Restoring Business Contact Manager Database After Upgrading XP to Vista

When you upgrade from XP to Vista and try to restore previously backed up BCM database, you might see permission related error. This is caused by mismatch between the user information stored in backup file and actual user account after upgrade to Vista. In BCM, a back-up database can be restored by the user who created database (called Database Owner) or computer administrator. After machine has been upgraded to Vista, SQL might complain that the user information stored in backup file is not valid. You can resolve this issue by explicitly running Outlook.exe process as administrator. Browse to Outlook.exe file in the folder where you installed Office, right click Outlook.exe and select "Run as Admin".

You need to run Outlook as admin only once. After successful migration, you can start Outlook normally and use BCM.



  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2007
    An alternative to "browse to Outlook.exe file in the folder where you installed Office" would be that on Vista, you can right-click on the Outlook icon on your Quick Launch bar and select "Run as administrator".  You can right-click on your Taskbar | Toolbars, if you don't have Quick Launch bar visible.HTH,Sunem

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2007
    After upgrading to MS Vista Business from XP my BCM does not work and comes up with the following messages when i try to open Outlook 07:Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not connect to the shared database. Do you want to work offline?Yes/No, then i click yes the following message comes up:Business Contact Manager for OutlookBusiness Contact Manager database cannot be loaded. This action cannot be completed because Business Contact Manager cannot access the database. The database is currently stopped. Do you want to change the database configuration?Yes   No (when i choose yes, the following message comesup):Business Contact Manager for OutlookThis action cannot be completed because Business Contact Manager cannot access the database.An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)OK  can you please advice on how i can fix the problem and get BCM work with Outlook 07  sorry for being novice..any help is highly appreciated..thank you..rupesh

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2007
    rupeshsns, I am not sure what problem you are facing, but it sounds like SQL Server cannot find your BCM database.Here are a few suggestions... I am not guarentee if they will work:Use Windows Update and see if there is any patch for SQL Server.  It maybe that SQL Server needs an updateIf you are using remote desktop connection, or if you are connecting your BCM client to a database hosted on a different machine, it may be the enhanced Vista security that's preventing SQL Server from being reached.  I do not have specific instruction on how this should be fixed, but it may be one of the reasons... Let me know if updating SQL Server turns out to be the solution.  Hope that helps,Sunem

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2007
    rupeshsns -I encountered the sample problem as you when I upgraded from XP to Vista a few days ago.It is definitely a permission issue. The solution I used was to change the Log On property in the SQL server service for the business contact manager database instance (MSSMLBIZ). I changed it from the Network Service account to log on the Local System Account.I tried changing the permissions for Network Service for the folder containing the BCM database. I did not have any success going that route.There is probably a better solution out there, but this one worked for me.Mark

  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2007
    During setup of new Vista notebook with Office 2007, I used a backup copy of Outlook 2003 Bus. Contact Manager. Installed it successfully into an instance of SQL Express 2005 on the new notebook.During setup of Outlook 2007 BCM, found the SQL Express instance and the prior version OK, but could not get it to update.Tried several of the above suggestions without success. Finally, restored a copy of the old BCM to the second instance of SQL Express created on the install of BCM to Outlook 2007. Had use the SQL Express Properties > Files on the restored BCM DB to change the ownership to my new notebook logon account.Started up Outlook again. Update Wizard went through without a hitch.Hope this helps.A. Simon Mielniczuk

  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2007
    I'm getting a data conversion error when trying to restore 2003 SP4 BCM Data to a new install on Vista/outlook 2007.  The wizard first displays that the program has to migrate data created in version 2.0.3606.0 to version 3.0.5625.0.  when Ok'd the restoral bar comes up and runs to about 3/4 of the way down ond stops.  After a bit the Migrating database progrss bar comes up and goes about a quarter of the way down and stops.  Then I get this error after the wizard states that the migration was unsuccessful:Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BCM Problem Signature 01: Addin Problem Signature 02: IrisDbException Problem Signature 03: 3.0.5828.0 Problem Signature 04: 12.0.4518.1014 Problem Signature 05: DoMigrate Problem Signature 06: InternalTryToConvert Problem Signature 07: 6265D0F1 OS Version: 6.0.6000. Locale ID: 1033Additional information about the problem: LCID: 1033I've tried the 'run as admin' solution, and the SQL fixes suggested here.  Any help would be appreciated.BH

  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2007
    I opened Outlook as administrator and was able to restore the BCM database to Outlook. However, when I open Outlook, normally, with my log in account name (also an administrator), I get an error message:"Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not complete your last action or actions. Please try again."No number of retries seems to fix the problem. I opened Outlook as administrator, again, and did not receive any error messages and the BCM database looks okay.

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2007
    Most recently removed BCM database (File - Data File Management - delete BCM database) in Outlook opened in Run as Administrator mode.Closed Outlook then opened in normal mode - added BCM back in and all contacts were there.Shut down Outlook, restarted in normal mode (with log-in as administrator, not in administrator mode) and got the old error message again."Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not complete your last action or actions. Please try again."Also, seems to have messed up my indexes in Outlook. Contacts not indexed in Outlook Contacts.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Help I have just bought a new pc with vista installed on in and installed Office SB 2003 with an upgrade to 2007.  My problems is that when I want to restore my 2003 database which I backed up of my old pc.  I told that I dont have permission to restore the backup!!!  I have over a 1000 contacts locked in 2003 than need to be on my 2007.I have tried everything suggested that I have found on the internet but nothing works.Any suggestions before I throw the new pc out the window.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Start Outlook as administrator. You can do that by right clicking on C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12OUTLOOK.EXE and selecting "Run as Administrator". Try restoring the DB after that. You will need to do "Run as Admin" only once when you are restoring an old DB.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    I have tried that and it doesn't work!  

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    If you are unable to restore your .sbb or .msbcm backup after trying the above workaround, follow the steps below:1.) Make a copy of the .sbb or .msbcm backup file and rename it with a .zip extension.2.) Open the .zip file and extract the files3.) You'll see a file that contains a version number (e.g. en-US#3.0.5625.0)4.) Rename this file to the name of your backed up database and add a .bak extension (e.g. MSSmallBusiness.bak)5.) Follow the instructions to restore a BCM database from an automatic SQL backup: Clinton Ford

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Thank you.  

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2008
    I cannot get the contents of DVD2 from the Office 2007 Ultimate package to install.  The contents are Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 and MS Accounting 2007, along with (by default -- would be nice if I could get around that, as that would solve the issue entirely!) SQLserver2005.Each time I try -- without SQLserver 2005 installed on the system (Vista Ultimate on P4-2.8gHZ with 4gigs RAM and dual 120gig HDs) -- it stops after about 3/4 of the install, telling me that it cannot install because "An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name."As I said, I have uninstalled ALL SQLserver items from the Add/Remove panel, deleted ALL directories in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server.  What am I missing?  Where?  There is nothing anywhere else in the C drive, other drives, or in MY DOCUMENTS or the PROGRAM DATA directories.The log generated is, in full:Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.2047.00==============================OS Version      : Professional  (Build 6000)Time            : Sat Feb 02 17:26:11 2008Machine         : Tower1Product         : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)Product Version : 9.00.2047.00Install         : SuccessfulLog File        : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SQLSupport_1.logMachine         : Tower1Product         : Microsoft SQL Server Native ClientProduct Version : 9.00.2047.00Install         : SuccessfulLog File        : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SQLNCLI_1.logMachine         : Tower1Product         : Microsoft SQL Server VSS WriterProduct Version : 9.00.2047.00Install         : SuccessfulLog File        : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SqlWriter_1.logMachine         : Tower1Product         : SQL Server Database ServicesError           : An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name.Machine         : Tower1Product         : SQL Server Database ServicesError           : An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name.Machine         : Tower1Product         : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express EditionProduct Version : 9.1.2047.00Install         : FailedLog File        : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SQL.logLast Action     : DetectInstanceClashError String    : An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name.Error Number    : 28086SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.Time            : Sat Feb 02 17:27:16 2008List of log files:

    C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_Core(Local).logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SQLSupport_1.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SQLNCLI_1.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SqlWriter_1.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SQL.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_Datastore.xmlC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_.NET Framework 2.0.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SNAC.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_Core.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txtC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_Support.logC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_Tower1_SCC.log

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2008
    hi, i have a situation where i want to ge rid of the default databse & create a new databse with the same name as teh default databse name,somehow this is not working out, get an error saying "datbse already exists . Give a unique name. Can anyone help me with this

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2008
    Hi. I had a .bcm file (Outlook 2007 in English) on a computer with Windows XP Professional also in English where I had administrator privileges and now I'm trying to import that .bcm file to a different computer with Windows Vista Home Basic in Spanish where I also have administrator privileges and Office 2007 in English. I'm giving you all this information just in case it makes sense. I get the following error "Some errors occurred while your data was being imported. Wrong file version." I tried running Outlook as administrator and the importing doesn't work either. I get the same error.What can I do? any ideas?

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2008
    Hi Contumaz, Can you please change the user locale of your Spanish Vista machine to English and then try importing the file?Bcmteam

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2008
    Yes, I've tried that as well. My laptop is all set up in english US but I can't retrieve my .bcm file yet. I really need those contacts! any other ideas? thanks!

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2008
    Yes BCMTeam, it's<BCMEntities version="3,0" bcmlocale="en-US" hasheader="True" hascustomizationschema="True">and I just made sure again that the system is set en-US  

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2008
    Hi Contumaz,In your file the value of BCMEntities version is "3,0" and not "3.0" . Please change the value to "3.0" and try importing it again.

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2008
    HAHAH!!!! Thank you so much!! that really worked! Cheers BCMTeam!

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2008
    I have recently purchased a laptop with Vista Home Basic. After initial problems restoring the database for BCM from my XP machine I opened Outlook as administrator and was able to restore the BCM database to Outlook. However, when I open Outlook, normally, with my log in account name (also an administrator), I get an error message: Business Contact Manager for Outlook cannot be loaded. Database MSBusinessContactManager is not online. Do you want to change the database configuration? Now I am stuck, can you help please.

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2008
    Hi Try the following 1)Open a command Prompt by running explicitly as administrator 2)Type sqlcmd -s [your machine name]MSSMLBIZ. Hit enter 3)Type use [your bcm database name]. Then type go and hit enter

  1. Type sp_changedbowner '[your login name]'. Then type go and hit enter if you dont get any error after step 4 you should be good to go. let me know if this helped. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hello Vinit I have tried what you said but typing: sqlcmd -s ASUSLAPTOP/MSSMLBIZ This open a window titled SQLCMD which remains on screen for a few seconds and then disappears. I am running as 'user' which is the first account set up by the computer shop and I presume is the Administrator account. Regards Nigel

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hello Vinit I have found out how to select the Administrator account by following these instructions: Shut down the computer for a cold boot. Tap the "F8" key as you are booting. Select "Safe Mode with networking" from the boot menu. Log into windows Vista with your personal account that holds the administrator access. Open a command window (START--->RUN--->CMD.exe). At the command prompt type the following "net user administrator /active". And that’s it. Log out and log back in as administrator. Sadly even logging in specifically as the Administrator I get the same results. Any help would be appreciated. Regards Nigel

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hi Nigel Select the windows icon on the left corner of your machine.On the start search in vista, type cmd.exe. Cmd.exe will show up, right click and select run as administrator. Then type the command i mentioned above. Let me know if that works. Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hello Vinit I ran cmd.exe as the Administrator and received the following error: Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client: Login Timeout Expired. Regards Nigel

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hi Nigel sqlcmd -S ASUSLAPTOPMSSMLBIZ -S should be in caps and its '' instead of '/' -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hello Vinit Finally got it all to work with sp_changedbowner 'ASUSLAPTOPNigel Wainwright' Thank you for your assistance with this. Kind regards Nigel

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Hi Nigel I'm glad it worked. let me know if you have any other questions with BCM. -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    September 21, 2008
    Hi Vinit I've gtot a problem when trying to connect to the BCM. The issues is that I have the BCM database (outlook 2003) in one pc using windows xp, when I try to connect to it from another xp pc it works fine. However, when I'm trying to connect from a vista with outlook 2003 I do not have the option to select the location of the BCM, I one have the option to create a new one or connect to a local one. Is it possible to connect from vista? Thanks!! Daniel

  • Anonymous
    September 21, 2008
    Hi Daniel It should just work fine from Vista machine. Do you have BCM SP4 installed on your vista machine? Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2008
    I am having the same problem with "Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not complete your last action or actions.  Please try again.  How do I troubleshoot this problem?

  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2008
    Hi George, Could you please post the repro steps and logs for the same for us to narrow down the cause of the problem? Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2009
    Hi, I bought a new pc running vista business 32 bit some time ago and migrated all of my Office 2003 Professional except BCM, which I could not get to work    at all at the time. Having come back to it now, I have  a) installed BCM, b) installed SP3 (as SP4 on its own failed) and then c) installed SP4. Now when I try to open Outlook the BCM wizard fails either to upgrade the old database or to create a new one. Having anticipated problems, I have all along been opening Outlook as administrator. I have also checked that SQL server 2005 is running and that the old BCM database file exists. Do you have any suggestions? Alan Watson PS. I also have SQL server 2008 installed on my PC. Could this be the cause of any conflict?

  • Anonymous
    May 17, 2009
    I've just installed W7 RC. everything works fine, but I can't restore my BCM backup. I got a general message like (this a transaltion from portuguese): "some errors occured during restoring of theses files. Restore stopped." I launched Outlook 2007 as administrator, but it doesn't work either. Somebody knows a solution?

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2010
    ID'ed a problem. When you have a BCM contact with two of the same email, i.e. Email 1 and Email 2 or 3 are the same email address, you cannot remove search and link (for history) without locking up Outlook and causing BCM critial error upon task manager hard reboot. Solution is to check and to confirm that all BCM contacts have unique email addresses before trying to remove search and link for contacts (note: folders not an issue). Some of my BCM error log, which I think contains error info, is pasted below. Microsoft should fix this. ] [13:32:41.0343592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0343592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0353592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0363592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0373592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0383592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0393592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0403592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0413592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0423592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [13:32:41.0433592]Iri

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2011
    yes i do have a suggestion: give it a uniqe name

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2014
    I’m running all of this under XP Pro SP3. I am trying to move my Business Contact Manager ver. 2003 to Business Contact Manager ver. 2010. I have gone to and followed the instructions. In BCM 2003, I went to Business Tools > Manage Database and ran Check for Errors 1st then ran Backup Database. Then I transferred the backup file to the machine with BCM 2010. In BCM 2010, I went to File-> Business Contact Manager-> BackUp and Restore. Selected Restore , it told me I have to “migrate” from version 2.0.3606.0 to version 4.0.9812.0 Clicked “OK” and after a while I get the “Database Migration Unsuccessful” message. The “How-To-Outlook” site doesn’t address this error. Now what do I do????????? As info,  the Export / Import features destroys the “Creation Date” in the BCM records.   By “Destroys” I mean it sets the Creation Date to the date of the Import. Keeping the Creation Date intact is very important to me as it allows me to select records based on when they were added. Oddly, Creation Date is not one of the fields that are preserved in one of the “backup” methods and I think it’s the Export / Import one. Modification Date is preserved but it changes whenever you “touch” a record.  For example, if you correct a typo or update an address the Modification Date is updated. I have also run the BCM 2003 backup through the BCM DB Tool 2007 and it works. But when I backup the BCM 2007 DB and Restore with the BCM DB Tool 2010 it fails with the “Database Migration Unsuccessful” message. H E L P ! ! ! ! !