本主題將說明如何匯出自訂的 WSDL 資訊。為了要這麼做,我們定義了一個名為 WsdlDocumentationAttribute 的新程式碼屬性,會將自訂的資訊加入至服務所產生的 WSDL。

若要匯出自訂的 WSDL 資訊

  1. 請實作 IWsdlExportExtension 介面。您可以在實作下列任何介面的類別上實作此介面:IOperationBehaviorIContractBehaviorIEndpointBehavior。您也可以在衍生自 BindingElement 的類別上實作此介面。此範例在實作 IContractBehavior 的屬性類別上實作了 IWsdlExportExtension

  2. IWsdlExportExtension 定義了兩個方法:ExportEndpointExportContract。這些方法可讓您修改或加入 (或修改和加入) 額外的資訊至 WsdlContractConversionContext。這個範例的 ExportContract 方法中,擷取了 OperationDescription 物件的集合,接著並逐一查看集合,檢查是否有 WsdlDocumentationAttribute。如果找到任何一個,則會擷取與屬性關聯的文字、產生摘要項目,並將摘要項目加入至作業的 DocumentationElement

            public void ExportContract(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlContractConversionContext context)
                Console.WriteLine("Inside ExportContract");
    if (context.Contract != null)
                    // Set the document element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the 
                    // DocumentElement property.
                    context.WsdlPortType.Documentation = string.Empty; 
                    // Contract comments.
                    XmlDocument owner = context.WsdlPortType.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                    XmlElement summaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(owner, this.Text); 
                    foreach (OperationDescription op in context.Contract.Operations)
                        Operation operation = context.GetOperation(op);
                        object[] opAttrs = op.SyncMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WsdlDocumentationAttribute), false);
                        if (opAttrs.Length == 1)
                            string opComment = ((WsdlDocumentationAttribute)opAttrs[0]).Text;
                            // This.Text returns the string for the operation-level attributes.
                            // Set the doc element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the 
                            // DocumentElement property.
                            operation.Documentation = String.Empty;
                            XmlDocument opOwner = operation.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                            XmlElement newSummaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(opOwner, opComment);


下列程式碼範例顯示 WsdlDocumentationAttribute 類別的完整實作。

public class WsdlDocumentationAttribute : Attribute, IContractBehavior, IWsdlExportExtension
string text;
       XmlElement customWsdlDocElement = null;
public WsdlDocumentationAttribute(string text)
{ this.text = text;}

       public WsdlDocumentationAttribute(XmlElement wsdlDocElement)
        { this.customWsdlDocElement = wsdlDocElement; }

        public XmlElement WsdlDocElement
            get { return this.customWsdlDocElement; }
            set { this.customWsdlDocElement = value; }
       public string Text
get { return this.text; }
set { this.text = value; }

     public void ExportContract(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlContractConversionContext context)
          Console.WriteLine("Inside ExportContract");
if (context.Contract != null)
                // Set the document element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the 
                // DocumentElement property.
                context.WsdlPortType.Documentation = string.Empty; 
                // Contract comments.
                XmlDocument owner = context.WsdlPortType.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                XmlElement summaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(owner, this.Text); 
                foreach (OperationDescription op in context.Contract.Operations)
                    Operation operation = context.GetOperation(op);
                    object[] opAttrs = op.SyncMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WsdlDocumentationAttribute), false);
                    if (opAttrs.Length == 1)
                        string opComment = ((WsdlDocumentationAttribute)opAttrs[0]).Text;

                        // This.Text returns the string for the operation-level attributes.
                        // Set the document element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the 
                        // DocumentElement property.
                        operation.Documentation = String.Empty;

                        XmlDocument opOwner = operation.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                        XmlElement newSummaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(opOwner, opComment);

public void ExportEndpoint(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlEndpointConversionContext context) 
            Console.WriteLine("ExportEndpoint called.");

        public void AddBindingParameters(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection parameters)
        { return; }

        public void ApplyClientBehavior(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime client)
        { return; }

        public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, DispatchRuntime dispatch)
        { return; }

        public void Validate(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint) { return; }

  public class Formatter

#region Utility Functions

    public static XmlElement CreateSummaryElement(XmlDocument owningDoc, string text)
      XmlElement summaryElement = owningDoc.CreateElement("summary");
      summaryElement.InnerText = text;
      return summaryElement;

public static CodeCommentStatementCollection FormatComments(string text)
       * Note that in Visual C# the XML comment format absorbs a 
       * documentation element with a line break in the middle. This sample
       * could take an XmlElement and create code comments in which 
       * the element never had a line break in it.

      CodeCommentStatementCollection collection = new CodeCommentStatementCollection();
collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("From WsdlDocumentation:", true));
collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(String.Empty, true));

foreach (string line in WordWrap(text, 80))
collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(line, true));

collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(String.Empty, true));
return collection;

public static Collection<string> WordWrap(string text, int columnWidth)
Collection<string> lines = new Collection<string>();
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

string[] words = text.Split(' ');
foreach (string word in words)
if ((builder.Length > 0) && ((builder.Length + word.Length + 1) > columnWidth))
builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
builder.Append(' ');

return lines;

    public static XmlElement CreateReturnsElement(XmlDocument owner, string p)
      XmlElement returnsElement = owner.CreateElement("returns");
      returnsElement.InnerText = p;
      return returnsElement;


