完整工作 NAP 方案。


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Callback.h"
#include <NapTypes.h>
#include <NapClientManagement.h>
#include "Strsafe.h"

static const UINT32 NapSystemHealthId = 0x000137F0;

// Set GUID infoClsid equal to {08B8B292-7033-46f3-AB97-D62B6FCDC0DE}
static const GUID infoClsid = { 0x8b8b292, 0x7033, 0x46f3, { 0xab, 0x97, 0xd6, 0x2b, 0x6f, 0xcd, 0xc0, 0xde } };
static const wchar_t SHA_FRIENDLY_NAME[] = L"SHA SDK Sample";
static const wchar_t SHA_DESCRIPTION[] = L"Microsoft SHA SDK Sample";
static const wchar_t SHA_VERSION[] = L"";
static const wchar_t SHA_VENDOR_NAME[] = L"Microsoft";

// Helper Function for FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo.
HRESULT ConstructCountedString(const WCHAR* src, UINT16 len,
   CountedString* dest)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    hr = AllocateMemory(dest->string, ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)));
    dest->length = len;
    retCode = StringCchCopy(dest->string, len+1, src);
    return hr;

HRESULT FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo(NapComponentRegistrationInfo *agentInfo)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    agentInfo->id = NapSystemHealthId;
    agentInfo->infoClsid = infoClsid;
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_FRIENDLY_NAME, sizeof(SHA_FRIENDLY_NAME), &(agentInfo->friendlyName));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_DESCRIPTION, sizeof(SHA_DESCRIPTION), &(agentInfo->description));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_VERSION, sizeof(SHA_VERSION), &(agentInfo->version));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_VENDOR_NAME, sizeof(SHA_VENDOR_NAME), &(agentInfo->vendorName));
    return hr;

// Helper Function for releasing ShaComponentRegistrationInfo members
void FreeComponentRegistration(NapComponentRegistrationInfo *agentInfo)

// Registers the SHA with the NAP Server.
HRESULT CsdkShaModule::RegisterSha()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Pointer to the INapServerManagement interface
    CComPtr<INapClientManagement> m_pNAPClientMgmt = NULL;

    // Registration Information
    NapComponentRegistrationInfo m_shaInfo;
    ZeroMemory (&m_shaInfo, sizeof(m_shaInfo));
    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapClientManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"RegisterSdkSha: CoCreateInstance Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

    hr = FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo(&m_shaInfo);
       DebugPrintfW(L"RegisterSdkSha:: FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt->RegisterSystemHealthAgent(&m_shaInfo);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"RegisterSdkSha:: RegisterSystemHealthAgent failed %#x", hr);
       goto Cleanup;
       return hr;

// Unregisters the SHA with the NAP Server.
HRESULT CSdkShaModule::UnRegisterSha()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    // Pointer to the INapServerManagement interface
    CComPtr<INapClientManagement> m_pNAPClientMgmt = NULL;

    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapClientManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"UnregisterSdkSha: CoCreateInstance Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt->UnregisterSystemHealthAgent(QuarSampleSystemHealthId);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"UnregisterSdkSha: UnregisterSystemHealthAgent Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

       return hr;

// Main function
DWORD __cdecl wmain(DWORD argc, WCHAR * pArgv[])  throw()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // 1. Register Sha
    hr = RegisterSha();

    // 2. Start up COM and ATL.
    hr  = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED );

    // 3. Create Binding instance
    // pointer to the binding  interface
    CComPtr<INapSystemHealthAgentBinding> binding = NULL;
    hr = binding.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapSystemHealthAgentBinding, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    // 4. Create Callback
    // Create Callback (The code for this interface is separate)
    IShaCallbackPtr callback = NULL;
    callback = ShaCallback::CreateInstance(binding);

    // 5. Call Initialize on the binding interface
    hr = binding->Initialize(QuarSampleSystemHealthId,callback);

    // 6. Send Notify SoH Change OR Flush Cache
    hr = binding->NotifySoHChange();
    //  hr = binding->FlushCache();

    // 7. Stopping the SHA
    hr = binding->Uninitialize();
    hr = UnRegisterSha();

    return 0;

// SHA Callback 
STDMETHODIMP ShaCallback::GetFixupInfo(FixupInfo** ppStatus)
    wprintf(L"\nQA called ShaCallback::GetFixupInfo()\n");
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    assert(ppStatus != NULL);

    // The caller should free this memory using CoTaskMemFree
    hr = AllocFixupInfo(ppStatus, NUMBER_OF_HRESULTS);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       goto Cleanup;

    // SDK Note:
    // ppStatus should be filled according to the current Fix-up status. This 
    // is just a simple example
    if (g_setHealthySoh)
       (*ppStatus)->fixupMsgId = SDK_SAMPLE_GENERIC_FIXUP_SUCCESS_MSG_ID;
       (*ppStatus)->percentage = 100;
       (*ppStatus)->state = fixupStateSuccess;
       (*ppStatus)->percentage = 50;
       (*ppStatus)->state = fixupStateInProgress;

    (*ppStatus)->resultCodes.count = NUMBER_OF_HRESULTS;   // 1 HRESULT
    *((*ppStatus)->resultCodes.results) = S_OK;

        return hr;