Restarting My Blog

It’s been a long time since I wrote to my blog. This posting is my restart.


One of the reasons I’ve been so quiet is that I’ve been involved in some start up projects here at Microsoft that we are not yet ready to blog about. These have taken quite a bit of my time, and although are related to the general universe of modeling, are concerned with longer lead projects. Fortunately, much good discourse on the topics of Software Factories, Visual Studio Team System, DSLs and model-driven development has been continued in the blogs of my colleagues in my team - Steve Cook, Stuart Kent, Jack Greenfield, Gareth Jones and Alan Wills, as well as the usual great commentary from Harry Pierson and many others at Microsoft and outside.


But during this period, I have done a fair bit of traveling to visit customers, and speaking at conferences – usually to explain our strategy for model-driven development and the roadmap for Microsoft’s support of it. At most of these occasions, I’m asked to explain more carefully our positioning of DSLs and the broader Software Factories story of which they are part, relative to the OMG branded technologies and approaches – specifically UML and MDA. I intend to comment on how we address these questions in the next few blog entries.
