Steve Balmer @IDC

Today was an interesting day for IDC. Steve Balmer, our CEO was at IDC where he addressed MS India operations. I first handArriving for his address  experienced his energy, passion, his perspective on where MS should go and view on competition. He is surely a leader who can charge up an entire audience. His call for developers on Vista was awesome! He continued with "Is anyone out here who worked on Vista?" and he kept asking this question with increased energy & passion until entire audience was thrilled and charged up! 

Ravi introducing Steve to the audience










His views on coolness where thought provoking. Food for thought for people who think that Apple and Google are cool. We are not copy cat. Apple is cool because it once failed miserably :) We really want to be cool like Harvard University and attract all the talent in the world and be the best company to work for.

Steve answering audience questions

 Leaving IDCWith IDC Employees

Before leaving the campus some of the MS employees didn't loose the opportunity to have their pictures taken with him. Poor me, I thought they were relatives of Srini or Soma and took their picture with my own camera :(

