Copy or move Outlook contacts into Business Contact Manager

If you have been using Outlook to store both types of contacts, you can copy or move your business contacts into Business Contact Manager.

There are two easy ways to move Outlook contacts into BCM contacts.

1. The recommended way is to use Import/Export functionality.

a. Launch the Import/Export by clicking File->Import and Export->Business Contact Manager for Outlook. Select Import File option and click "Next".

b. Select "Outlook Contacts Folder" from the list of option and click "Next". Next screen allows you to choose a different Outlook Contacts folder if you want.

When you click it a new dialog will appear to choose the contact folder:

c. After selecting the folder which has your contacts, click next.

d. Final screen gives information about import process. After clicking next in this screen Import begins.

Your contacts will be copied to Business Contacts. BCM also supports importing reminders, follow up flags and Categories.

2. Other way to move Outlook contacts is to drag and drop contacts into BCM contacts or accounts.

a. Open Outlook contacts.

b. Select contacts you want to move into BCM. Drag and drop them into BCM folder.

Things to remember about Importing

1. If you use Import/Export functionality method then your contacts will be copied to BCM Business Contacts folder. However if you drag and drop they will be moved. If you still want to keep original Outlook contacts you should press CTRL button during drag and drop.

2. Import/Export method copies contacts to Business Contacts folder. If you want to move them into Account folder you should use drag and drop method.

3. If your Outlook contacts have attachments, you’ll get an error in drag and drop method. BCM does not support attachments in comments field. If you use Import/Export functionality contact will get imported, however the attachment will not.

4. BCM does not import journal items attached to Outlook contacts. It imports only the contact itself.


  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2007
    I'm curious, why you developed BCM to require a seperate Contacts folder?I have over 4000 contacts, and most of them are business contacts in one way or another. It's very annoying for me to have to go through this whole list and find the ones that I want to attach to opportunities.Additionaly, I now have to keep 2 copies of those contacts updated. Why couldn't BCM not point to my existing contacts?

  • Anonymous
    May 17, 2007
    I would like to create a second Accounts folder. I want to add some user-defined fields that are not relevant to the accounts in the primary Accounts folder.How do I create a second Accounts folder. Please Advice

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2007
    BCM doesn't allow creating additional folders. Moreover, the custom fields get added at the item level. BCM store has definition of one account item, the custom field will be added at that level.

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2007
    Zinner, we hear this question a lot. Basic premise behind this design is BCM users use Business Contacts folder to store their Business Contacts and Outlook Contacts folder to store personal contact. The Business Contact form in a way is superset of Outlook contacts form, and it contains additional data fields that don't exist on Outlook Contacts. Secondly, Business Contact and other entities such as Accounts, Opportunities has hierarichal relationship. The principle of parent-child relationshiop doesn't exist in Outlook store.

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2007
    I have not found a solution that allows me to sync my BCM contacts with a Blackberry 8700c.  I can sync with the Contacts in Outlook, but not my BCM contacts.  Is the best solution to occasionally export my contacts from BCM into Outlook, creating (roughly) a mirror image data file that can by synch'ed with my Blackberry?

  • Anonymous
    July 03, 2007
    When I try the drag & drop method (with CTRL held down, or not) a new account is created under the name of the contact, NOT the name of the company.For example... outlook contact Fred Smith works for ABC Ltd. If I import, then a BCM contact is created called Fred Smith working for ABC Ltd. If I drag Fred Smith to Accounts, an account called Fred Smith is created, which is incorrect.If I remember correctly, BCM2003 had the option of importing into either Accounts, OR Contacts, so you could do one run through to pick up th eaccounts & another for the contacts, but BCM 2007 doesn't appear to have that option, so I'm now faced with the task of exporting a list of contacts to Excel, separating the Accounts & then (hopefully) importing back into BCM.I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong, but I've not yet found anything to indicate that I am!!Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.RegardsColin Foster

  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2007
    I tried to export my contacts to business manager and then leave behind the contacts in outlook, but i ran into some trouble.  First was distribution lists.  I don't see that I can create a distribution list in BCM.  I have to start with Outlook contacts.  I tried to add an account that included the distribution contacts, but emails only seem to go to the email listed for the account.  So, if i want to send an email to the salesmen at xyz company, i use my old distribution list in contacts.  This means i maintain both contacts lists.  Also, when i get an email from a new client and I right click to add the contact, it goes in the outlook contact list that I must then copy to BCM.

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2007
    Do I have lack of understanding? Business contacts and accounts are separate entities such that many contacts can be associated with each account. Saving multiple entry of the account address etc.  How does this relationship work when importing or moving contacts from Outlook since the account data is repeatedly stored with each contact? How would I import account data ie company & address details to the account folder and then (separately) import contact data that is associated with each account.Yours..stumped and confused.

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2007
    Hi BCM Team,Just read your May 23 response to Zinner's question about integration of BCM and Outlook - you can add my name to the list of people frustrated with having to keep these two separate.While I appreciate that the structure of each is different, why did you now (or why do you not) enhance BCM to replace Outlook's e-mail functionality? Other software developers are trying to integrate their packages with Outlook (Maximizer is one) and have done an almost great job of it. There is a gigantic opportunity for you guys if you decide to create an integrated product. I had BCM and stopped using it because of the frustration of maintaining two databases - things got lost or worse, deleted. You are so close to a great product.All the best - and thank you for letting me post.Gladerunner - in Vancouver.

  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2007
    I'm with some of those above, I am vigorously trying to overcome the problem of having two contact dbs -- Outlook Contacts and BCM -- and I am at the point where I will have to choose another CRM solution for my company.Is there light at the end of the BCM tunnel?Best regards,  Jack

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2007
    We need massive UPDATE of BCM Contacts. Our data come from external partner and we receive regular updates of phone, mail, etc.Import with duplicates is not the way and Import without duplicates does not update, what we need is a kind of synchronizing tool. Any help? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2007
    Unfortunately BCM doesn't have automatic sync tool with other data sources. We have received this request from multiple customers and this  feature request has already been added in the planning for next release.

  • Anonymous
    December 26, 2007
    BCMTeam,Let me begin by saying this is an awsome tool that has eased my pain a lot. I have been also looking at ways for the sync feature to work because it would allow the BCM contacts to sync with "My contacts" which would sync with my black berry.(I do have a few other suggestions/requests)I however do wonder if you can tell us what kind of time frame we are looking for this release.Also is the sync feature going to sync both ways (i.e from contact list to BCM and viz).Am I going to be allowed to right click a Contact on BCM and send an email to the contactAdditionally, is ther a future plan to have a web interface in front of this as well ?Thanks again for your response.Podhi.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2008
    I hit the same difficulties in that we needed to take over 3,000 existing Outlook contacts from a public folder and transfer them into BCM 2007, with the goal for each imported contact to end up as a BCM 2007 Account with one, set-as-primary BCM 2007 Contact, and the information appropriately split between the two (Business Address, Web Page, Notes, etc go to the Account; Home Address, Home Phone, Job Title, E-Mail Address, etc go to the Contact).  Using one of the examples from the blog, here, and some reference materials on MSDN I ended up putting together and using the following code.  Not supported, your mileage may vary, use at your own risk, no warranty expressed or implied and all that, but hopefully it'll be helpful to other people working on this particular problem that don't mind rolling up their sleeves with Outlook VBA and the object model.. . .Create a new macro in Outlook and put the following code in it.  Select one or more Outlook contacts in your "source" Outlook folder, then run the macro.  Be patient; there's no progress bar.  You may want to test this with one or two contacts, first, to verify operation.  This code does not implement any sort of duplicate checking or handling; as I used it it was for the wholesale, initial export of a bunch of Outlook contacts into a new, fresh-install BCM Account+Contacts set.. . .Sub OutlookContactExportToBCM()   ' Get a reference to the MAPI namespace   Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace   Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")   ' Get a reference to the currently selected Outlook folder   Dim currentFolder As Outlook.Folder   Set currentFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.currentFolder   ' Make sure at least one item is selected   If Application.ActiveExplorer Is Nothing Then       MsgBox "Please select an Outlook contact to export to Business Contact Manager."       Exit Sub   End If   If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection Is Nothing Then       MsgBox "Please select an Outlook contact to export to Business Contact Manager."       Exit Sub   End If   ' Get the root BCM folder   Dim olFolders As Outlook.Folders   Dim bcmRootFolder As Outlook.Folder   Dim bcmAccountsFldr As Outlook.Folder   Dim bcmContactsFldr As Outlook.Folder   Dim newAcct As Outlook.ContactItem   Dim newContact As Outlook.ContactItem   Dim userProp As Outlook.UserProperty   Dim workingCount As Integer, skippedCount As Integer   Set olFolders = objNS.Session.Folders   Set bcmRootFolder = olFolders("Business Contact Manager")   Set bcmAccountsFldr = bcmRootFolder.Folders("Accounts")   Set bcmContactsFldr = bcmRootFolder.Folders("Business Contacts")   workingCount = 0   skippedCount = 0   Dim srcCont As Outlook.ContactItem   For Each oItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection       If Not Left(oItem.MessageClass, Len("IPM.Contact")) = "IPM.Contact" Then           skippedCount = skippedCount + 1       Else           Set srcCont = oItem           ' This selected item has an Outlook IPM.Contact as its class or base class.  Export it!           ' Create a new BCM account object.           Set newAcct = bcmAccountsFldr.Items.Add("IPM.Contact.BCM.Account")           With newAcct               .FileAs = srcCont.FileAs               .CompanyName = srcCont.CompanyName               .WebPage = srcCont.WebPage               .BusinessTelephoneNumber = srcCont.BusinessTelephoneNumber               .Business2TelephoneNumber = srcCont.Business2TelephoneNumber               .BusinessFaxNumber = srcCont.BusinessFaxNumber               .MobileTelephoneNumber = srcCont.MobileTelephoneNumber               .MailingAddress = srcCont.MailingAddress               .Body = srcCont.Body               .BusinessAddress = srcCont.BusinessAddress               .Save           End With           ' Don't bother creating a BCM Contact if the Outlook source contact doesn't have a name.           If Not srcCont.FullName = "" Then               ' Create a new BCM contact object               Set newContact = bcmContactsFldr.Items.Add("IPM.Contact.BCM.Contact")               With newContact                   Set userProp = .UserProperties.Add("Parent Entity EntryID", olText, False, False)                   userProp.Value = newAcct.EntryID                   .FileAs = srcCont.FullName                   .FullName = srcCont.FullName                   .CompanyName = srcCont.CompanyName                   .JobTitle = srcCont.JobTitle                   .Email1Address = srcCont.Email1Address                   .Email1AddressType = srcCont.Email1AddressType                   .Email1DisplayName = srcCont.Email1DisplayName                   .BusinessTelephoneNumber = srcCont.BusinessTelephoneNumber                   .Business2TelephoneNumber = srcCont.Business2TelephoneNumber                   .BusinessFaxNumber = srcCont.BusinessFaxNumber                   .MobileTelephoneNumber = srcCont.MobileTelephoneNumber                   .HomeTelephoneNumber = srcCont.HomeTelephoneNumber                   .HomeAddress = srcCont.HomeAddress                   .Save               End With               ' Set the new contact as the primary contact of the account.               Set userProp = newAcct.UserProperties.Add("PrimaryContactEntryID", olText, False, False)               userProp.Value = newContact.EntryID               newAcct.Save           End If           workingCount = workingCount + 1       End If   Next   Set userProp = Nothing   Set newAcct = Nothing   Set newContact = Nothing   Set bcmContactsFldr = Nothing   Set bcmAccountsFldr = Nothing   Set bcmRootFolder = Nothing   Set olFolders = Nothing   Set objNS = Nothing   Set olApp = Nothing   If skippedCount = 0 Then       MsgBox "Exported " & workingCount & " Outlook contacts into Business Contact Manager accounts with primary contacts.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Export Contacts to BCM"   Else       MsgBox "Exported " & workingCount & " Outlook contact(s) into Business Contact Manager accounts with primary contacts.  Note that " & skippedCount & " selected source items were not Outlook Contact items (IPM.Contact base class) and were NOT exported.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Export Contacts to BCM"   End IfEnd Sub

  • Anonymous
    January 02, 2008
    Thanks Chadhiatt. We are working in the same way and dvpd somtehing similar...It's a pitty we cannot still use a foreseable MS more complete import tool, after all more or less the same work has already been done to import ACT! or to sync with portable devices... but we need also to import historical oportunities and not only for initial load but also for periodical updates. We plan an VBA code that reads an excel and updates/create the SQL data using the well documented (msdn bcm developer guide)after your experience, is this the best way or may you guess another way?

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2008
    Initially, I had considered doing direct SQL INSERTs and UPDATEs against the BCM database for application extension and integration.  The more I examined the BCM SQL model, and the more I understood that the BCM team had a stated intention of not releasing full documentation for the SQL map, I decided that direct INSERTs and UPDATEs would be far too risky -- unintended consequences, breaking of synchronization features, breaking of interface features, breaking of versioning and audit tracking, breaking of Office Accounting integration, and so forth.I only use direct SQL to BCM when I need to SELECT from it for performance.  In all cases when I need to change something in the BCM data, I access it through the Outlook object model, which lets BCM handle all the appropriate SQL data changes.I do have a pending need to manipulate BCM data from a server instead of a client (implementing basic web-based updates and new item creation in BCM); I'll probably resort to using managed code in VS against the Outlook object model in a virtual machine to do the implementation.  It has a number of drawbacks, but minimizes the risk of corrupting BCM inherent in changing the SQL data directly.I'd eagerly welcome the BCM team's documentation on their SQL schema and implementation so I could do direct updates of the SQL data and have it reflect down to the BCM 2007 clients.  I'm presuming BCM on the client would be capable of then creating the appropriate Outlook objects to match the updated SQL data.

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2008
    Sorry - but don't understand most of this. I just want to get my 2003 BCM backup file loaded into the 2007 version - can anyone point me in that direstion. Would be appreciatedBenny

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2008
    I was just wondering if anyone has worked out the dual contact lists yet. My problem is that I am a user of exchange and I use exchange activesync.  And yes my phone is a treo(palm) no way to get business contacts there.  My buddys has the same problem with his blackberry. I wish bcm made use of your default cantacts calander and tasks so that it just worked with all the other systems out there.And even if i had a windows mobile based phone, i wish that the addin would somehow work with exchange activesync.  I don't connect my phone to my computer ever right now, everything is real time, it is great.

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2008
    I would really appreciate some assistance if possible.installed months ago and still at a total loss.  I have read tried a numnber of ways to transfer my contacts to BCM (I have almost 5000)- I always get error messages.TRANSFERRING CONTACTS TO BCM USING IMPORTFreezes often in early stages.  Also the few contacts actually imported seem to be older contacts – no recent ones can be seen.  Are imports picked up from first date?.Using IMPORT files (almost 5000)Accepted about 600 contacts then crashed.ERROR MESSAGE READS“While your data was being imported, one or more errors may have occurred. Please review the log file for more information.Unable to save the Business Contact object, Violation of PRIMARY KEY onstraint 'PK_ContactCategoriesTable'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ContactCategoriesTable'.The statement has been terminated.”......................................................After reading the above I also tried the Drag & Drop suggestion:-TRANSFERRING CONTACTS TO BCM VIA DRAG/DROPUsing Drag & Drop with small numbers plus trying contacts individual.ERROR MESSAGES“Cannot move the items. Violation of UNIQE KEY constraint ‘IX_ContactAdditionalPropertyBag’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.ContactAddionalPropertyBag’. the statement has been terminated”SO CAN ANYONE OFFER A SOLUTION OR ANY ASSISTANCE PLEASE ???Notes - A couple of points to assist in assessmentI Have numerous CategoriesHave a number of Contacts with an attachment Have my own custom forms (about 4 different ones used over the years for Contacts Have 2 Contact folders in pst file (old one and new one) I am getting to the point of uninstalling and attempting to re-install 2003... But after all the work done so far I would really prefer not to.Thank you in advance.VIKKI

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    Hi Vikki,Is it possible to send the bcm file to BCMISVX__AT__microsoft.comPlease note that there are no underscores above.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2008
    Just wondering if anyone has found a solution to the issue of imports of outlook contacts & not being able to import them into Accounts, yet?My earlier post (currently 6th from the top) explains further.Cheers

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2008
    BCMTEAM said above "Zinner, we hear this question a lot. Basic premise behind this design is BCM users use Business Contacts folder to store their Business Contacts and Outlook Contacts folder to store personal contact."Your basic premise seems flawed to me.  Why would ordinary business people (who are not software jockeys) want multiple contact databases.  Furthermore, why would they consider using one that will not import one of the most relevant data fields from their existing database, i.e. "Company".  Do you think people, such as those with 3,000 - 4,000 contacts are going to manually enter the company name for all those?  Or will they chose another solution that allows them to do something very basic and fundamental to using and maintaining their existing contact database, which is to keep the company name associated with the contact person.  I understand that BCM is hierchichal & relationship oriented, but to NOT facilitate the import and ongoing maintenance of that key data field is very perplexing.  Normally, business people want to reduce the barriers to adoption.  Here, the opposite seems to be the rule.

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2008
    "Your basic premise seems flawed to me.  Why would ordinary business people (who are not software jockeys) want multiple contact databases.  Furthermore, why would they consider using one that will not import one of the most relevant data fields from their existing database, i.e. "Company".  Do you think people, such as those with 3,000 - 4,000 contacts are going to manually enter the company name for all those? "I don't see what the problem is here:1) I can move or copy contacts to BCM using drag and drop and Company name appears.  Remember you can also Right-click and drag and get prompt for Move or Copy.  You can also pick to drag contacts to Accounts or to Business Contacts depending on what you want. It is your choice.2) You don't *have to use outlook Contact after you move your contacts to BCM.  You can empty it or remove it (have not tried that).  Remember BCM can be a shared database. You probably don't want your sisters contact info in a shared BCM, that is why you may *want to keep your personal contacts in the local store.--wjs

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2008
    How do prevent from creating duplicate contacts in Business Contact Manager (BCM) when moving contacts from my outlook contacts to BCM?For example, say I was moving a number of contacts from 'my contacts' over to BCM but some of the contacts already existed in BCM, how will I know?  I tested it by deliberately moving a contact over twice and it just duplicates the contact in BCM leaving me with two of the same contact.

  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2008
    You can do that by using Import/Export Feaure in BCM. Please follow the topic explained on this page above i.e. "Copy or move Outlook contacts into Business Contact Manager"ThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2008
    Forgive me if I am being more than usually stupid, but the problem I am having is getting data to import from excel where I have 2 (or even 3) street addresses.  BCM appears only to support Business Street 1.  I have tried concatinating the fields, but I dont fancy having to sperate them out again later when I mail merge & anyway they spoil the look of the Buisness Card feature!How has everyone else managed it.  I have custom data in the xls, so importing into contacts first and then moving across doesnt work as the custom data does not map into the standard form.  Is there a patch for this oversight or a work around?With thanks in advanceJames

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2008
    When I first was importing our information into BCM, we did not map over the notes field from outlook to the comments section in BCM.  Unfortunately, we really need those notes sections in BCM.  I know that you can simply update contacts in regular outlook by importing them--is there any way to do this in BCM? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2008
    Hi You can re-import from the same .bcm file.Make sure you select "Dont import duplicates" on the wizard Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2008
    Thanks for the information.  I'm sorry, but I don't exactly what you mean.  Is there a way we could discuss off-board? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2008
    Hi So how did you import your contacts from Outlook Contact Folder to Business Contact? If you go to Business Contact Manager (Menu item) |Database Tools | Import and Export ... On the Wizard import from Outlook Contact Folder. This will import all the contacts with fields properly mapped to Business contacts. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2008
    That's actually what i did.  The problem is that i did not map the notes section to the newly named Comments section.  I would like to just import the contacts from Outlook, updating only the comment/note section. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2008
    Hi The thing i'm not understaning is that the mapping is automatically done by the import and export utility. The user doesnt have control over what to map. how did u manage not to map Notes? Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2008
    when you import from a pst into bcm, you can choose what fields to map over from that pst.  In regular outlook the field is called "Notes" and in BCM it is called "Comments" so it doesn't automatically map the information over.  That is what the problem was.  Can I just update my contacts through reimporting without duplicates?  I tried it, but since the names were the same, but the notes/comments section was different, it didn't import my update.

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2008
    I am a real estate broker and far from knowing what I am doing or how to manipulate code. This is how I am using BCM:

  1. Bus. Contacts are clients, which include property owners.
  2. Accounts, I don't really have a purpose to use.
  3. Opportunities are property listings for sale or lease. My problem is that I have one property owner (contact) that may own multiple properties. Plus, the property may have multiple tenants (additional Bus. Contacts). From what I can tell the best way for me to set-up my database is to make each property a Bus. Project with the link-to being the property owner and related contacts and business contacts as tenants, brokers representing owner, etc. Now my problem, I have about 2,500 records with about 50 fields that I can import from a csv file, but I can't find any way to import as a Bus. Project. Any advice you can offer would be appreciated.
  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2008
    I appreciate that BCM assumes that my contact folder is for personal. That said I have the issue that my corporate exchange server syncs to my Outlook contacts and OMA push syncs those contacts to my phone BCM Mobile is a big step backwards in dialing and phone support. What is your recommendation to keep my BCM contacts sync'd with Outlook contacts? Is there a way to make my BCM contact list the primary Exchange server contact folder?

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2010
    I'm using outlook and BCM 2007 for the first time and want to add a subset of my outlook contacts in to the business contacts. I can add ALL the contacts successfully or one at a time, but is there a way of filtering a subset? -  I can filter the view in outlook but the import still takes all my contacts.

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
    Hello BCM Team, I desperately need your help! I am trying to import Leads from an Excel file to BCM 2010 and I receive the same error message in the log for all of them at the end: "Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not import the Contact "John Doe" because "Unable to save the Business Contact object, Object reference not set to an instance of an object.."" I have also tried saving it as a CSV and importing, but it still doesn't work. All the mapped fields have the correct data format, so I'm not sure what is wrong here. I'm following the correct steps, but still getting this message, please help! Thanks, Jesse

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
    Ok, here you go: Available Fields > Mapped From Business City > Business City Business Phone > Business Phone Business State/Province > Business State/ Province Comments > Comments Company > Company Company Main Phone > Company Main Phone Email > Email Full Name > Full Name Job Title > Job Title Local HQ > Local HQ (this is scoring criteria) Previous Interaction > Previous Interaction (scoring criteria) Recycling Opportunity > No Recycling Program Info (scoring criteria) Referral > EPA Request (scoring criteria) Revenue/Employees Sweet Spot > Revenue Sweet Spot (scoring criteria) Source > Source Stand Alone Format > Stand Alone Format (scoring criteria) Sustainability Opportunity > No Sustainability Info on SIte (scoring criteria) Web page address > Web page address Thanks, Jesse

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2010
    BCM Team, Is there a way to sync BCM 2010 contacts with a smart phone (iPhone) without having to duplicate the BCM contacts db in Outlook contacts?  This seems to be a reoccurring question but I did not know if it was address in 2010.

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2010
    How do I use the contact mirroring feature?

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2010
    I found this following statement in Microsoft's own online documentation listed under "Outlook 2010 with Business Contact Manager features and benefits"

  • Synchronize Business Contacts with Outlook, SharePoint, or Windows Live Contacts. View and edit your Business Contacts from anywhere you can access Outlook Contacts. Bidirectional Synchronization between Business Contacts and Outlook Contacts ensure that both copies are always up-to-date. This is what everyone is looking for but I can't find how to make it happen.  Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Ben

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2010
    Hi I would like to use BCM together with office 2010. Our company customer database is in Outlook with several thousand customers. Everyone in the company can access it and actualize it (several people within the company may work on the same customer account). If I copy the main customer database to BCM, how can I make sure it always stays actualized? Can it be automatically synchronized? Or do I  have to reimport somehow the actualized list every few days? I guess this is complicated and timeconsuming.

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2010
    I have to add: The company customer database can be accessed in outlook under Public Folders.

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2010
    I have a database of Customers with one-to-many relationship to Contacts.  Using Import feature of BCM 2007, I'd like to import customers into Accounts and contacts into business contacts while maintaining the relationship.  I don't see an account id field when importing business contacts.  How you I do this? TIA, Josh

  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2011
    I am having a nearly identical problem to Jesse above. I am trying to import Business Contacts from a CSV file to BCM 2010 and I receive the same error message in the log : "Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not import the Contact "John Doe" because "Unable to save the Business Contact object, Object reference not set to an instance of an object.."" I previously imported accounts and they mapped and imported with no issue. Now I am trying to import the associated Business Contacts, but nothing comes over. The CSV is a relatively large file (nearly 65K rows), but the field mapping is simple. Every field in the source file has a place to map in the destination. I can't see why it's not working. Any ideas?

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2013
    I contain to put in: The corporation purchaser file can be access in viewpoint beneath community Folders. <a href="">import and export business</a>