What would an https://www.asp.net style community site look like for the Server Community?

   There's been talk around the halls of building 25 of exploring an IBuySpy/CommunityServer/CommunityStarter type web site to host community-generated ITPro content, provide community resources pertaining to Windows Server System products, and perhaps add a sandbox.msn.com type of area to help get early feedback on some of the things we're working on... I love the feel of the Visual Studio teams' non-Corporate feeling Community Portals like www.asp.net and www.gotdotnet.com, and the community-generated articles are my favorite feature. I had lunch the other day with Brian Goldfarb to pick his brain on his experiences in getting www.asp.net off the ground and he was full of enthusiasm and good information. What do you folks think?



  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2005
    Hi Bryce,

    My name is Steve Schofield. I used to run http://aspfree.com and have been part of the ASP/ASP.NET community since 1999. I have seen the independent community grow to include portal sites like asp.net. I also work at http://ORCSWeb.com which hosts asp.net, blogs.msdn.com. Funny you mention an 'ITPro' site for the community. I am working with Steve Smith (aspalliance.com guru) to bring up an ITPro' Style website called http://www.windowsadvice.com this will be geared towards 'ITPro type people. I am planning on being the community lead for this site. Topics include AD, SMS, Exchange, IIS. We in the middle of testing the new CommunityServer product to use for Blogs, Forums etc.. Appreciate any feedback or ideas you might have.
  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2005
    sounds good. The asp.net forums are a good help when working on asp.net sites. So a server community would be great
  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2005
    Yeah, great idea. I think a lot of IT Pro's need this. Currently, most IT Pro websites (like technet.microsoft.com and www.winnetmag.com) are geared too much towards beginners. They provide nice introductions on the standard MS tools, but don't delve deep enough. Also, the scope is too narrow most of the time. I think most IT Pro's are not really interested in Terminal Server, but more into the combination with Citrix Metaframe, for instance.
    So yes, an asp.net style community would be very nice, but it should look into matters deeper and beyond the MS boundaries.