Power Pack Press Clippings

Sorry, I couldn’t resist the alliteration.  ;-)  My enthusiasm must have boiled over after seeing all the great reception we’ve seen to the Power Pack 2 update and the MSDN release this week (we’ve counted close to 50 mentions in articles and blogs).  So thank you, Home Server community for spreading the word!

In case folks haven’t seen these, here’s but a smattering of some of the articles that have been posted this week.  It’s clear that the Media Center tie in enabled by Power Pack 2 is getting the bulk of the press, followed closely by the addition of Windows Home Server to MSDN

Engadget even featured us in their weekly HD Podcast, which was nice. 

And there are many more, so my apologies if I’ve omitted any others that are worth mentioning.  Which articles would you want to share? 

Have a great weekend everyone!

[Editor’s Note: A couple more clippings to pass along…]

