New Year's Resolutions

Today marks the first day of 2007 and so it is time for the obligatory New Year's resolutions.  Here's my list of resolutions:

1) Post to my blog more regularly.  I had not posted to my blog since September.  That's just not great regularity.  There's a lot that's been going on, so it is worth putting it out there.

2) Spend more time listening to potential customers.  We're really making great progress on Phoenix and we want to continue to use the great feedback from customers in the product.  So if you do have some ideas, please let me know.  And if you'd like to have some time doing some one on one chatting with you and your company, let me know.

Also if there are things you'd like for me to write about in my blog, please let me know about those too.

3) Become an ASP.NET expert.  It's just fun stuff.

4) Get more Phoenix tutorials and short snippets out there.  I personally believe that everyone learns by discovery (whether they know it or not), and through reading examples, people go through the process of discovery. 

BTW, OOPSLA 2006 went really well.  We had good turn out at the BoF, with a lot of positive feedback.  We will be at CGO and PLDI this year.  More details on what we'll be doing at those conferences later...


  • Anonymous
    January 07, 2007
    can't wait to see more phoenix toturial :)

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2007
    can't wait to see more phoenix toturial!