List teamsApp

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

List apps from the Microsoft Teams app catalog.

This includes apps from the Microsoft Teams store and apps from your organization's app catalog (the tenant app catalog). To get apps from your organization's app catalog only, specify organization as the distributionMethod in the request.


In general, the id of a teamsApp resource is generated by the server. It is not the same as the id specified in a Teams app manifest, unless its distributionMethod is store. For other cases, the id provided by the developer as part of the Teams app manifest is stamped as the externalId in the teamsApp resource.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

Permission type Least privileged permissions Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account) AppCatalog.Submit AppCatalog.Read.All, AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application AppCatalog.Read.All AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All


The Directory.Read.All and Directory.ReadWrite.All permissions are supported only for backward compatibility. We recommend that you update your solutions to use an alternative permission and avoid using these permissions going forward.

HTTP request

GET /appCatalogs/teamsApps

Optional query parameters

This method supports the $filter, $select, and $expand OData query parameters to help customize the response.

Using $expand=AppDefinitions returns more information about the state of the app, such as the publishingState, which reflects the app submission review status and returns whether an app is approved, rejected, or remains under review.

Note: You can filter on any of the fields of the teamsApp object to shorten the list of results. You can use any of the following filter operations: Equal, not-equal, and, or, and not.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and a list of teamsApp objects in the response body.


Example 1: List all applications specific to the tenant

The following example lists all applications that are specific to your tenant.


The following example shows a request.

GET$filter=distributionMethod eq 'organization'


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "value": [
      "id": "b1c5353a-7aca-41b3-830f-27d5218fe0e5",
      "externalId": "f31b1263-ba99-435a-a679-911d24850d7c",
      "displayName": "Test App",
      "distributionMethod": "organization"

Example 2: List applications with a given ID

The following example lists applications with a given ID.


The following example shows a request.

GET$filter=id eq 'b1c5353a-7aca-41b3-830f-27d5218fe0e5'


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "value": [
      "id": "b1c5353a-7aca-41b3-830f-27d5218fe0e5",
      "externalId": "f31b1263-ba99-435a-a679-911d24850d7c",
      "displayName": "Test App",
      "distributionMethod": "organization"

Example 3: Find application based on the Teams app manifest ID

The following example lists applications that match the id specified in the Teams app manifest. In the example, the manifest ID of the Teams app is cf1ba4c7-f94e-4d80-ba90-5594b641a8ee.


The following example shows a request.

GET$filter=externalId eq 'cf1ba4c7-f94e-4d80-ba90-5594b641a8ee'


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps",
    "value": [
            "id": "22f73bbe-f67a-4dea-bd54-54cac718cb2b",
            "externalId": "cf1ba4c7-f94e-4d80-ba90-5594b641a8ee",
            "displayName": "YPA",
            "distributionMethod": "organization"

Example 4: List applications with a given ID, and return the submission review state

The following example lists applications with a given ID, and expands appDefinitions to return the publishingState, which reflects the submission review state of the app. Submitted means the review is pending, published means the admin approved the app, and rejected means the admin rejected app.


The following example shows a request.

GET$filter=id eq '876df28f-2e78-423b-94a5-44181bd0e225'&$expand=appDefinitions


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "value": [
      "id": "876df28f-2e78-423b-94a5-44181bd0e225",
      "externalId": "f31b1263-ba99-435a-a679-911d24850d7c",
      "displayName": "Test App",
      "distributionMethod": "Organization",
      "appDefinitions": [
          "id": "NGQyMGNiNDUtZWViYS00ZTEyLWE3YzktMGQ0NDgzYjYxNzU2IyMxLjAuMA==",
          "teamsAppId": "876df28f-2e78-423b-94a5-44181bd0e225",
          "displayName": "Test App",
          "version": "1.0.1",
          "publishingState": "published",
          "shortDescription": "Types Of Cards.",
          "description": "This sample shows the feature where user can send different types of cards using bot.",
          "lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-11-23T21:36:00.9437445Z",
          "createdBy": null 

Example 5: List the details of only those apps in the catalog that contain a bot

The following example lists only those apps in the catalog that contain a bot.


The following example shows a request.

GET$expand=appDefinitions($expand=bot)&$filter=appDefinitions/any(a:a/bot ne null)


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps(appDefinitions(bot()))",
    "value": [
            "id": "8a1ed7a3-5c78-46b2-8504-f9da00a1d1a6",
            "externalId": "3CAB7543-216D-47C6-986C-6247670F4663",
            "displayName": "Ducks-3",
            "distributionMethod": "organization",
            "appDefinitions": [
                    "@odata.etag": "ImNOTW1CR2V1VzgwczlEblVidU00UHc9PSI=",
                    "id": "OGExZWQ3YTMtNWM3OC00NmIyLTg1MDQtZjlkYTAwYTFkMWE2IyMxLjAuOSMjUmVqZWN0ZWQ=",
                    "teamsAppId": "8a1ed7a3-5c78-46b2-8504-f9da00a1d1a6",
                    "displayName": "Ducks-3",
                    "version": "1.0.9",                  
                    "publishingState": "rejected",
                    "shortDescription": "quaerat quasi magnam. slight change. 5",
                    "description": "Aliquid placeat animi debitis accusamus. Non perferendis ullam. Quis est consequuntur vitae provident. Sunt laudantium id aut. slight change 5",
                    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-11-23T21:36:00.9437445Z",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "application": null,
                        "device": null,
                        "conversation": null,
                        "user": {
                            "id": "70292a90-d2a7-432c-857e-55db6d8f5cd0",
                            "displayName": null,
                            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
                    "bot": {
                        "id": "bb9f67a4-893b-48d7-ab17-40ed466c0f16"
            "id": "30909dee-f7dd-4f89-8b3b-55de2e32489c",
            "externalId": "0ebd3f4d-ca91-495b-a227-a17d298e22cc",
            "displayName": "Self-Install-App-E2E-Tests",
            "distributionMethod": "organization",
            "appDefinitions": [
                    "@odata.etag": "IkwzVDlMOTBSSEdTMFducHUyYkpjVmc9PSI=",
                    "id": "MzA5MDlkZWUtZjdkZC00Zjg5LThiM2ItNTVkZTJlMzI0ODljIyM2LjAuMCMjU3VibWl0dGVk",
                    "teamsAppId": "30909dee-f7dd-4f89-8b3b-55de2e32489c",                
                    "displayName": "Self-Install-App-E2E-Tests",
                    "version": "6.0.0",
                    "publishingState": "submitted",
                    "shortDescription": "A conversational smart assistant from MSX that surfaces real-time insights.",
                    "description": "For MSX Users: A conversational role-based smart assistant that will enable Enterprise sellers (AE, ATS, SSP, TSP) to be more productive by surfacing real-time insights, recommendations, actions and notifications, and by automating repetitive tasks.",
                    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-08-25T18:40:13.035341Z",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "application": null,
                        "device": null,
                        "conversation": null,
                        "user": {
                            "id": "c071a180-a220-43a1-adaf-e8db95c4a7d6",
                            "displayName": null,
                            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
                    "bot": {
                        "id": "da7d471b-de7d-4152-8556-1cdf7a564f6c"

Example 6: List the details of apps filtered by app installation scope

The following example lists only those apps that can be installed in the personal scope of a user.


The following example shows a request.

GET$expand=appDefinitions($select=id,displayName,allowedInstallationScopes)&$filter=appDefinitions/any(a:a/allowedInstallationScopes has 'personal')


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps(appDefinitions(id,displayName,allowedInstallationScopes))",
    "value": [
            "id": "5a542e1c-5f8c-4793-8b0c-6082464b2378",
            "externalId": "4b3ec336-b998-4623-9e25-d4182fb82159",
            "displayName": "Carriage",
            "distributionMethod": "organization",
            "appDefinitions": [
                    "id": "MWE1NDJlMWMtNWY4Yy00NzkzLThiMGMtNjA4MjQ2NGIyMzc4IyMxLjAuMCMjUHVibGlzaGVk",
                    "displayName": "Carriage",
                    "allowedInstallationScopes": "personal"

Example 7: List applications with a given ID and return only the resource specific permissions required by the app

The following example lists the apps with a given ID and returns the resource-specific permissions that are associated with it.


The following example shows a request.



The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps(appDefinitions(id,authorization))",
    "value": [
            "id": "a5228c26-a9ae-4702-90e0-79a5246d2f7d",
            "externalId": "a55ec032-36e9-4b60-b604-34b2fe55abf1",
            "displayName": "teamsDelegatedRscTests",
            "distributionMethod": "organization",
            "appDefinitions@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps('a5228c26-a9ae-4702-90e0-79a5246d2f7d')/appDefinitions(id,authorization)",
            "appDefinitions": [
                    "id": "YTUyMjhjMjYtYTlhZS00NzAyLTkwZTAtNzlhNTI0NmQyZjdkIyMxLjAuMCMjUHVibGlzaGVk",
                    "authorization": {
                        "clientAppId": "6ed63604-0ba7-4a28-bb3a-dda03ea18d54",
                        "requiredPermissionSet": {
                            "resourceSpecificPermissions": [
                                    "permissionValue": "Channel.Create.Group",
                                    "permissionType": "application"
                                    "permissionValue": "Channel.Delete.Group",
                                    "permissionType": "application"
                                    "permissionValue": "ChannelMeeting.ReadBasic.Group",
                                    "permissionType": "delegated"

Example 8: List details of apps in the app catalog that contain dashboard cards

The following example lists only apps in the app catalog that contain a dashboard card.


The following example shows a request.



The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps(appDefinitions(dashboardCards()))",
  "value": [
      "id": "ff43cabf-9244-4260-a68e-5403ec648e96",
      "externalId": "c8d1b752-2762-4e8c-9aba-3537d339e17a",
      "displayName": "Dashboard Card App",
      "distributionMethod": "organization",
      "appDefinitions@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps('ff43cabf-9244-4260-a68e-5403ec648e96')/appDefinitions(dashboardCards())",
      "appDefinitions": [
          "id": "ZmY0M2NhYmYtOTI0NC00MjYwLWE2OGUtNTQwM2VjNjQ4ZTk2IyMxLjAuMCMjUHVibGlzaGVk",
          "teamsAppId": "ff43cabf-9244-4260-a68e-5403ec648e96",
          "azureADAppId": null,
          "displayName": "Dashboard Card App",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "requiredResourceSpecificApplicationPermissions": [],
          "publishingState": "published",
          "shortdescription": "Test app with dashboard cards",
          "description": "Test app with dashboard cards",
          "lastModifiedDateTime": null,
          "allowedInstallationScopes": "team,groupChat,personal",
          "serializedInternalDefinition": null,
          "createdBy": null,
          "authorization": {
            "clientAppId": null,
            "requiredPermissionSet": {
              "resourceSpecificPermissions": []
          "dashboardCards@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps('ff43cabf-9244-4260-a68e-5403ec648e96')/appDefinitions('ZmY0M2NhYmYtOTI0NC00MjYwLWE2OGUtNTQwM2VjNjQ4ZTk2IyMxLjAuMCMjUHVibGlzaGVk')/dashboardCards",
          "dashboardCards": [
              "id": "210a65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114b",
              "displayName": "sample1",
              "description": "this is the first sample of the card",
              "pickerGroupId": "110a65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114b",
              "defaultSize": "large",
              "icon": {
                "iconUrl": null,
                "officeUIFabricIconName": "VivaLogo"
              "contentSource": {
                "sourceType": "bot",
                "botConfiguration": {
                  "botId": "19806762-da13-422d-837a-f1061bc1f572"
              "id": "210a65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114a",
              "displayName": "sample2",
              "description": "Second sample of dashboard card.",
              "pickerGroupId": "110b65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114b",
              "defaultSize": "medium",
              "icon": {
                "iconUrl": "",
                "officeUIFabricIconName": null
              "contentSource": {
                "sourceType": "bot",
                "botConfiguration": {
                  "botId": "19806762-da13-422d-837a-f1061bc1f672"
      "id": "4c3aa29d-ea6b-4e68-9ae0-9e6f1251eea0",
      "externalId": "c85a15d9-b835-49f4-99d6-a5cbe89734d3",
      "displayName": "Dashboard Card Test",
      "distributionMethod": "organization",
      "appDefinitions@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps('4c3aa29d-ea6b-4e68-9ae0-9e6f1251eea0')/appDefinitions(dashboardCards())",
      "appDefinitions": [
          "id": "NGMzYWEyOWQtZWE2Yi00ZTY4LTlhZTAtOWU2ZjEyNTFlZWEwIyMxLjAuMCMjUHVibGlzaGVk",
          "teamsAppId": "4c3aa29d-ea6b-4e68-9ae0-9e6f1251eea0",
          "azureADAppId": null,
          "displayName": "Dashboard Card Test",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "requiredResourceSpecificApplicationPermissions": [],
          "publishingState": "published",
          "shortdescription": "Test app with dashboard cards",
          "description": "Test app with dashboard cards",
          "lastModifiedDateTime": null,
          "allowedInstallationScopes": "team,groupChat,personal",
          "serializedInternalDefinition": null,
          "createdBy": null,
          "authorization": {
            "clientAppId": null,
            "requiredPermissionSet": {
              "resourceSpecificPermissions": []
          "dashboardCards@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps('4c3aa29d-ea6b-4e68-9ae0-9e6f1251eea0')/appDefinitions('NGMzYWEyOWQtZWE2Yi00ZTY4LTlhZTAtOWU2ZjEyNTFlZWEwIyMxLjAuMCMjUHVibGlzaGVk')/dashboardCards",
          "dashboardCards": [
              "id": "210a65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114b",
              "displayName": "sample1",
              "description": "this is the first sample of the card",
              "pickerGroupId": "110a65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114b",
              "defaultSize": "large",
              "icon": {
                "iconUrl": null,
                "officeUIFabricIconName": "VivaLogo"
              "contentSource": {
                "sourceType": "bot",
                "botConfiguration": {
                  "botId": "19806762-da13-422d-837a-f1061bc1f572"
              "id": "210a65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114a",
              "displayName": "sample2",
              "description": "Second sample of dashboard card.",
              "pickerGroupId": "110b65de-24ce-445e-9e1e-dd4ef0f0114b",
              "defaultSize": "medium",
              "icon": {
                "iconUrl": "",
                "officeUIFabricIconName": null
              "contentSource": {
                "sourceType": "bot",
                "botConfiguration": {
                  "botId": "19806762-da13-422d-837a-f1061bc1f672"