How to Use Multiple Currencies

Commerce Server Core Systems lets you store product prices in multiple currencies, and display multiple currencies on your Web site. For example, you may want to display product prices in both euros and U.S. dollars. You can do this by using virtual catalogs or by using properties.

Display Multiple Currencies by Using Virtual Catalogs

To display a single catalog that contains multiple currencies, you can create multiple virtual catalogs. You can create a virtual catalog for each country/region, and then use price rules to define the price of each product for that country/region. Alternatively, you can use price rules to apply a currency conversion rate (percentage) to all products.

The advantage to using multiple virtual catalogs is that the site code remains the same. The only thing that has to change is where the catalog is selected. The disadvantage of this method is that you must manage multiple catalogs.

Display Multiple Currencies by Using Properties

You can use a single catalog and create a currency property for each currency that you support. For example, you might create the properties cy_list_price_USD, cy_list_price_CDN, and cy_list_price_JPY. You would write code that queries the catalog to select the appropriate currency property for the current country/region.

For more information about how to use pricing in base catalogs and virtual catalogs, see What Are the Base Catalog Concepts? and What Are the Virtual Catalog Concepts?

See Also

Other Resources

Managing International Catalogs