Ansökan till Pathfinder programmet

Nu är ansökningstiden för att gå med i Microsofts INTERNATIONELLA Innovativa skolprogram öppen. Tiden för att skicka in ansökan är mellan 21;a februari 2011 till 30;e maj 2011.

Vänligen läs mer nedan


/Eva Pethrus 

Apply Now to become a Pathfinder School in the Microsoft Partners in Learning

The FY12 application process  for Microsoft Partners in Learning Pathfinder Schools in now officially open.  This year, we will select a maximum of 60 schools to be part the program. These schools must demonstrate scalable and replicable models that can influence schools within their own countries, regionally and globally.  Attached you find email templates for you to send out to your schools.


Apply Now_ general email:   this email can be to send a more personal letter to a school leader to invite them to join the program.  The call to action is to join the Global Community and apply for the program.


Apply Now_ QA:  this email can be used for a blanket email to a larger community of school leader.  This provides more details about the program, application criteria and requirements.  This could also go on a website or can be used for various other communications.  Finally, you can also use this as a reference to answer question that a school leader might have about the program.


Innovative Schools year planning document: this document gives a school leader and/or APMs an idea of the schedule for the year.  It lists all the projected Virtual University sessions and mentor team meetings.


PathfinderApplicationInstructions:  this document will provide more detailed application instructions.  Gå in på Facebook (Microsoft Skola) så ligger dokumenten som gäller för applikationsprocessen där.


Steps to apply

Step 1:


Join the Community

Microsoft Partners in Learning runs a global community where school leaders with common interests can share experiences and learn from one another. 


Partners in Learning provides three levels of participation for schools:

  1. Global Community—open to everyone
  2. Pathfinder Schools—membership by application
  3. Mentor Schools—membership by invitation


Have your schools Join the Schools community today to become involved in the Partners in Learning .

Step 2:

Apply today

Schools interested in becoming more involved with Microsoft Partners in Learning can take the next step and apply to become a Pathfinder School.

Schools chosen as Pathfinder spend a year in the program and gain access to a broad range of resources and support designed to help them reach their goals.  Resources and support include:


  • Consultation with education experts to guide the change process.
  • Mentorship teams to coach school leaders throughout the transformation process. Each team will consist of six Pathfinder Schools, two Mentor Schools and a third-party coach.  These teams will be grouped together by country and region.
  • Support for teachers’ professional development in using technology as an effective learning tool.
  • Access to “Virtual University” sessions, led by education leaders on a variety of topics, ranging from learning environments, to developing leadership skills, to best practices for engaging students in their own learning.

Schools interested in applying must undergo a rigorous application process that focuses on educational leadership and the roles of students, educators, curriculum, and technology.


What are the criteria for being selected as a Pathfinder School?

  • School leaders from selected schools must be available to attend the Partners in Learning Worldwide Forum in Washington, DC, USA, from November 6-11, 2011.
  • Schools must complete all sections of the online application.
  • Schools must have leadership support and commitment at a school and local government level.
  • Schools must involve community members and leaders in the decision-making and planning process.
  • Team members must be fluent in English.


Step 3


Learn More

Microsoft also invites schools to attend an online introduction seminar on Partners in Learning Pathfinder program for an overview of the benefits of becoming a Pathfinder School and information on how to prepare for the application process.

Introduction seminars Dates

April 13, 2011*
6:00–7:30 A.M. Pacific Time

5:00–6:30 P.M. Pacific Time

*Click a session time to register


April 20, 2011*

6:00–7:30 A.M. Pacific Time

5:00–6:30 P.M. Pacific Time

*Click a session time to register

/Eva Pethrus