F#: Introduction

In this 18-minute video, you'll take a brief look at the basic F# data types, and you'll explore some intermediate features such as recursion, pattern matching, and partially-applied functions.

See https://channel9.msdn.com/shows/10-4/10-4-Episode-17-F-Intro.

Video contents:

  • 01:35 - List data type.
  • 02:35 - Tuples.
  • 03:25 - Anonymous functions.
  • 03:55 - Identifiers (not variables!) and initialization.
  • 05:10 - Named functions.
  • 08:05 - Partially-applied functions, or "curried" functions.
  • 10:30 - Built-in list functions.
  • 12:00 - Pattern matching and recursion.
  • 15:00 - Applying pattern matching to tuples.
