BDD 2007 - Time saving tips - How to manually restart the build process

When troubleshooting the BDD deployment I often make a change then test. Then find that I need to make another adjustment and test again. Well this this process can be time consuming especially if you have to wait for Windows PE to reboot each time.

Well I have a couple of tips to help speed this process up!

When troubleshooting BDD 2007 deployment issues there is a quick way to restart the deployment process without having to restart the computer. I detail methods for both LTI and ZTI deployments that should save you a lot of time in the deployment process below.

ZTI Deployments

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have enabled the "Lab Shell". The Lab Shell allows you to start a command prompt from within Windows PE. Once you have enabled the Lab Shell then you can use the methods detailed below once the build process has failed:

       1. Delete the MININT folder - This folder contains information from the previous failed deployment and can cause problems if not removed.

                      rd C:\MININT /q/s

2. Delete the _SMSTaskSequence - This folder contains information from the previous task sequence and can cause problems if not removed.

                      rd C:\_SMSTaskSequence /q/s

3. Remove any network connections - SMS will try to reconnect to the distribution point, this process will fail if these connections exist.

                      net use * /d

       4. Restart the build process


LTI Deployments

The process to restart an LTI deployment is also very similar to the ZTI process. Once the build process has failed perform the following steps:

       1. When the build process fails you should close the summary window using the window close button in the top left hand corner. Do not use the finish button.

       2. Maximize the command prompt window.

       3. Delete the MININT folder - This folder contains information from the previous failed deployment and can cause problems if not removed.

                      rd C:\MININT /q/s

4. Delete the _SMSTaskSequence - This folder contains information from the previous task sequence and can cause problems if not removed.

                     rd C:\_SMSTaskSequence /q/s

5. Remove any network connections - SMS will try to reconnect to the distribution point, this process will fail if these connections exist.

                      net use * /d

       6. Restart the build process



Hopefully these tips will help save you time when troubleshooting the BDD deployment process.

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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    If you do it using the unattend.xml file then BDD will fail. You need to let BDD perform the partitioning for you. Thanks, Ben

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2007
    Hi Ben, Just a quick question, I'm trying to do a LTI of vista using WDS.  I get the target installed and I set that I want to capture an image, but on restart, it always states "Unable to find the SMS Task Sequencer..." whats the deal with that?

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2007
    Hi Ben, Yes I am, wiping and creating a partition usinf all available space (but, it fails unless I diskpart and remove the existing partition). Cheers :)

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2007
    Ben, I think I am getting around this, I was using a WDS install.wim but just now I am trying the install.wim from the distribution$ share and it appears to work. I'm pretty new to vista network installs (about 4 days) and I have to get this turkey up and running before monday ;).  I'm used to using RIS and this is a whole new beast.

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2008
    Ben, That a boy.  Thanks for the notes on this! R