SoapBinding.Namespace 欄位


SoapBinding 類別的 XML 命名空間 (Namespace) 取得 URI。 這個欄位為常數。

public: System::String ^ Namespace;
public const string Namespace;
val mutable Namespace : string
Public Const Namespace As String 



SoapBinding^ mySoapBinding = gcnew SoapBinding;
mySoapBinding->Transport = "";
mySoapBinding->Style = SoapBindingStyle::Document;
// Get the URI for XML namespace of the SoapBinding class.
String^ myNameSpace = SoapBinding::Namespace;
Console::WriteLine( "The URI of the XML Namespace is :{0}", myNameSpace );
SoapBinding mySoapBinding = new SoapBinding();
mySoapBinding.Transport = "";
mySoapBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document;
// Get the URI for XML namespace of the SoapBinding class.
String myNameSpace = SoapBinding.Namespace;
Console.WriteLine("The URI of the XML Namespace is :"+myNameSpace);
Dim mySoapBinding As New SoapBinding()
mySoapBinding.Transport = ""
mySoapBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document
' Get the URI for XML namespace of the SoapBinding class.
Dim myNameSpace As String = SoapBinding.Namespace
Console.WriteLine("The URI of the XML Namespace is :" + myNameSpace)


域值為 ""
