Give us your most challenging Windows Phone 7 application development tasks!

Recently I’ve been working on a cross-group effort to create some content for getting folks started with Windows Phone 7 development. The team working on this project are myself and Karl, another writer for Silverlight, some test resources, part of a developer resource to act as a consultant, plus a program manager to run the whole thing. The team started this effort with a list of developer challenges that we gathered from various internal sources, and by developer challenges, I mean tasks that developers have struggled with when building their apps and getting them certified. The team then decided on an application that requires Karl and I to complete these same tasks with plans that we would document our experience; what decisions we made, why we made them, etc, and ultimately how we implemented our application and addressed these challenges. The goal is to link to relevant content on MSDN, but also to connect the dots from feature content to building an application in this material.

At this point we want to do a check and make sure we are addressing the right set of tasks, and this is where you come in. We’ve created a list of items using Issue Tracker in our project space on CodePlex and we would love to have you vote on items or list tasks that you are or have struggled with when building applications for the Windows Phone using Silverlight. Your votes and input can shape the documentation that flows out of this current project and the direction of additional cross-team projects. Again, see the list of items here.

Also, although it’s currently a work in progress, feel free to download the code for our Fuel Tracker sample and review the documentation we currently have posted. We welcome your feedback on both. We plan to make weekly drops going forward and we will be blogging more as this project progresses. Know that we welcome your feedback at any point along the way.



  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2010
    very nice... helpeful to many WP7 developers

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2010
    Could you please tag this post with the "Windows Phone" tag, so that we can find it more easily?