Frequently Asked Questions-Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007

How to get and install Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007?

 Business Contact Manager is part of following retail Office SKU as "Office CD2"

  • Microsoft Office 2007 Professional
  • Microsoft Office 2007 Small Business
  • Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate

It's available for trial download in Professional and Small Business SKU as "Download2". You can download and install it from Microsoft Office Online Web site.

Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 can be installed only after supported version of Office SKU is installed. Since Business Contact Manager is extension to Outlook, Outlook 2007 needs to be present on the machine. For more information, please click here.

How do I upgrade 2003 version to 2007 version?

Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 is not supported with Outlook 2007 version. If you have been using BCM for Outlook 2003 and upgrade Office to 2007 version, BCM will be disabled. However, your BCM data are not impacted. Once you upgrade BCM to 2007 version, you will be able to migrate your data to new version.

If you have copy of 2007 version of BCM, you can upgrade older version. Here are some helpful tips.

  1. Setup program for new BCM first uninstalls 2003 version, cleans outlook profile and then installs 2007 version. Before you install, please ensure that Outlook is not running. Sometime Outlook.exe might be running in background. If Outlook is running while older version of BCM is uninstalled it might leave some traces like registry keys, resulting in setup failure for newer version.
  2. If you see any failure during setup (except SQL setup failure), possibly older version left some traces. Please verify in Add/Remove that Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 is uninstalled. If you see the entry, please remove it through Add/Remove program and retry 2007 setup. 
  3.  If it don't see entry for Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 in add/remove program, please check if registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Business Solutions eCRM] exists. If yes, export this registry key with all sub-keys to backup and delete this key with all sub-key. Retry 2007 Setup.
  4. If your BCM 2007 setup was successful and you don't see BCM first use wizard when starting Outlook, most likely the profile didn't get cleaned properly. You will need to remove Business Contact Manager store from the profile and configure BCM. To do that follow these steps:
    • Right click Outlook entry on Windows start menu and select "Properties". This will bring Outlook profile configuration dialog.
    • Click "Show Profiles". Select your Outlook profile and click "Properties"
    • Click "Data Files". In the next dialog, select the entry that says "Business Contact Manager" and click "Remove". Not that this is only removing BCM entry from Outlook profiles. Your data remains intact. Dismiss all the dialogs.
    • Restart Outlook. You are probably not going to see BCM wizard. Click Help->Configure Business Contact Manager to launch the configuration wizard.
    • Follow through the wizard to complete the configuration. This will provide option to select old database and migrate to newer version.

 What are the key new features of Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007?

Customization - Tailor Business Contact Manager for Outlook to fit your business needs by customizing forms, lists, and reports.

Marketing Campaigns - Manage and measure the effectiveness of the marketing content that you create. Promote your brand, quickly see which Marketing Campaigns help you generate more business, and improve customer satisfaction. If you have created Marketing Campaigns before, Business Contact Manager for Outlook helps you distribute the Marketing Campaigns more effectively. If you're new to marketing your business, Business Contact Manager for Outlook guides you through the process.

Business Projects and Project Tasks - Manage your time and business better by using the Business Project feature. Business Projects give you a single place to store all related project information, tasks, and assignments so that you can quickly see who's doing what project task, and its due date. Easily share project information across your company. For example, you can assign project tasks to colleagues, which they can see in their To-Do Bar. 

Offline - Take your data with you on your portable computer so that you can see how your business is doing at any time. View reports, follow up with customers, create new Business Projects, or just update Account and Business Contact information. When you return to your office, it is easy to synchronize the information.

Business Contact Manager for Outlook E-Mail Marketing Service - By combining the power of the E-mail Marketing Service* with Business Contact Manager for Outlook, you can send specifically targeted e-mailings to your customers, and keep track of the responses to your e-mailings. The E-mail Marketing Service is free to try and provides a cost-effective and powerful way to reach your customers in a personal way. To use the E-mail Marketing Service, create a Marketing Campaign, and then select the Campaign Type as E-mail and the Delivery Method as E-mail Marketing Service.

Home Page - Get a complete view of critical information through the centralized home page. This customizable home page helps you summarize your important business metrics and prioritize business tasks.

Leads or prospects - Differentiate leads or prospects from existing Business Contacts, and create customized reports.

Search Folders - Use Search Folders to gather Accounts, Business Contacts, Opportunities, Business Projects, or communication history items into a folder based on your criteria, such as all Business Contacts with an Excellent rating.

Improved Features!  

Reports - Use one of the more than 50 reports to see the state of Accounts, Business Contacts, leads, Opportunities, activities, Business Projects, and Marketing Campaigns. Use the new report filtering capabilities to easily sort and filter data, and then export it to Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for further analysis.

Integration with accounting applications - When you combine Business Contact Manager for Outlook with supported accounting applications, your Business Contact information and financial history are seamlessly integrated. Sales opportunities can be easily converted into quotes, sales orders, and invoices in your accounting application. Go to the Microsoft Office Accounting Web site to see a list of supported accounting applications.

Sharing of customer data and communication history across your business - Sharing Accounts, Business Contacts, leads or prospects, and Opportunities gives you and your colleagues a rich view of all communications that your company has had with each customer. This feature gives everyone the shared customer history data that they need to respond faster and serve customers better.

Opportunities - Quickly organize, manage, and track all of your Opportunities, including details such as sales stage, potential value, and estimated close date, so you can assess potential sales and make better-informed business decisions.

Communication History - Enjoy immediate access to the history of your customer interactions. Items stored in the Communication History folder include business notes, phone logs, Opportunities, Business Projects, tasks, e-mail messages, appointments, and files. It's easy to share this communication history with your colleagues.

Import and Export - Easily import and export data from or to various applications and formats, including ACT!, QuickBooks, Access, Excel and many others. The enhanced mapping capabilities make it simple to transfer information from other applications that may have different fields than Business Contact Manager for Outlook.

Can I sync Business Contacts data to mobile device?

You can sync your Business Contacts Manager data on Pocket PC device running Windows Mobile 5.0.  You must first install Business Contacts for Pocket PC. To download and install Business Contacts for Pocket PC, Click Here, which also includes information and tips about synchronizing your Business Contacts with your mobile device.

Mobile version of Business Contact Manager is not available for any other platform such as Smartphone running WM5.0, Blackberry or Palm.

Can I share Business Contact Manager data with other users in my company? Can I host database on SQL Server 2005/Small Business Server?

Yes, Business Contact Manager data can be shared by multiple clients connected on LAN in a workgroup or domain mode. The simplest way is to setup Office and Business Contact Manager on one machine, configure Business Contact Manager and enable database sharing through Business Contact Manager->Database Tools->Share Database menu. A wizard will walk through the process. Only database creator or machine administrator can enable shared mode of the database. At the end of sharing wizard, an HTML page is generated with instructions other users can follow to connect to shared database.  With 2007 version, you can also take database offline.

Number of users that can simultaneously connect to shared-database will depend on server configuration, size of database and LAN speed. This product is designed for small businesses so you might not get desired functionality/performance  if you need to support large number of users (usually > 25). There is no notion of roles. All users have access to all data. There are certain operations that are limited to database owner such as backup, restore, adding custom field, and hard-deleting records.

Yes, database can be hosted on SQL Server 2005 running on Small Business Server or Windows Server. For more information, refer to whitepaper. Click here.

How to resolve "Database Creation Unsuccesful" issue when configuring Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 first-time?

In rare situation, database creation might fail during BCM first-use wizard. This could primarily be caused by permission issue on the folder where BCM database is stored. If you hit database creation failed issue, close Outlook, follow these steps and try BCM configuration again.

On Windows XP

  1. Show hidden folders by doing the following:
    • Open Windows Explorer and select "Tools | Folder Options..." from the menu
    • Click the "View" tab and make sure that "Show hidden files and folders" is selected
    • Click "OK"
  2. Click on the "My Computer" link in the left-hand navigation pane of  Windows Explorer
  3. Navigate to the following folder, where <user> is your XP user name: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft
  4. Right-click on the "Business Contact Manager" folder and select "Properties"
    • Select the "Security" tab
    • If "NETWORK SERVICE" is not listed in the "Group or user names:" list, click "Add..."
    • Type "Network Service" and click "Check Names" to ensure the name resolves correctly.  If it resolves correctly, you'll see the text change to all uppercase and underlined.
    • Click "OK"
    • Select "NETWORK SERVICE" from the list of users and check the following permissions: Read, Write

On Vista, similar to above except the folder path is C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Microsoft


  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2007
    We have created a page with freequently asked questions. Please visit this page. We will update this

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2007
    where is the question and answer.. how do you complete installation of CD2 message "failed to load"

  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2007
    We are working on a blog post that will provide guidance on setup issues.

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2007
    Hi AllWith regard to white paper on hosting the BCM database on an remote SQL server is there an updated doc that is avaliable? Becasue the current one point to TR BuildThanksRaul Thomas

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2007
    Raul,Most of the information in the whitepaper is applicable to RTM version of BCM except following changes.There is a typo in whitepaper in SQL command given at the bottom of page 9. The paper missed a quote before Create Database command.The directory structure for the SQL script files that paper mentions have changed. Now, all SQL files resides in C:Program FilesMicrosoft Small BusinessBusiness Contact Manageren-US -Mukesh

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2007
    Can you please clarify which volume license versions of Office include BCM?

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2007
    David,Please refer to note 1 on the suite comparison page ("Volume License customers who purchase Office Professional Plus 2007 or Office Enterprise 2007 may request installation media for Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager through their reseller or download the product by visiting the volume licensing services Web site."HTH,Ron

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2007
    Can you tell me if it is posisble to run BCM 2007 in a terminal server environment?  This was not possible in 2003

  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2007
    Not sure where to post this, howver here goes.I have recently installed Office Small Business 2007 Trial on my Laptop where I have been using 2003 without any issues.  After installing I found SQL Server was taking 850meg of RAM while Outlook is running.  After some playing I've found that IF you Snooze Indexing prior to launching Outlook SQL Server seems to max out at about 125meg of RAM.  As soon as you allow indexing to start the SQL Server Service starts taking RAM and continues to rise to 850meg.IS there anywhere that the RAM available to SQL Server can be capped at a maximum??

  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2007
    agmns,In general we recommend that the SQL Server defaults be used, as this lets SQL optimize it's memory usage as appropriate.  In certain situations memory usage may spike, but SQL will release this memory if other applications require it.That said, you can configure SQL to limit it's max memory usage via the following steps:As an administrator, open a command window and run:sqlcmd -E -S .MSSMLBIZAt the prompt, run the following sequence of commands:sp_configure 'show advanced option', '1'goRECONFIGUREgosp_configure 'max server memory', '200'goRECONFIGUREgoYou can replace the '200' above with however many megagbytes you would like to limit SQL Server to use.  It's strongly advised that you do not go below 100mb under any circumstances as this will adversely affect performance.  Depending on the size of your data you may need to raise the limit.  If you find you need to undo the changes, the default value for 'max server memory' is '2147483647'.-Scott

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2007
    If we are only going to use a BCM database on a shared server, is it OK to disable the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) Service on the workstations that have BCM installed? What about the SQL Server Active Directory Helper and SQL Server Browser? For that matter, can we uninstall SQL Server 2005 from the workstations altogether?

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2007
    Schrag,Theoratically BCM should function if you disable SQL service while using remote database but this is untested/unsupported scenario. If you are using Offline functionality, local SQL server is required.

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2007
    I have added information on 2003 to 2007 upgrade issues and database creation issues.

  • Anonymous
    February 15, 2007
    Are there any plans to make BCM available via OWA via Exhange as a server based application or will BCM always be a client side application?

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2007
    Hi AllWith regard to the database creation issue on some case we are not able to find the secuirty tab when you go to the properties of that specfic folder,in such senario's is there an alternative solution to add the Network Service optionRegardsRaul Thomas

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2007
    Hi Raul,You will find the "Security tab" if you have NTFS file system (not FAT32) on the hard drive where BCM is installed.

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2007
    Hi AllThanks for you response,you all have been of great help :)Also with regard to database creation are there any implications if i changes the log on as service from Network Service to Local System by going to start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration tools > SQL Server configuration Manager > select SQL  Server 2005 Services > right click the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) and go to propertiesRegardsRaul Thomas

  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2007
    Do you have a time frame for when BCM 2007 for the Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone will be available? Do you know of a workaround in the meantime? Is there a prerelease version available for testing?

  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2007
    Need some data migration tips:  I would like to migrate BCM 2003 data to a clean install of BCM 2007 on a new machine.  Is there any conversion required before moving the data?  Anything specific I need to know about BUsiness Contacts for Pocket PC?  I had been using Pocket mirror for the 2003 BCM sync to my phone.  Thanks...

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2007
    In BCM 2003, you can backup the database. It will create a file with extension .msbcm. In BCM 2007, configure a new database and restore the .MSBCM file. BCM will automatically migrate the data. Pocket mirror is non-MS app and I don't know it's compatibility with BCM 2007.

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2007
    RCarrier, It's currently under development. We don't yet have any release schedule.

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2007
    So, you say that Business Contact Manager can integrate with accounting packages and there's a link to take me to a site that would list the supported accounting applications. However it takes me to a site about Microsoft Office Accounting. Does this mean that Business Contact Manager 2007 can only access Microsoft Office Accounting 2007, and not any non-Microsoft accounting apps? I can't seem to find anything that just tells me straight up.Andrea

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2007
    In BCM 2007 reports there are a few key fields missing, for example "Company".  Is there any updates coming soon that will resolve this?In the meantime, is there a way to bulk copy data from a field to a new user-defined field, which do show up in the reports?

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2007
    So, my story goes like this:I installed Office 2007 Pro in February, everything went smooth until last week when I installed a software for invoices, software that installed also MSSQL 7. After that, my BCM died. I was unable to find my databases, finally I end up uninstalling the Invoice software. I also uninstalled BCM, and SQL. Now I fail to install BCM every time I try. Now I have installed SQL 2005 Express, which I installed separate from BCM.I saved the error log from the BCM installation process.Any ideas?

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2007
    Andrea,The APIs to link to BCM entities are open and documented. Currently, Microsoft doesn't know of any other application that links to BCM.

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2007
    WKOrber,The next update for BCM 2007 will be SP1 but it's is not planned anytime soon. You can bulk copy one field to custom field through a simple VB macro.-Mukesh

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2007
    can I send you somehow the Error log from the install of BCM?

  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2007
    Hi,As anyone ever thought of a way to schedule calls in BCM?That's a pretty basic contact management feature that isn't handled by BCM.Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2007
    Can you tell me why linking opportunities is limited to only one record?  In our situation each opportunity involves numerous contacts and contacts could be involved in numerous opportunities.  Is there any way to  change this to allow for this?

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2007
    I have just installed BCM and will use it to manage 240 current projects.  Each of these projects includes almost exactly the same set of tasks.  Is there anyway to build a template or copy a blank project (with tasks already listed) to avoid re-keying for each project?

  • Anonymous
    June 27, 2007
    I have installed BCM and managing some projects using it.Now some project tasks are finished and some projects will finished.After managing projects and tasks using BCM there will be a lot of finished projects and tasks in same folder.I hope there is a way to archive finished projects and tasks in seperate folders.Please also reply to my email address in 'Your URL'.

  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2007
    Will there, in the near future, be a release of the databasetool which will support languages other than English? For example Dutch.Thanks in advance,Sven

  • Anonymous
    October 02, 2007
    PROBLEMThe installation of BCM for Outlook 2007 aborts at the creation of MSSMLBIZ.  TESTSBy way of a test, I was able to install SQL Server Express 2005 from the Microsoft website, and I am running the .Net 2.0 framework.  I tried to install BCM with SQL SE 2005 present.  It was unable to create MSSMLBIZ.  I then removed SQL SE 2005, and tried to install BCM again. It was unable to create MSSMLBIZ.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftBusiness Solutions eCRM  ..... does not exist.C:Documents and Settings<user>Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoft does not contain a folder called Business Contact Manager.Rather than clog this blog, I have posted the relevant log files here  I have no idea what to try next, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2007
    Permission Errors following installation of BCM for Outlook 2007I recently installed BCM 2007 on a desktop using the Vista operating system.  Each time i try to create or edit an Account in the details mode I recieve a "you don't have appropriate permission to perform this operation" error.I had previously used the trial version of Office Professional 2007 and the BCM functioned properly.  Any ideas what is causing the permission errors?  

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2007
    This would happen if your trial license for Office expired. Do you have a valid  small business, professional or ultimate license?

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2007
    Sven,Thanks for you feedback. Supporting the database tool for other languages has been added as feature request for next release.-Mukesh

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2007
    Again about creating an oportunity for multiple business contacts.As a result of a marketing campaign we have detected many oportunities to sell lets say service S. We need to create the same oportunity for the multiple customers (many hundreds) who answered the campaign but as binnacle noted above we cannot link an op. to multiple contacts, as we can f.i. for sending a marketing campaign with EMS. Any idea?. Tnanks.

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2007
    bcmteamCan you point me to the blog that you mention above in reference to creating VB macros.  I would like to create my own project template.  I have searched and am having a difficult time finding the blog you have referenced.Thanks.Dawn Marie

  • Anonymous
    November 19, 2007
    Outlook team has it's own blog. There was a recent post about programming in  Outlook. Direct link to the post is

  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2007
    Hi,is it possible to deploy the BCM-Connection via an outlook-profile-file (.prf)?I set up a remote sql server and established a connection but i am not able to push this configuration automatically.thanks and greets.Oliver

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2007
    Oli4711, unfortunately BCM store can't be created with .PRF file. If you want to create a BCM database on Remote Server, we released a tool. That tool will allow you to create DB without needing to install Outlook on server. However, on the client machine you will need to go through BCM configuration wizard. In the wizard, you will have option to connect to existing remote database. You can find the tool at

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2007
    Team,I need some help. I am trying to commect to a shared BCM 2003 db. This is in a domain environment. The remote machine for the db is SBS 2003 R2. It is not the DC or the AD. That is also a SBS 2003 R2. Here is the problem as I have narrowed it down:On the shared db I have added the user name and password. from the client machine if the user logs on to the local machine with the user name and password, all seems to be well. However when the user logs on to the domain from the client machine (same user name and password), I recieve and error that there is not a shared db too commect to.So, how do I set up the shared db for access using the domain username and password. I have tried servernameusername and servername.username but the shared db does not like that.Thanks for the helpTodd

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2007
    In searching the web I have found several people wanting to be able to create Project templates. I was wondering why that feature was not included in the program. Also, you mention that you can use VB to write a Macro. But the link you suggest seems to be for programmers. What is the chance that MS will create an add-in that will allow you to either create  template or at least be able to copy a project?

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2007
    hi, i'm planning a bcm solution in a small business.i have a win2003 standard server and 6 vista clients running in a domain.i'm planning to install sql2005 express on the server ..create a db so that all clients can use the same db (as described in the remote deployment paper). now...i would like to install bcm on all clients ...without sql can i do this?

  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2007
    Is there a way that I can import an excel spreadsheet into "Opportunities"?  It appears that the only way I can import is into "Contact" and I would like to import a list of opportunities that I can manipulate and attach to different contacts.  

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2007
    To Ingridl:I noticed we are dealing with the same issue, ie how to import ops (I also needs to update existing ops), see my post Oct 25 above.Please, let's keep in touch by this blog and share progress on this.

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2008
    I sent emails using mail merge but the emails sent do not appear in the History of contacts in Business Contact Manager. Is there any way of attaching them?I have no clue who got the email - I selected a specific folder for the mail merge and it seems to have sent emails to lots of random people elsewhere in my database.I did want to send them using the email campaign service within BCM but could not find any info anywhere as to how to buy more credits! I've been going around in circles and its still a mess!

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2008
    Hi toddring:Do you have the same domainusername and password on both the machines?  Can you please give an example of some machine names, domain names, sample usernames on both the machines, and explain what string are you using to connect?-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2008
    Hi rezsupport,Project templates is a good suggestion that will be discussed for future releases.  Thank you for the suggestion.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2008
    Hi Ingridl,You can export your BCM opportunities as a CSV file (which can be opened in Excel.)  Where from are you getting the opportunities in the excel sheet?-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2008
    Hi Sharonie2,Please read this blog link: you have further questions, let me know.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2008
    Is there an edit I can perform to point BCM to my Accounting 08 install?  It's integrated but can't find Accounting on my system!  Weird!..maybe because I transferred the db and it's not pointing correctly?Here's the error:"Business Contact Manager for Outlook cannot connect to the accounting system.The Business Contact Manager database is integrated with an accounting application.  However, the accounting application does not appear to be installed on your computer.  Please make sure the accounting application is correctly installed and configured, then try again."Backround info:I transfered my database and accounting files to a new machine and upgraded to Accounting 08. My db was updated. I synched to accounting and everything seemed okay until I realised that I've lost a lot of the integration functionality.  For example, converting to invoices DOESN'T work. I've tried disconnecting the integration in accounting and re-integrating to no avail.Any suggestions? Thanks!-Steve

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2008
    Help.I have been through all of the steps for setting up my database, however, when I go to look at properties for BCM, there is no "Security" tab.Hidden files are visible.  I set up BCM 2003 and then BCM 2007 upgrade, SQL 2005 is installed.All I want is to be able to use BCM with the Accounting program, and perhaps transfer BCs to my laptop.  That's about it .... so what am I doing wrong??Ricky

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Weeks ago bcmteam dixit"You can export your BCM opportunities as a CSV file (which can be opened in Excel.)  Where from are you getting the opportunities in the excel sheet?"As far as I know I just can export Contacts and Accounts using Import/Export tool. I don't see anyway to export Opportunities.Any answer? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    SateeshIn this environment is the DC-AD (call it MAIN) and this is SBS 2003.A second server SBS 2003 (call it DB server) is where the shared BCM DB is held. A domain client (Joes's PC)with Win XPSP2 is attempting to connect to the shared DB on the DB server.Here is the 1st senario:The DB server BCM DB is shared to user JoeJoe loggs on to his client (XP) as Joe local user (log on to this Computer). he can connect to the shared db on the DB is the 2nd senario:Joe loggs on his client ad domainjoe logging in to the AD domain (MAIN). he tries to connect to the shared db on DB server and gets the message: There is not a shares DB on this machine. Please make sure that you have user the correct user name and password.Senarion 2 is what I need to fix. how do I do that?Thank youTodd Ring

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    Hi Todd Ring,Do you have the same version of BCM on the client and the server?  Please check that.  If you do have it, then, did you get a chance to read this document? you still have questions after following the document, please let me know.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    Hi rambcm,When you export everything, you export opportunities as well.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    -SateeshYes I am positive that both end have the same version of BCM. I have BCM 2003 not 2007 so the doc you mentioned above is of no use here.The problem is still at hand is how do I add a Domain user shared access to the database.Is there a work aroud that I coud use SQL express as the db and still use BCM 2003 as the front end?I am thinking that this would create a local machine group for the sql db that I can then assign the domain users to that group?If this is possible I would need some instruction how to accomplish this task.Thank youTodd Ring

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    Thanks Sateesh, but at least in my own BCM when I choose to export to CSV from import/export tool, the only options I got is to export or Contacts or Accounts...I know I can export in BCM format EVERYTHING (or select contacts or accounts) but that was NOT my question.

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    Hi rambcm,I misread your question.  In CSV export, we never had opportunities, as when you export to csv, the linking is lost.  bcm files are the best bet in this case.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2008
    Yes Sateesh, if the purpose was to merely export the data, bcm files would be ok...The initial idea was different: export Opppts to xls, do some working there (some massive changes I couldn't find how to do directly on BCM) and import again. I don't think bcm files could be opened by xls...Let's close this: Oppts cannot be exported to xls from bcm. I understand why (links) and if I need to make some massive changes (no linked fields) I have Access or other code alternatives. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2008
    I have a question about duplicate items in my History.  I have been using BCM since Jul 07 (and love it!) but recently I've started to notice that emails that have been linked to a contact or account are starting to replicate in my History View.  The original email will be in the list, but there are several duplicates of the exact same message that have been converted to a Business Activity.  Any idea what's causing this?Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2008
    Hi brightfae,We will investigate the issue and get back to you asap.-Sateesh

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2008
    Hi Brightfae,So, let me give you a brief information around what Email Auto-Linking feature is doing. It is listening the folders that you have select and if any change happen to those folders we check whether we can link your email to our contacts or accounts.In some cases, customers (you) have the same copy of email in two different folders (this might happen if you manualy copy email or if you have some Outlook Rules which move email two different folder). If that is the case you can only fix it by disablig the EAA feature on Folder which has copy of the email, this will not remove already linked duplicate entry, but it will prevent it happen in the future.Thx.-Fatih

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2008
    Fatih,Thanks for your quick reply.  Unfortunately, that does not explain my situation.  I do have not copies any of these emails to additional folders, nor do I have any Outlook Rules that copy them anywhere.  All of these emails are only stored in my Inbox.  However, if you look in my BCM Communication History folder, or the History of a particular Account or Contact, you can see the duplicates.However, I have backed-up my Outlook folders on a couple of occasions (as recommended by the BCM database backup screen).  Those backup .pst files are not saved on my harddrive however (they are on external media, not connected to my PC).  The Created/Modified dates on the duplicate emails are close to the dates that I've made backups, but not exactly the same date. For example, I backed-up the files on Monday 3/10, and have duplicate emails with a Create/Modify date of 3/11.  Could the backups be the problem?  Or something else?Brightfae

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2008
    Hi,just for my better understanding, the moment I link an entity (Email, Appointment, File) to a Person / Opportunity etc. this entity is stored in the SQL-Database. So even if I delete the original item in Outlook permanently it still is availabe as history element.Is this right? Can I delete Emails from my Inbox if they are already linked in BCM?BestThomas

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2008
    I need to to install BCM with my previously installed SQL Server 2005. Sql Svr05 w/BCM will not install on my system because the drive was compressed. How can I get BCM to install by itself? I will then do the configuration myself.

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    I have Outlook 2007 without BCM - how do I get it?  Do I really need to buy the Outlook 2007 that has the BCM package?  I find that odd...however I am unable to find an option to just get the BCM add on.In my current version of Outlook, I do have a BCM bar in the navigation does not do anything. Why is this there if I can't get the program?More importantly, I want the ability to try this BCM out to see if it will work for me.  If I dld the trial, will this mess with my current Outlook?Thanks!!!

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    Did you install BCM from the CD2? You will not see BCM in the navigation pane until you installed it. You can definately try the trial version and see if it works for youThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2008
    I have an eight user SBS environment using a central BCM database. We are getting duplicate links in our contact history. We only have our inbox and sent items folders selected. All users are also connected to a single exchange mailbox. How can I eliminate the duplicate links in history. Just a side note it only happens on incoming messages, not on messages sent to a contact. Is it because everyone is set to link the inbox and everyone is looking at the same inbox. Is there a way to tell BCM not to create duplicates. Thanks for your help.

  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2008
    Hello,you said that BCM is designed for small businesses and that you might not get desired functionality/performance  if you need to support large number of users (usually > 25).What does this mean exactly? What will happen when you have 250 users sharing one database? Will it be slower, break down...?Many thanks.

  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2008
    Hi,I have one PC with outlook 2003bcm and the other pc with outlook 2007bcm. the database is on the pc with 2007bcm, am i right in saying that 2003bcm will not connect to 2007bcm?If so, can i upgrade just the outlook 2003bcm to outlook2007bcm without upgrading the whole of office 2003.I did try to connect 2003bcm to 2007bcm but got an error saying "the database server on computer pc01 is inaccessible. Confirm that the remote machine has business contact manager installed, that it is running..........I did drop all firewalls and opened ports on my router but still the same problem.I have downloaded the trial version of office pro 2007 but do not want to go ahead until i can confirm that it will not mess up the office 2003 that is already installed.Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2008
    Hi, I have recently installed ms accounting 2008  and already have office ultimate (with bcm) installed. I have used the same sql database and run the integration tool in Accounting to the bcm database. THere seems to be a glitch where data inserted in BCM accounts does appear  in Accounting accounts, however accounts made in Accounting do appear in BCM??? when I did run the integration tool in Account nothing that was existing in BCM came over?? please assist! thanks heaps

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2008
    Hi Heaps So, in office Accounting, on the right side where it says current view,please select All from the drop down menus. Office Accounting doesnt treat a BCM record as active until there is some Accounting item associated with it. I hope this helps Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2008
    I use exchange at work and move the messages to a personal inbox. I've selected the personal inbox folder to automatically link emails, but only the inbox is showing as an option to select from my personal email pst file (without sent, deleted, etc. folders).  There is also an archive pst shown.  Emails will open from the contact's history screen from the archive, but I only see the text message (not able to open the actual email) for the sent ones. How do I correct this? Any help is appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2009
    I have moved a BCM databse from an individual pc to an SBS 2003 R2 server; after a number of problems that we seem to have resolved, I am left with two issues.

  1. Some of the contacts linked to files from "My Documents" in the original configuration on the stand alone pc are still showing a shortcut to the original location of "My Documents". This has now changed to the default location using "My Documents" redirection to the server. Is there any way of either globally changing these links in the history to look at the new loaction or even a way of editing them individually, without having to relink each document?
  2. The BCM is only used by two clients, both or which use the data base both inside the network and externally. At the moment they are using their offline versions on their notebooks. I need for at least one of them, preferrably both to be able to access the live database via the internet from their Notebooks. I have followed all of the information on the internet ref setting this up but still cannot give them access to the live database. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2009
    Please ignor the second question as this has now been resolved. Regards

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2009
    Sorry for the post...but there is nothing on Google and forums that seem to answer my I'll try here. Any idea why when converting an opportunity to an invoice or sales quote, all of the information (quantity, price, etc.)shows up in the description field...and will not let you edit? Running Vista with Office 2007, BCM with service pack and Office Accounting 2009 SP1.  Even tried deleting outcmd.dat with no luck.  BCM and Acct 2009 are synced to a database on he network which all ties nicely together...just can't get invoices out. Help!!!! Thanks for any feedback you can give me. ~Bruce

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2009
    Hi Bruce, The best solution to this is to add whatever products and services that you want to have in your quote, etc., the Accounting Application's products/services list, and then ‘refresh’ the import of those items back into BCM. I hope this helps. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2009
    Hi Bruce, The best solution to this is to add whatever products and services that you want to have in your quote, etc., the Accounting Application's products/services list, and then ‘refresh’ the import of those items back into BCM. I hope this helps. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2009
    bump... Anyone able to address the last post? How can I get opportunities input into BCM to convert correctly to a sales quote or invoice? Help!!!  

  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2009
    I've installed Office Professional 2007 with BCM; I tried to load the form in Accounts and it keeps giving me the error message "error loading form some of the needed controls may not be registered" in the communication history in BCM under Accounts. Where can I find the information to correct this error message or fix the problem is there a web site that help me.

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2009
    Hi We have had a few customers run in to similar issues. I dont know if this is the same issue you are running in to, but can still give it a shot. There is a registry entry that references a Quick Books dll and deleting the registry key and renaming the Intuit folder structure get you pass this issue. HKCRCLSID{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} C:Program FilesCommon FilesIntuitQuickBooksQBObjProxy.dl Let me know if this helps. Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2009
    I'm having difficulty in getting BCM to run as it generates the following error message when I try and open a .pst folder "Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again". However I'm running BCM for Outlook 2007 under Vista 64 ultimate on a a Sun Ultra 40 M2 workstation with 20Gb of memory, 2.5Tb of disc (about 1.5Tb free)and all other applications are closed. I've also looked at the database settings with SQLServer management studio express and it is reporting that all memory is enabled for the database. How can I resolve this problem or is it that some part of BCM has a 32bit limit which is the cause of the problem? As far as I can see from postings on the web this is not an unusual problem but I'm surprised that given the machine resources I'm using BCM just falls over. Can you help please, Thanks

  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2009
    Hi bcmteam, I was trying to input some new entry details in BCM on my PC, but when i did that the IT manager of our department received the following message on his PC: "Business Contact Manager cannot be loaded. This action cannot be completed Business Contact Manager cannot access the database. Cannot generate SSPI context. Do you want to change the database configuration?                                Yes       No" Please note down that all our PC are running Windows Vista. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2012
    Once shared users are added in BCM 2010.  Why can you not delete users or even change their passwords? If you can please show me how!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The only thing I can do is deselect them.