Frequently Asked Questions for Search in Business Contact Manager

Q: How can I search an item in Business Contact Manager?

A: Business Contact Manager provides three different ways for you to search you business data

a) Windows Desktop Search

You can learn about Windows Desktop Search from:

b) Search Folders

You can learn about Search Folders from:


c) Instant Search in Outlook

You can learn about Instant Search from:

Q: Is Windows Desktop Search the only search product that indexes Business Contact Manager Content?

A: As long as an indexing product can index MAPI data providers, Business Contact Manager Content will be indexed. Windows Desktop Search does the same. In addition to Desktop search Business contents could be searched using Search Folders and Instant search in Outlook.

Q: Is there a way to quickly create an e-mail merge from specific Accounts or Business Contacts?

A: You can use Search Folders to find the Accounts or Business Contacts that you want, and then you can use Outlook Mail Merge to send a personalized e-mail to each recipient. Search folders can also be used to find other types of business data too.

You can learn about Outlook Mail Merge from:

Q: How can I Search more than one folder at time in Business Contact Manager?

A: Search is restricted to the current folder view. For example, to search for a Business Note, switch to the Communication History view and user instant search box to search for your item. To search for a Business Contact, switch to the Business Contact view. The search from the Business Contacts view doesn't search the Communication history, just the data fields in Business Contacts.

Q: Can I drag and drop items into a Search Folder?

A: No. This is not currently supported.

Q: Does Search Folders include the contents of files or e-mail messages that are included in the Communication History of records?

A: No. You should try Windows Search; this allows you to search the contents of your BCM Communication history just by including the folder in the Windows Search folder index:

Q: Is it possible to search user -defined fields?

A: In the Instant Search box, type the user -defined field name followed by a colon (:) and the value you are searching for. For example, if you have a user-defined filed called “Contract terms” and you are searching for”4”. You would type:

Contract terms: 4 in the Instant Search box.

Q: How does Search work when users are connected to a Business Contact Manager database that is stored on a remote server?

A: Each user who connects to the Business Contact Manager Database on the remote server must also have Business Contact Manager installed on their local computers. Users can search the database on the remote server, but the search capabilities are determined by the settings on the local computer. For example, one user may have Windows Desktop Search installed and another doesn’t. The user with Windows Desktop Search can search for anything, while the user with the default search can only search by folder.


  • Anonymous
    November 11, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2008
    I am missing some default fields in the modify section that are critical to my BCM reports.  Most importantly I am looking for the one named COMPANY. Is it possible that I have accidentally deleted it and if so how could I restore it.  Can you help?

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2008
    Is it possible to get in touch directly with someone on the team? The software is fantastic and I'm really embracing it. There are a couple of feature requests and bugs that I'd like to discuss and I can't seem to find the right avenue. The forums don't get answered and there doesn't appear to be an e-mail address anywhere. Could you help? Thanks, -Kevin.

  • Anonymous
    December 24, 2008
    I am wondering if there is a known issue with trying to install BCM on Office Professional Plus?   I have done virtually all the steps with the database and can install a db using the db creation tool as well as through Outlook.  The issues comes in that Outlook, when it opens, tries to finalize the installation and always throws and error that says it can not finalize and to try again.   Thanks, Dan

  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2009
    Is there a way to include the COMPANY field in a Business Contact Management report?  When you modify a report, the COMPANY field isn't one of the choices for a column.

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2009
    I am running Vista Home Premium  Outlook 2007 SP 1. I can't get the BCM to work. I have tried every tip I could find and de/reintalled from the disks. I have run as administrator, changed network services to local, etc. No matter what I do I get that BCM for Outlook cannot complete the operation. Please try again  - and then it locks up outlook so I have to close Outlook. Any help would be welcome. I am not very techy so I need the steps outlined. Wasting so much time on this.

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2009
    Hi. I'm hoping someone can help me in this matter! I purchased a laptop with XP pro for office purposes in november 2008. I never bothered to set any password for the main user (who also is an admin); this was the way the computer was set up from start and I never changed it. This was of course not very clever, so I later - and alas recently - decided to add a pw to my login. Next time I opened Outlook it would not read the BCM database, not recognising me as the user... although there was no Erik.001 created or anything: it's the same user, now with a password. I tried to go back to a previous date by system reset, but it would still ask for the pw: no way back! I then simply told the system to remove the pw and restart. This did not help either. I can import a backup, so that some data is back, but it is frustrating that there is a complete db, including last marketing campaign, which the backup lacks, just sitting there. Is there a way around this? I tried opening oulook as admin, but it only generated empty db nr 3 and refused to let me "see" the first version (!!). When trying to open outlook as a user without pw, it tells me this is not allowed... Is there no way of reverting to the original db? It is not defect in any way, it is ironically simply protected by NOT having a password. Kind regards, Erik

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2009
    Hi DrEvS, Can you please make sure the username before and after setting the password are the same? Make sure after adding the password the username didnt change. I have usually seen customers having issues in these situations due to username mismatch. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2009
    Hi Erik, Can you please make sure the username before and after setting the password are the same? Make sure after adding the password the username didnt change. I have usually seen customers having issues in these situations due to username mismatch. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2009
    Hi Erik, Can you please make sure the username before and after setting the password are the same? Make sure after adding the password the username didnt change. I have usually seen customers having issues in these situations due to username mismatch. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2009
    I'm trying to get BCM to perform reliably enough to be used in our office.  I have the database on a dedicated Sql Server 2008 machine.  Yet it still takes 5 seconds to bring up a user Account. Looking at the database, the table "ActivitiesAdditionalPropertyBag" has nearly 1 million records, and "ContactAdditionalPropertyBag" has 250,000 records. I can't imagine why these tables would need to be so large when we have less than 1000 contacts... How would I go about cleaning this mess up?

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2009
    First of, BCM is nice, but it looks as if other MS employees don't like the progam at all (Each question has only one reply, you will need CRM (Ofcourse this is true for some functions, but sharing the database  IMHO does not require CRM). But I've a problem. I want to install the BCM database on a SBS2008 server. I use a non-english version of BCM. The database tool will not work for me, as it creates a non-compatible english BCM database (correct?) Is it possible to create a local database and move it to the SBS 2008 server on which SQL server 2005 Express is running. Load it on the server and then share it? If so, how do I do this?

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2009
    Hi PeterR, We appreciate your feedback on Admin tool and we'll definately consider it for our future releases. You can still achieve this by following the instructions from the whitepaper below Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2009
    I love it! Software works really well However, I have this issue. I am running Office Professional 2007 w/BCM. When I am in accounts and I try to open the communication history form an error messages says: "error loading form some of the needed controls may not be registered".. How do I fix this problem...

  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2009
    When viewing accounts in BCM, I use to be able to quickly jump to the first account if I pressed the first letter in that account. For example, say I wanted to quickly get to the account that started with the letter M.  I pressed the letter M on my keyboard and I quickly went to the first account that started with the letter M. For some reason, I can no longer do this. I'm working on a Vista 64 system with MSOffice 2007 and the current BCM and all updates from MSOffice website. Is there some setting I need to change or has this feature been remove?

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2009
    BCM is a nice software, but we have some problems in our setup. When we open an report of the current business opportunities we have some numeric columns in the report called "sannolikhet" (probability), "enhetspris" (unit price), "antal" (amount), "belopp" (sum) (sorry, but I don't know the english names of the columns as we use an swedish version of BCM). The problem is that, when I export the report to Excel the values seems to be multiplicated by some irrational number. Some examples:

  • the probability of 50% changes to 500% in Excel.
  • a probability of 25% changes to 2500% in Excel.
  • an amount of 1 changes to 10 000 in Excel. This is a big problem for us as we use Excel for breakdowns of the reports. Would love to get some help to solve this issue.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2009
    Hi, With Office 2007 SP2 being released in the next couple of days what are MS's plans for BCM 2007 SP2? Any timeframes for this release (if at all)? Thanks. Andy.

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2009
    Hi Andy, You can install BCM 2007 SP2 from Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2009
    OK: I'm running Outlook 2007 and BCM on a single PC running XP Home, no intra-net.  I installed Service Pack 2 but this problem precedes that install and continues to this day. Quick Search fails.  Advanced Query Search fails.  I can enter the criteria and the search will start, then it hangs without returning results or returns with "no items found".  I confirmed that Windows search service runs automatically and I have run the Search Index function. What do I do next?  

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2009
    Sorry for this verbose post. I followed the steps outline above and performed a quick search for my name.  Log output below.  Note: Outlook experienced a fatal problem and shut itself down immediately after this search. [V] [10:18:31.7968750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: moMnuHelpAboutBusinessContactManager_Click: Exit [V] [10:18:32.1562500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:32.1562500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:33.5468750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:33.5468750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:34.0312500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:34.0312500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:34.6250000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:34.6250000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:36.4843750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:36.4843750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:36.6875000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:36.7031250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:36.8906250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:36.8906250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:37.0781250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:37.0781250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:37.2343750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:37.2343750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:37.7500000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:37.7500000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:38.9843750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d7c800 [V] [10:18:39.2500000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d7c800, 0x00040380 [V] [10:18:39.7968750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:18:39.7968750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:18:40.4375000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Enter [V] [10:18:40.5156250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Exit [V] [10:18:41.9375000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSCapabilities::GetCapabilities:Enter: 0x0036fe0c [V] [10:18:41.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSCapabilities::GetCapabilities:Return: 0x0036fe0c, 0x00000001 [V] [10:18:42.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIFolder::CreateFolder:Enter: 0x03d743e8 [V] [10:18:42.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff80040604, message: [V] [10:18:42.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: Folder already exists. [V] [10:18:43.5000000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.SearchRoot.CreateFolder(FolderType FType, String FolderName, String FolderComment, IMAPIFolder_CreateFolder_Flags Flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIFolderImpl<IMAPIFolder,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMAPIFolder>.CreateFolderManaged(MAPIFolderImpl<IMAPIFolder,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMAPIFolder>* , UInt32 ulFolderType, Char* lpszFolderName, Char* lpszFolderComment, _GUID* lpInterface, UInt32 ulFlags, IMAPIFolder** lppFolder) [V] [10:18:43.5000000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIFolder::CreateFolder:Return: 0x03d743e8, 0x80040604 [V] [10:18:43.5312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetLastError:Enter: 0x03d743e8 [V] [10:18:43.5312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetLastError:Return: 0x03d743e8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:43.5312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIFolder::CreateFolder:Enter: 0x03d743e8 [V] [10:18:44.5312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIFolder::CreateFolder:Return: 0x03d743e8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.5312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:44.5312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.5625000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:44.5625000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.5625000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:44.5625000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.5781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:44.5781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.5781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:44.5781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.6250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:18:44.7656250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.7656250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMsgStore::Advise:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:18:44.7656250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MsgStore::Advise:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.7656250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:44.7812500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00040380 [V] [10:18:44.7812500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMsgStore::Advise:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:18:44.7812500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MsgStore::Advise:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.7968750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:44.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMsgStore::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MsgStore::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIContainer::GetContentsTable:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:45.9062500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIContainer::GetContentsTable:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.9531250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSCapabilities::GetCapabilities:Enter: 0x0036fe0c [V] [10:18:45.9531250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSCapabilities::GetCapabilities:Return: 0x0036fe0c, 0x00000001 [V] [10:18:45.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::Advise:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:18:45.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::Advise:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:45.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:18:58.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:58.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:18:58.2343750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:18:58.2656250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIContainer::SetSearchCriteria:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:19:20.8906250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIContainer::SetSearchCriteria:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:20.8906250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:19:20.9531250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:20.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::SetColumns:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:20.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::SetColumns:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:20.9687500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::Restrict:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:20.9843750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::Restrict:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:20.9843750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::SortTable:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:20.9843750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::SortTable:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::QueryPosition:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::QueryPosition:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.0156250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0312500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.0468750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0468750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0781250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.0937500]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03dcf570 [V] [10:19:21.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03dcf570, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPITable::GetRowCount:Enter: 0x0f62cb80 [V] [10:19:21.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPITable::GetRowCount:Return: 0x0f62cb80, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.2968750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSCapabilities::GetCapabilities:Enter: 0x03dba9bc [V] [10:19:21.2968750]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSCapabilities::GetCapabilities:Return: 0x03dba9bc, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d85878 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d85878, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84ba8 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84ba8, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d8ad50 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d8ad50, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d883c8 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d883c8, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d8bb28 [V] [10:19:21.3125000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d8bb28, 0x00040380 [V] [10:19:49.6406250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:49.6406250]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:49.6562500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:49.6562500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:50.7812500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:50.7812500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:51.3437500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:51.3437500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:51.4843750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:51.4843750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:51.6718750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:51.6718750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:52.2968750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:52.2968750]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:52.4375000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Enter [V] [10:19:52.4375000]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: MenuBarBase:moCommandBarsEvents_OnUpdate: Exit [V] [10:19:56.0312500]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: moMnuBTBusinessContacts_Click: Entry [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMsgStore::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x0036fde8 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MsgStore::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x0036fde8, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::OpenEntry:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::OpenEntry:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1250000]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.1406250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1406250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.1406250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.1406250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMAPIProp::GetProps:Enter: 0x03d84a60 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIProp::GetProps:Return: 0x03d84a60, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Return: 0x03d73008, 0x00000000 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs:Enter: 0x03d73008 [V] [10:19:56.2031250]Iris.

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2009
    I have Outlook BCM running on my machine and have shared by BCM SQL database with 2 users (let's call them UserA and UserB). All of us have exchange accounts.  UserB is remote and forwards exchange mail to a pop3 account (long story).   UserA (on the corporate network) finds my database no problem.  UserB connects via VPN to the corporate network when looking to use BCM, but cannot find the database.  It was suggested UserB cannot see the datbase because exchange forwards mail to a pop3 - which I find unlikely as the BCM is a SQL database and not related to exchange.   Can you please confirm or dispell this theory?  ... and hopefully suggest what I might try so that UserB can find my BCM database over the VPN. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2009
    Original query below.  Bumped for a response. NOTE: I did comply with BCM Team Member Vinit's directive to activate and post the BCM log.

  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    Hi, With a default install of BCM 2007 (SP2) on Windows 2003 SP2 with SQL Express 2005 SP2 and Windows Search 4.0 (all standard config, not doing anything special) I find that WDS 4.0 never eases up on the SQL indexing - it continually hammers the SQL process in Task Manager (Outlook PST and file system Indexing finishes just fine) and never lets up even on an idle system. It DOES index the BCM data and I can get search results from it but it just never eases up on that SQL process (causes like 30%+ CPU consumption). I'm not talking about the initial index build, this problem occurs all the time without any data in SQL changing, no other add-ins loaded in Outlook. WDS 3.01 on the exact same system does not experience the same problem and runs fine against BCM 2007 SQL. I have not adjusted the WDS 4.0 Disablebackoff setting, it's all default setup. If I remove BCM from the indexed locations then WDS 4.0 runs fine against just Outlook and the file system. The BCM DB is not large - this even happens on a fresh install and new DB. What gives? I like WDS 4.0 speed but 3.01 seems more stable with BCM 2007, any suggestions..? Thanks. Andy.

  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2009
    ...and again... OK so after reading some MAPI internals material I see that the dynamic MAPI URL used by the MAPI PH depends on the Storetype and whether it is a pusher store or instead simply crawled by MAPI PH. So my guess is I need something like... mapi://{}/business contact manager($809a71aa)/0/communication history/ OR mapi://{}/business contact manager($809a71aa)/X/communication history/ Please advise, thanks.

  • Anonymous
    December 25, 2009
    Will it be possibel for Business Contact Manager 2010 to store the BCM database on a server hosted by Microsoft. E.g. I can store my documents on  workspace / office live on server at the microsoft datacenter.

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2010
    Is there any way to link a business contact in BCM to mulitple accounts.  I am integrating my ACT databases where we have one contact linked to mulitple gruops and can filter sort for what I need.  In BCm I seem to have only the option of linking the contact to one account at a time

  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2010
    I am hoping someone can help me with this - When using the instant search pane in contacts within BCM, the search results do not display anything from the "Office Location" field.  We know we have results that match, however they are never displayed.  Is there any way I can make this field searchable? Thanks Diane

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2011
    When I hit search in BCm it searhes my outlook contact file not my business contact file. They are two different databases. How do I get BCM search to search BCM not the contacts database?

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2011
    I am having the same issue as DianeN, 2 posts above me. Looks like search was changed for the worse in 2010...

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2014
    The comment has been removed