Weather on MSN

It looks like MSN just released a new weather channel. I love the new site. It has got great performance and is pleasant on the eye. What makes it even better is the weather here at Redmond. [:)]. I really hope we do more of these deep content sites.

Here are some more details from an internal release mail:

  • Implicit personalization
    View a location and it (along with up to three more locations) will follow you around the site and show you the current conditions -- just click to get more detail
  • Great weather data
    Over 36,500 locations around the world with current conditions and five days of forecast, over 380 regional pages, and 175 satellite/Doppler/etc. maps
  • Amazing location search
    With the help of Mappoint you can check out the weather for Redmond, WA, 90210, Disneyland, or anywhere else in the world and we'll find you relevant weather data
  • Great national and local news
    From MSNBC we have national weather news as well as local news from affiliates throughout the U.S. including the King County Journal and Seattle P.I. for the Puget Sound (amongst many others)
  • Weather videos
    From MSN Video and The Weather Channel we have national, regional, and severe weather video!   
  • Speed - 3x faster than!
    Couldn't forget the performance... We have incredible PLT while maintaining our rich content. 
  • ... and much much more!
    Check it all out at

The rest of the email mentions some of the new features they are working on. Looks like we will have more useful features releasing in the next couple of months. I cannot wait to share that with you.

- Venkat