Announcing the GreenMachine utility for OperationsManager RTM, SP1, and R2

GreenMachine is an OpsMgr Utility that can be used to reset or recalculate all monitors for a single agent, or for all agents in your management group.

Command line tool that facilitates bulk reset of health monitors.

This can be very useful if you just had an event storm, and you want to reset everything back to "green". It also has the ability to identify "ManualReset" monitors, and reset or recalculate only them.

It displays most of the same data as healthexplorer, as well as some additional information.


Please evaluate in your test environment first! this solution is provided AS-IS, with no warranties and confers no rights. Use is subject to the terms specified at Microsoft.


Below is the command line arguments for the utility. I am also including the source code.  This is NOT open source, and may not be reused without permission.

  Command Line Usage:
            -q Quiet - print NO output
            -v Print verbose messages
            -r Reset the health of any monitors in an error or warning state
                Use this to reset the health of monitors

            -rr Recalculate health of any monitors in an error or warning state
                 Use this to recalculate the health of monitors. Can be used with -r
                 Recalculate only works for monitors that have designed to be recalculated

            -ra Reset or Recalculate ALL monitors. Only unit monitors are reset by default
                 By default, only unit monitors are reset. Use this to reset all monitors.
                 Including Aggregrate or Dependancy monitors that are in a Error or Warning state

            -man Only Reset 'Manual Reset' monitors
                  Some monitors are of a type of 'Manual Reset', for example, the Manual Reset Event log
                  Detection monitor. This will check the type of each monitor, and only reset those of a
                  'Manual Reset' type. All other monitor types will be skipped, and not reset.
                  Requires -r or -rr (also works with -v -all to identify monitors)

            -d Debug
            -c Display last 3 state change events
                This will display the state change events for monitors in an error or warning state.

            -M <RMS> Sets the name of the RMS to connect to
                Use this option to connect to a remote RMS. Requires OpsMgr DLL's are installed

            -A <Agent> Scan only the agent name specified
                By default, we will scan all windows computer objects in the management group.
                You can specify a wildcard scan with -A. Similar to Select * where name like '%name%'

            -w Scan for agents in a warning state
                By default, only agents in an ERROR state are scanned. Use -w to also scan warning

            -s Scan for agents in a success state
                Same as -w, but for agents in a success state

            -all Display all monitors for an agent (not just those in a warning or error state
                  -all is noisy. Use this to show ALL monitors on a scanned agent. Including those in
                  an Unitialized or Success state

            -noresize  Don't resize the console to 150 width by 50 height
            -bp, -bs, -bc, -ba  Scan only a single tree: Performance, Security, Configuration, Availability

            -----  OpsMgr SDK Client Cache mode settings -- Experimental -- May help performance ---
            See msdn for ManagementGroupConnectionSettings() for documentation
            -cc   Configuration cache mode (default)
            -cm   Management packs cache mode
            -cn   No caching


Below is the source code. The source is also included in the attached zip.

// todo:

// fix colors

// csv output, GUI, restructure



// Changelog:

// Version 1 - 14

//  Did stuff

// Version 15

//  Added debug statments

//  Renamed dumpschild

//  Added Cachemode command line options

//  added -noresize

//  Minor cleanup

// undocumented options:

// -level <x>

// -ba, -bs, -bp, -bc

// the above are used for scanning only 1 tree (like the Performance Tree (-bp))

// Version 16

// Hopefully Final version.

// added -ba -bs -bp -bc to -h

// Reports of broken -c


using System;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration;

using System.Threading;


namespace GreenMachine


    public class RecursiveMonitorSearch


        const short LOG_NONE = -1;

        const short LOG_OUTPUT = 0;

        const short LOG_INFO = 1;

        const short LOG_VERBOSE = 2;

        const short LOG_DEBUG = 3;


        internal ManagementGroup mgmtGroup = null;

        internal bool bResetHealth = false;

        internal bool bRecalcHealth = false;

        internal bool bPrintVerbose = false;

        internal bool bDisplayAll = false;

        internal bool bState = false;

        internal bool bResetMan = false;

        internal bool bResetAll = false;

        internal bool bPrintDebug = false;

        internal bool bPrintInfo = true;

        internal bool bPrintNone = false;

        internal bool bConfigCache = true;

        internal bool bMPCache = false;

        internal bool bNoCache = false;

        internal short sMaxLevel = 25;


        internal bool bAllTrees = true;

        internal bool bAvailabilityTree = false;

        internal bool bSecurityTree = false;

        internal bool bPerformanceTree = false;

        internal bool bConfigurationTree = false;


        internal int count = 0;

        private ReadOnlyCollection<UnitMonitorType> UMtypes;


        internal void ViewSettings()


            print("bResetHealth=" + bResetHealth, LOG_INFO);

            print("bRecalcHealth=" + bRecalcHealth, LOG_INFO);

            print("bPrintVerbose=" + bPrintVerbose, LOG_INFO);

            print("bState=" + bState, LOG_INFO);

            print("bResetMan=" + bResetMan, LOG_INFO);

            print("bResetAll=" + bResetAll, LOG_INFO);

            print("bPrintDebug=" + bPrintDebug, LOG_INFO);

            print("bPrintInfo=" + bPrintInfo, LOG_INFO);

            print("bPrintNone=" + bPrintNone, LOG_INFO);

            print("bConfigCache=" + bConfigCache, LOG_INFO);

            print("bMPCache=" + bMPCache, LOG_INFO);

            print("bNoCache=" + bNoCache, LOG_INFO);

            print("mgmtGroup=" + mgmtGroup.Name, LOG_INFO);

            print("  connected:" + mgmtGroup.IsConnected, LOG_INFO);



        internal void About()


            print("Starting GreenMachine v1.00.016 RC2!", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("Written by Tim Helton (timhe)", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("Portions written and testing by Charles Champion (cchamp)", LOG_OUTPUT);


            print("Inspired by a discussion at the 2008 R2 Tap Event.", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("Shoutouts to the OpsMgr MVPs. Keep up the good work!", LOG_OUTPUT);


            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("This utility is provided \"AS IS\" with no warranties, and confers no rights.", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("Use of included utilities are subject to the terms specified at", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);



        internal void PrintSpecial(string Blank, bool avail, HealthState ErrorLevel, ManagementPackMonitor mon, string CIMDN, string MODN, string MCDN)


            // Wrote this at the last minute for ultra-cool color coding.

            // Looks hackish, but works.

            if (bPrintNone) return;

            ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Gray;



            if (avail)


                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;





                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;




            switch (ErrorLevel)


                case HealthState.Error:

                    color = ConsoleColor.Red;

                    Console.ForegroundColor = color;



                case HealthState.Warning:

                    color = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

                    Console.ForegroundColor = color;



                case HealthState.Success:

                    color = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;

                    Console.ForegroundColor = color;



                case HealthState.Uninitialized:

                    color = ConsoleColor.Gray;

                    Console.ForegroundColor = color;

                    Console.Write("[ ]");




            if (!avail) color = ConsoleColor.Gray;


            if (mon is ManagementPackAggregateMonitor)


                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;

                Console.Write("{A} ");


            if (mon is ManagementPackDependencyMonitor)


                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;

                Console.Write("{D} ");


            if (mon is ManagementPackUnitMonitor)


                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;

                Console.Write("{U} ");


            Console.ForegroundColor = color;



            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            Console.Write(" - ");

            Console.ForegroundColor = color;


            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;

            Console.Write("(" + MCDN + ")\r\n");






        internal void print(string output, int loglevel, ConsoleColor Color)



            Console.ForegroundColor = Color;

            print(output, loglevel);





        internal void print(string output, int loglevel)


            bool bPrint = true;

            if (bPrintNone) bPrint = false;

            switch (loglevel)


                case LOG_NONE:

                    bPrint = false;


                case LOG_OUTPUT:


                case LOG_INFO:

                    if ((!bPrintInfo) && (!bPrintVerbose) && (!bPrintDebug)) bPrint = false;


                case LOG_VERBOSE:

                    if ((!bPrintVerbose) && (!bPrintDebug)) bPrint = false;


                case LOG_DEBUG:

                    if (!bPrintDebug) bPrint = false;



            if (bPrint) Console.WriteLine(output);



        // Connect to the Management group, and print out some useful information if verbose is set

        internal void Usage()


            print("Command Line Usage:", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-q Quiet - print NO output", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("-v Print verbose messages", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("-r Reset the health of any monitors in an error or warning state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("    Use this to reset the health of monitors", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-rr Recalculate health of any monitors in an error or warning state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("     Use this to recalculate the health of monitors. Can be used with -r", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("     Recalculate only works for monitors that have designed to be recalculated", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-ra Reset or Recalculate ALL monitors. Only unit monitors are reset by default", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("     By default, only unit monitors are reset. Use this to reset all monitors.", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("     Including Aggregrate or Dependancy monitors that are in a Error or Warning state", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-man Only Reset 'Manual Reset' monitors", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("      Some monitors are of a type of 'Manual Reset', for example, the Manual Reset Event log", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("      Detection monitor. This will check the type of each monitor, and only reset those of a", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("      'Manual Reset' type. All other monitor types will be skipped, and not reset.", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("      Requires -r or -rr (also works with -v -all to identify monitors)", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-d Debug", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("-c Display last 3 state change events", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("    This will display the state change events for monitors in an error or warning state.", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-M <RMS> Sets the name of the RMS to connect to", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("    Use this option to connect to a remote RMS. Requires OpsMgr DLL's are installed", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-A <Agent> Scan only the agent name specified", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("    By default, we will scan all windows computer objects in the management group.", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("    You can specify a wildcard scan with -A. Similar to Select * where name like '%name%'", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-w Scan for agents in a warning state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("    By default, only agents in an ERROR state are scanned. Use -w to also scan warning", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-s Scan for agents in a success state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("    Same as -w, but for agents in a success state", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-all Display all monitors for an agent (not just those in a warning or error state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("      -all is noisy. Use this to show ALL monitors on a scanned agent. Including those in", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("      a an Unitialized or Success state", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-noresize  Don't resize the console to 150 width by 50 height", LOG_OUTPUT,ConsoleColor.White);

            print("-bp, -bs, -bc, -ba  Scan only a single tree: Performance, Security, Configuration, Availability", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-----  OpsMgr SDK Client Cache mode settings -- Experimental -- May help performance ---", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("See msdn for ManagementGroupConnectionSettings() for documentation", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-cc   Configuration cache mode (default)", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-cm   Management packs cache mode", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("-cn   No caching", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);


        internal void mgmtgroup(string MgmtGroupName)





                ManagementGroupConnectionSettings mgSettings =

                     new ManagementGroupConnectionSettings(MgmtGroupName);


                if (bConfigCache)

                    mgSettings.CacheMode = CacheMode.Configuration;

                if (bMPCache)

                    mgSettings.CacheMode = CacheMode.ManagementPacks;

                if (bNoCache)

                    mgSettings.CacheMode = CacheMode.None;




                mgSettings.ServerName = MgmtGroupName;



                // Alternative Credentials:

                // mgSettings.UserName = name;

                // mgSettings.Domain = userDomain;

                // mgSettings.Password = password;


                print("Connecting to ManagementGroup " + MgmtGroupName, LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);

                print("SDK Cache mode: " + mgSettings.CacheMode, LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);

                mgmtGroup = ManagementGroup.Connect(mgSettings);

               // mgmtGroup = ManagementGroup.Connect(MgmtGroupName);


            catch (System.Exception e)


                print(String.Format("Could not connect to {0}: " + e.Message, MgmtGroupName), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.Red);

                mgmtGroup = null;


            if (mgmtGroup != null)


                print(string.Format("Connected to {0}!", MgmtGroupName), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.White);

                print(string.Format("Management group: {0}", mgmtGroup.Name), LOG_VERBOSE);

                print(string.Format("Product ID: {0}", mgmtGroup.ProductId), LOG_DEBUG);

                print(string.Format("Version: {0}", mgmtGroup.Version), LOG_VERBOSE);

                print(string.Format("SkuForLicense: {0} SkuForProduct: {1}", mgmtGroup.SkuForLicense, mgmtGroup.SkuForProduct), LOG_DEBUG);

                print(string.Format("Time of Expiration: {0}", mgmtGroup.TimeOfExpiration), LOG_DEBUG);

                print(string.Format("Management group ID: {0}", mgmtGroup.Id), LOG_DEBUG);

                print(string.Format("Cache Settings: {0}", mgmtGroup.ConnectionSettings.CacheMode),LOG_DEBUG);



                // Need a better place for this...

                if (bResetMan)


                    print("Reset only manual enabled. Collecting Monitor Types", LOG_DEBUG);

                    UnitMonitorTypeCriteria criteriaUM = new UnitMonitorTypeCriteria("Name like '%ManualReset%'");

                    UMtypes = mgmtGroup.GetUnitMonitorTypes(criteriaUM);





                print(string.Format("Not connected to {0}!", MgmtGroupName), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.Red);



        internal void DumpStateChild(MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> state, int level)


            ExternalRollupMonitoringState eRollup;

            print("Entering DumpStateChild() for " + state.Item.MonitorDisplayName + " Level: "+ level, LOG_DEBUG);

            if (level > sMaxLevel) return;



            // Hacked this in. Dirty but it works.

            if (level == 2 && !bAllTrees)


                switch (state.Item.MonitorDisplayName)


                    case "Configuration":

                        if (!bConfigurationTree) return;


                    case "Availability":

                        if (!bAvailabilityTree) return;


                    case "Performance":

                        if (!bPerformanceTree) return;


                    case "Security":

                        if (!bSecurityTree) return;








            if (state.TotalChildNodeCount > 0)


                foreach (MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> child in state.ChildNodes)


                    if (child != null)

                        printandreset(child, level);



            if (state.Item is ExternalRollupMonitoringState)


                print(state.Item.MonitorName + " is an ExternalRollupMonitorState item", LOG_DEBUG);

                eRollup = state.Item as ExternalRollupMonitoringState;

                if (eRollup != null)


                    List<MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState>> eStates = new List<MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState>>(eRollup.GetExternalMonitoringStateHierarchies());

                    if (eStates.Count > 0)


                        foreach (MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> echild in eStates)


                            if (echild != null)

                                printandreset(echild, level);






        internal void resetentry(MonitoringObject mo, int level)


            print("Entering resetentry() for: " + mo.Name + " Level: " + level, LOG_DEBUG);

            string Blank = "";

            Blank = Blank.PadLeft((level) * 3);

            if (mo.IsAvailable)


                if (bResetHealth)


                    MonitoringTaskResult result = mo.ResetMonitoringState();

                    if (result != null)


                        print(string.Format(Blank + "ResetMonitoringState Result Id {0} on {1}: {2}", result.Id, mo.Name, result.Status), LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);




                        print(string.Format(Blank + "ResetMonitoringState failed for {0}", mo.Name), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.Red);



                if (bRecalcHealth)


                    MonitoringTaskResult result = mo.RecalculateMonitoringState();

                    if (result != null)


                        print(string.Format(Blank + "RecalculateMonitoringState Result Id {0} on {1}: {2}", result.Id, mo.Name, result.Status), LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);




                        print(string.Format(Blank + "RecalculateMonitoringState failed for {0}", mo.Name), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.Red);




            else print(string.Format(Blank + "Not going to reset/recalulate offline monitor: {0}", mo.Name), LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);



        internal void PrintStateChangeEvents(MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> child, int level)


            print("Entering PrintStateChangeEvents() for: " + child.Item.MonitorName + " Level: "+level, LOG_DEBUG);

            string Blank = "";

            Blank = Blank.PadLeft((level) * 3);

            int i = 1;

            foreach (MonitoringStateChangeEvent mStateChangeEvent in child.Item.GetMonitoringStateChangeEvents())


                // eh print up to three of the last state change events

                if (i > child.Item.GetMonitoringStateChangeEvents().Count - 3)


                    if (mStateChangeEvent.Context != null)


                        print("mStateChangeEvent.Context = " + mStateChangeEvent.Context, LOG_DEBUG);

                        string mStateEventString = mStateChangeEvent.Context;

                        if (mStateEventString.ToLower().Contains("<context>")) // cheap and ugly


                            print(string.Format(Blank + " {0} - {1}: {2}", mStateChangeEvent.TimeAdded, mStateChangeEvent.NewHealthState, PullString(mStateEventString, "<context>", "</context>")), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.White);


                        else if (mStateEventString.ToLower().Contains("<param>"))


                            print(string.Format(Blank + " {0} - {1}: {2}", mStateChangeEvent.TimeAdded, mStateChangeEvent.NewHealthState, PullString(mStateEventString, "<param>", "</param>")), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.White);




                            print(string.Format(Blank + " {0} - {1}", mStateChangeEvent.TimeAdded, mStateChangeEvent.NewHealthState), LOG_INFO, ConsoleColor.White);







        internal void printentry(MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> child, int level)


            print("Entering printentry() for: " + child.Item.MonitorName + " Level: " + level, LOG_DEBUG);

            string Blank = "";

            Blank = Blank.PadLeft((level) * 3);



            MonitoringClass mc = mgmtGroup.GetMonitoringClass(child.Item.MonitorTargetMonitoringClassId);

            MonitoringObject mo = mgmtGroup.GetMonitoringObject(child.Item.MonitoringObjectId);

            bool MonitorisManual = false;

            ManagementPackMonitor mon = mgmtGroup.GetMonitor(child.Item.MonitorId);


            PrintSpecial(Blank, mo.IsAvailable, child.Item.HealthState, mon, child.Item.MonitorDisplayName, mo.DisplayName, mc.DisplayName);


            if (bResetMan)


                if (mon is ManagementPackUnitMonitor)


                    ManagementPackUnitMonitor monUM = mon as ManagementPackUnitMonitor;

                    foreach (UnitMonitorType UMtype in UMtypes)


                        if (monUM.TypeID != null)

                            if (UMtype.Id == monUM.TypeID.Id)


                                MonitorisManual = true;

                                print(Blank + "Monitor is a Manual reset monitor of type: " + UMtype.Name, LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);











            if (child.Item.HealthState == HealthState.Warning || child.Item.HealthState == HealthState.Error)


                if (bState)

                    PrintStateChangeEvents(child, level);

                if ((mon is ManagementPackUnitMonitor) || bResetAll)

                    if ((bResetMan && MonitorisManual) || bResetMan == false)

                        resetentry(mo, level);




        internal void printandreset(MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> child, int level)


            print("Entering printandreset() for item: " + child.Item.MonitorName + " Level: " + level, LOG_DEBUG);

            if (bDisplayAll || child.Item.HealthState == HealthState.Error || child.Item.HealthState == HealthState.Warning)


                printentry(child, level);





                DumpStateChild(child, level + 1);


            catch (ObjectNotFoundException)


                print("ObjectNotFoundException caught in DumpStateChild()", LOG_DEBUG, ConsoleColor.Red);



        static string PullString(string strSearchString, string strBeginString, string strEndString)


            if (strBeginString.Length + strEndString.Length >= strSearchString.Length) return "";

            int first = strSearchString.IndexOf(strBeginString, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) + strBeginString.Length;

            int last = strSearchString.LastIndexOf(strEndString, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            if ((last - first < 1) || (first < 0)) return "";

            return strSearchString.Substring(first, last - first);


        internal void legend()


            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("Legend:", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("(-) = Monitor is not available (Gray)", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Gray);

            print("(+) = Monitor is available (Green)", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Green);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("[E] = Monitor is in an ERROR state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Red);

            print("[W] = Monitor is in an WARNING state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            print("[S] = Monitor is in an SUCCESS state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen);

            print("[ ] = Monitor is in an UNINITIALIZED state", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Gray);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("{A} = Monitor is an Aggregrate Monitor", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Magenta);

            print("{D} = Monitor is a Dependancy Monitor", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Blue);

            print("{U} = Monitor is an Unit Monitor", LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.Cyan);


            print("-----------------------------------------------------", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);


        internal void DisplayMonitoringStateHierarchy(MonitoringObject mObject)



            print("Entering DisplayMonitoringStateHierarchy() for item: " + mObject.Name + " Count: " + count, LOG_DEBUG);

            print("", LOG_OUTPUT);

            print(string.Format("{0}: ", mObject.DisplayName), LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            MonitoringHierarchyNode<MonitoringState> state = mObject.GetMonitoringStateHierarchy();

            print(" Monitor: " + state.Item.MonitorDisplayName +

            " - " + state.Item.HealthState.ToString(), LOG_OUTPUT, ConsoleColor.White);

            print(" Description: " + state.Item.MonitorDescription, LOG_VERBOSE);

            // Parent node information.

            if (state.ParentNode != null)


                print(" Parent node: " +

                state.ParentNode.Item.MonitorDisplayName, LOG_VERBOSE);


            DumpStateChild(state, 1);




    class Program


        const short LOG_NONE = -1;

        const short LOG_OUTPUT = 0;

        const short LOG_INFO = 1;

        const short LOG_VERBOSE = 2;

        const short LOG_DEBUG = 3;


        static void Main(string[] args)


            bool bScanError = true;

            bool bScanWarning = false;

            bool bScanSuccess = false;

            string sMG = "localhost";

            string sAgentName = null;

            bool getMG = false;

            bool scanall = true;

            bool getAN = false;

            bool resize = true;

            bool mlevel = false;


            // Need an option for this maybe?

            //origWidth = Console.WindowWidth

            //origHeight = Console.WindowHeight



            RecursiveMonitorSearch hsod = new RecursiveMonitorSearch();


            foreach (string arg in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs())


                if (arg == Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]) continue;

                if (getMG)


                    getMG = false;

                    sMG = arg;

                    hsod.print(string.Format("Management group set to {0}", sMG), LOG_VERBOSE);



                if (getAN)


                    getAN = false;

                    scanall = false;

                    sAgentName = arg;

                    hsod.print(string.Format("Agent Name set to {0}", sAgentName), LOG_VERBOSE);



                if (mlevel)


                    mlevel = false;


                    hsod.sMaxLevel = Convert.ToInt16( arg);

                    hsod.print(string.Format("Max Level set to  {0}", hsod.sMaxLevel), LOG_VERBOSE);



                switch (arg.ToLower())


                    case "-q":

                        hsod.bPrintNone = true;

                        hsod.print("Quiet mode activated", LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-v":

                        hsod.bPrintVerbose = true;

                        hsod.print("Verbose mode activated", LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-d":

                        hsod.bPrintDebug = true;

                        hsod.print("Debug mode activated -- sorta implemented", LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-r":

                        hsod.print("Reset Health mode activated.", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bResetHealth = true;


                    case "-rr":

                        hsod.print("Recalculate Health mode activated.", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bRecalcHealth = true;


                    case "-w":

                        hsod.print("Scanning for warning level agents enabled", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        bScanWarning = true;


                    case "-s":

                        hsod.print("Scanning for success level agents enabled", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        bScanSuccess = true;


                    case "-c":

                        hsod.print("Displaying State change events", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bState = true;


                    case "-m":

                        getMG = true;


                    case "-a":

                        getAN = true;


                    case "-all":

                        hsod.print("Display all monitors set to true", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bDisplayAll = true;


                    case "-man":

                        hsod.print("Only resetting Manual Reset Monitors set to true", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bResetMan = true;


                    case "-ra":

                        hsod.print("Resetting/Recalcing all monitors instead of only unit monitors set to true", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bResetAll = true;


                    case "-cm":

                        hsod.print("SDK Management pack Cache mode activated", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bMPCache = true;


                    case "-cn":

                        hsod.print("SDK No cache option found", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bNoCache = true;


                    case "-cc":

                        hsod.print("SDK Configuration Cache mode activated", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        hsod.bConfigCache = true;


                    case "-noresize":

                        hsod.print("Not resizing the window", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        resize = false;


                    case "-level":

                        hsod.print("max scan level enabled", LOG_VERBOSE);

                        mlevel = true;





                    case "-ba":



                        hsod.print("Availability Tree Enabled",LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-bs":



                        hsod.print("Security Tree Enabled",LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-bp":



                        hsod.print("Performance Tree Enabled",LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-bc":



                        hsod.print("Configuration Tree Enabled", LOG_VERBOSE);


                    case "-h":




                        hsod.print(string.Format("Unknown command line option {0}", arg), LOG_OUTPUT);

                        hsod.print("", LOG_OUTPUT);






            if (resize)


                //origWidth = Console.WindowWidth

                //origHeight = Console.WindowHeight

 hsod.print(string.Format("Window settings: Max {0}x{1} Current {2}x{3}",Console.LargestWindowWidth,Console.LargestWindowHeight,Console.WindowWidth,Console.WindowHeight),LOG_DEBUG);

                if (Console.LargestWindowHeight >= 50  && Console.LargestWindowWidth >= 150)

                Console.SetWindowSize(150, 50);



            ReadOnlyCollection<MonitoringObject> monitoringObjects;

            MonitoringClass computerMonitoringClass;

            MonitoringObjectCriteria criteria;


            if (hsod.mgmtGroup == null) return;

            if (hsod.bPrintDebug) hsod.ViewSettings();

            computerMonitoringClass = hsod.mgmtGroup.GetMonitoringClass(SystemMonitoringClass.WindowsComputer);

            // criteria = new MonitoringObjectCriteria( string.Format("HealthState='{0}'", (int)HealthState.Error), computerMonitoringClass);


            if (scanall)


                criteria = new MonitoringObjectCriteria("", computerMonitoringClass);


            else criteria = new MonitoringObjectCriteria("Name like '%" + sAgentName + "%'", computerMonitoringClass);

            monitoringObjects = hsod.mgmtGroup.GetMonitoringObjects(criteria);

            hsod.print(monitoringObjects.Count + " Monitoring objects found.", LOG_INFO);

            foreach (MonitoringObject monitoringObject in monitoringObjects)


                hsod.print(string.Format("Agent {0} is in a state of {1}", monitoringObject.DisplayName, monitoringObject.HealthState), LOG_VERBOSE);

                switch (monitoringObject.HealthState)


                    case HealthState.Error:

                        if (bScanError) hsod.DisplayMonitoringStateHierarchy(monitoringObject);


                    case HealthState.Warning:

                        if (bScanWarning) hsod.DisplayMonitoringStateHierarchy(monitoringObject);


                    case HealthState.Success:

                        if (bScanSuccess) hsod.DisplayMonitoringStateHierarchy(monitoringObject);



                        hsod.print(string.Format("Not Scanning: {0} which in a state of {1}", monitoringObject.DisplayName, monitoringObject.HealthState), LOG_VERBOSE, ConsoleColor.White);




            hsod.print(hsod.count + " Monitoring objects scanned.", LOG_INFO);






Greenmachine timhe "reset monitor" "recalc monitors" "recalculate monitor" "reset manual monitor" OpsMgr OperationsManager SCOM


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    &#160; Attachment(s): Announcing the GreenMachine utility for OperationsManager RTM

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tim Helton created a new Operations Manager utility GreenMachine, that can be used to reset or recalculate

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: TimHe's Blog of SMS SCCM SCOM MOM and SCE Tim Helton created a new OpsMgr utility that can be

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    This has been a common request.&#160; Suppose you have an opsmgr environment and you have a variety of

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Summary This document will provide guidance to online links, resources, tools and blogs to assist in

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    HI, very nice work, u really have a smooth way to deliver information, thanks for the clear efforts ur making.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tim Helton, a Senior Supoport Escalation Engineer in our North Carolina office, recently posted a cool

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    &#160; Tim Helton, a Senior Support Escalation Engineer in our North Carolina office, recently posted

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tim Helton, a Senior Supoport Escalation Engineer in our North Carolina office, recently posted a cool

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2011
    Any thoughts on updating this to also allow for resetting of network devices as well, instead of just windows computers?  

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2012
    the command "using" returns an error for me in my version of Powershell.

  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2012
    it works well in SCOM R2. When I ran it in SCOM 2012, it says "monitor is uninitialized state" for all agents. do we have updated uitility for SCOM 2012 anywhere?

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2014
    Hello,Any example of syntax?Thanks,DOm

  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2014
    Tim, this is Jacoby (we worked together @ DONet). Shoot me an email sir, I would like to talk with you old friend:)

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2014
    Recently some of my peers were discussing issues that their customers are encountering with manual reset