ToolStripDropDown.ProcessMnemonic(Char) 方法



protected public:
 override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode);
protected internal override bool ProcessMnemonic (char charCode);
override this.ProcessMnemonic : char -> bool
Protected Friend Overrides Function ProcessMnemonic (charCode As Char) As Boolean





如果控制項已將字元當成助憶鍵處理,則為 true,否則為 false


下列程式碼範例示範按鈕類別的延伸模組,此類別會覆寫 ProcessMnemonic 方法以展示自訂行為。 此範例也會示範 和 IsMnemonic 屬性的使用 CanSelect 。 若要執行此範例,請將下列程式碼貼到表單類別之後的相同檔案中。 將類型的 MnemonicButton 按鈕新增至表單。

// This button is a simple extension of the button class that overrides
// the ProcessMnemonic method.  If the mnemonic is correctly entered,  
// the message box will appear and the click event will be raised.  
// This method makes sure the control is selectable and the 
// mnemonic is correct before displaying the message box
// and triggering the click event.
public ref class MyMnemonicButton: public Button
   bool ProcessMnemonic( char inputChar )
      if ( CanSelect && IsMnemonic( inputChar, this->Text ) )
         MessageBox::Show( "You've raised the click event "
         "using the mnemonic." );
         return true;

      return false;

// This button is a simple extension of the button class that overrides
// the ProcessMnemonic method.  If the mnemonic is correctly entered,  
// the message box will appear and the click event will be raised.  
public class MyMnemonicButton : Button
    // This method makes sure the control is selectable and the 
    // mneumonic is correct before displaying the message box
    // and triggering the click event.
    protected override bool ProcessMnemonic(char inputChar)
        if (CanSelect && IsMnemonic(inputChar, this.Text))
            MessageBox.Show("You've raised the click event " +
                "using the mnemonic.");
            return true;
        return false;
' This button is a simple extension of the button class that overrides
' the ProcessMnemonic method.  If the mnemonic is correctly entered,  
' the message box will appear and the click event will be raised.  
Public Class MyMnemonicButton
    Inherits Button

    ' This method makes sure the control is selectable and the 
    ' mneumonic is correct before displaying the message box
    ' and triggering the click event.
    <System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission( _
    System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Window:=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)> _
    Protected Overrides Function ProcessMnemonic( _
        ByVal inputChar As Char) As Boolean

        If (CanSelect And IsMnemonic(inputChar, Me.Text)) Then
            MessageBox.Show("You've raised the click event " _
                & "using the mnemonic.")
            Return True
        End If
        Return False
    End Function

End Class


呼叫這個方法,讓控制項有機會處理助記字元。 方法應該判斷控制項是否處於處理助憶鍵的狀態,以及指定的字元是否代表助憶鍵。 如果是,方法應該執行與助憶鍵相關聯的動作,並傳回 true 。 如果沒有,方法應該會傳回 false 。 此方法的實作通常會使用 IsMnemonic 方法來判斷指定的字元是否符合控制項文字中的助憶鍵。


if (CanSelect && IsMnemonic(charCode, MyControl.Text) {
      // Perform action associated with mnemonic.

此方法的預設實作 ProcessMnemonic 只會傳回 false ,表示控制項沒有助憶鍵。

