
在物件上使用反映來將屬性(以及這些屬性的類型)逐一化,可能會降低應用程式效能。 命名空間 System.Printing.IndexedProperties 提供一種方法來取得這項資訊,而不需使用反映。



  1. 建立 型別的執行個體。 在下列範例中,類型是 PrintQueue 隨附于 Microsoft .NET Framework 的類型,但幾乎完全相同的程式碼應該適用于衍生自 PrintSystemObject 的類型。

  2. PrintPropertyDictionary從類型的 PropertiesCollection 建立 。 Value這個字典中每個專案的屬性都是衍生自 PrintProperty 之其中一個型別的物件。

  3. 列舉字典的成員。 針對每個專案,請執行下列動作。

  4. 向上轉換每個專案的值, PrintProperty 並用它來建立 PrintProperty 物件。

  5. 取得每個 物件的 型 ValuePrintProperty

// Enumerate the properties, and their types, of a queue without using Reflection
LocalPrintServer localPrintServer = new LocalPrintServer();
PrintQueue defaultPrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue();

PrintPropertyDictionary printQueueProperties = defaultPrintQueue.PropertiesCollection;

Console.WriteLine("These are the properties, and their types, of {0}, a {1}", defaultPrintQueue.Name, defaultPrintQueue.GetType().ToString() +"\n");

foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in printQueueProperties)
    PrintProperty property = (PrintProperty)entry.Value;

    if (property.Value != null)
        Console.WriteLine(property.Name + "\t(Type: {0})", property.Value.GetType().ToString());
Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress Return to continue...");

' Enumerate the properties, and their types, of a queue without using Reflection
Dim localPrintServer As New LocalPrintServer()
Dim defaultPrintQueue As PrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue()

Dim printQueueProperties As PrintPropertyDictionary = defaultPrintQueue.PropertiesCollection

Console.WriteLine("These are the properties, and their types, of {0}, a {1}", defaultPrintQueue.Name, defaultPrintQueue.GetType().ToString() + vbLf)

For Each entry As DictionaryEntry In printQueueProperties
    Dim [property] As PrintProperty = CType(entry.Value, PrintProperty)

    If [property].Value IsNot Nothing Then
        Console.WriteLine([property].Name & vbTab & "(Type: {0})", [property].Value.GetType().ToString())
    End If
Next entry
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & vbLf & "Press Return to continue...")
