Web API 查詢資料範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)


發行︰ 2017年1月

適用於: Dynamics 365 (online)、Dynamics 365 (on-premises)、Dynamics CRM 2016、Dynamics CRM Online

此範例示範如何執行基本查詢要求,使用 Dynamics 365 Web API 透過用戶端 JavaScript


此範例實作 Web API 查詢資料範例中詳述的作業,並使用 Web API 範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)中所述的一般用戶端 JavaScript 結構。


  • 先決條件

  • 執行此範例

  • 程式碼範例



  • Dynamics 365 線上或內部部署 8.0 或更新版本的存取權。

  • 具有匯入解決方案和執行 CRUD 作業權限的使用者帳戶,通常是系統管理員或系統自訂員資訊安全角色。


若要執行此範例,請前往 Microsoft CRM Web API 查詢資料範例 (用戶端 JavaScript) 並下載範例封存檔案:Microsoft CRM Web API Query Data Sample (Client-side JavaScript).zip。 將範例封存的內容解壓縮,並尋找 WebAPIQueryData_1_0_0_0_managed.zip 受管理的解決方案檔案。 將受管理的解決方案匯入至 Dynamics 365 組織並執行範例。 如需如何匯入範例解決方案的指示,請參閱 Web API 範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)


此範例包括兩個 Web 資源:

  • WebAPIQuery.html

  • WebAPIQuery.js


WebAPIQuery.html Web 資源提供 JavaScript 程式碼執行所在的內容。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Microsoft CRM Web API Query Example</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script src="../ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="scripts/es6promise.js"></script>
    <script src="scripts/WebAPIQuery.js"></script>

    <style type="text/css">
        body {
            font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;

        #preferences {
            border: inset;
            padding: 10px 10px;

        #output_area {
            border: inset;
            background-color: gainsboro;
            padding: 10px 10px;
    <h1>Microsoft CRM Web API Query Example</h1>
    <p>This page demonstrates the CRM Web API's Query operations using JavaScript.</p>

    <p>Choose your preferences and run the JavaScript code. 
    Use your browser's developer tools to view the output written to the console (e.g.: in IE11 or Edge, 
    press F12 to load the Developer Tools).</p>
    <form id="preferences">
            Remove sample data (Choose whether you want to delete sample data created during this execution):
            <br />
            <input name="removesampledata" type="radio" value="yes" checked /> Yes
            <input name="removesampledata" type="radio" value="no" /> No
        <input type="button" name="start_samples" value="Start Sample" onclick="Sdk.startSample()" />



WebAPIQuery.js Web 資源是 JavaScript 程式庫,會定義此範例執行的作業。

"use strict";
var Sdk = window.Sdk || {};
 * @function getClientUrl 
 * @description Get the client URL.
 * @returns {string} The client URL.
Sdk.getClientUrl = function () {
    var context;
    // GetGlobalContext defined by including reference to 
    // ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx in the HTML page.
    if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined")
    { context = GetGlobalContext(); }
        if (typeof Xrm != "undefined") {
            // Xrm.Page.context defined within the Xrm.Page object model for form scripts.
            context = Xrm.Page.context;
        else { throw new Error("Context is not available."); }
    return context.getClientUrl();

// Global variables.
var entitiesToDelete = [];              // Entity URIs to be deleted (if user chooses to delete sample data)
var deleteData = true;                  // Delete data by default unless user chooses not to delete.
var clientUrl = Sdk.getClientUrl();     // e.g.: https://org.crm.dynamics.com
var webAPIPath = "/api/data/v8.1";      // Path to the web API.
var account1Uri;                        // e.g.: Contoso Inc (sample)
var contact1Uri;                        // e.g.: Yvonne McKey (sample)
var page2Uri;                           // URI of next page in pagination sample.

// Entity properties to select in a request.
var contactProperties = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];
var accountProperties = ["name"];
var taskProperties = ["subject", "description"];

 * @function request
 * @description Generic helper function to handle basic XMLHttpRequest calls.
 * @param {string} action - The request action. String is case-sensitive.
 * @param {string} uri - An absolute or relative URI. Relative URI starts with a "/".
 * @param {object} data - An object representing an entity. Required for create and update action.
 * @param {boolean} formattedValue - If "true" then include formatted value; "false" otherwise.
 *    For more info on formatted value, see:
 *    https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg334767.aspx#bkmk_includeFormattedValues
 * @param {number} maxPageSize - Indicate the page size. Default is 10 if not defined.
 * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that returns either the request object or an error object.
Sdk.request = function (action, uri, data, formattedValue, maxPageSize) {
    if (!RegExp(action, "g").test("POST PATCH PUT GET DELETE")) { // Expected action verbs.
        throw new Error("Sdk.request: action parameter must be one of the following: " +
            "POST, PATCH, PUT, GET, or DELETE.");
    if (!typeof uri === "string") {
        throw new Error("Sdk.request: uri parameter must be a string.");
    if ((RegExp(action, "g").test("POST PATCH PUT")) && (data === null || data === undefined)) {
        throw new Error("Sdk.request: data parameter must not be null for operations that create or modify data.");
    if (maxPageSize === null || maxPageSize === undefined) {
        maxPageSize = 10; // Default limit is 10 entities per page.

    // Construct a fully qualified URI if a relative URI is passed in.
    if (uri.charAt(0) === "/") {
        uri = clientUrl + webAPIPath + uri;

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
        request.open(action, encodeURI(uri), true);
        request.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
        request.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
        request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        request.setRequestHeader("Prefer", "odata.maxpagesize=" + maxPageSize);
        if (formattedValue) {
        request.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (this.readyState === 4) {
                request.onreadystatechange = null;
                switch (this.status) {
                    case 200: // Success with content returned in response body.
                    case 204: // Success with no content returned in response body.
                    default: // All other statuses are unexpected so are treated like errors.
                        var error;
                        try {
                            error = JSON.parse(request.response).error;
                        } catch (e) {
                            error = new Error("Unexpected Error");

 * @funnction output
 * @description Generic helper function to output data to console.
 * @param {array} collection - Array of entities.
 * @param {string} label - Text label for what the collection contains.
 * @param {array} properties - Array of properties appropriate for the collection.
Sdk.output = function (collection, label, properties) {
    collection.forEach(function (row, i) {
        var prop = [];
        properties.forEach(function (p) {
            var f = p + "@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue";
            prop.push((row[f] ? row[f] : row[p])); // Get formatted value if one exists for this property.
        console.log("\t%s) %s", i + 1, prop.join(", "));

 * @function startSample
 * @description Runs the sample. 
 * This sample demonstrates basic query operations. 
 * Results are sent to the debugger's console window.
Sdk.startSample = function () {
    // Initializing...
    deleteData = document.getElementsByName("removesampledata")[0].checked;
    entitiesToDelete = []; //Reset the array.
    account1Uri = "";
    contact1Uri = "";
    page2Uri = "";

    console.log("-- Sample started --");
    console.log("Create sample data:");
    // Add some data to the CRM server so we can query against it.
    // Using Deep Insert, we create all the sample data in one request.
    // Data structure:
    //   Accounts
    //      |--- primarycontactid
    //          |--- Contact_Tasks (3 tasks)
    //      |--- Account_Tasks (3 tasks)
    //      |--- contact_customer_accounts (9 child contacts, each with 3 tasks)
    //          |--- Contacts
    //              |--- Contact_Tasks
    var sampleData = {
        "name": "Contoso, Ltd. (sample)",
        "primarycontactid": {
            "firstname": "Yvonne", "lastname": "McKay (sample)", "jobtitle": "Coffee Master",
            "annualincome": 45000, "Contact_Tasks": [
            { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
            { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
            { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
        }, "Account_Tasks": [
        { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
        { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
        { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
        "contact_customer_accounts": [
                "firstname": "Susanna", "lastname": "Stubberod (sample)", "jobtitle": "Senior Purchaser",
                "annualincome": 52000, "Contact_Tasks": [
            { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
            { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
            { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Nancy", "lastname": "Anderson (sample)", "jobtitle": "Activities Manager",
                "annualincome": 55500, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Maria", "lastname": "Cambell (sample)", "jobtitle": "Accounts Manager",
                "annualincome": 31000, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Nancy", "lastname": "Anderson (sample)", "jobtitle": "Logistics Specialist",
                "annualincome": 63500, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Scott", "lastname": "Konersmann (sample)", "jobtitle": "Accounts Manager",
                "annualincome": 38000, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Robert", "lastname": "Lyon (sample)", "jobtitle": "Senior Technician",
                "annualincome": 78000, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Paul", "lastname": "Cannon (sample)", "jobtitle": "Ski Instructor",
                "annualincome": 68500, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Rene", "lastname": "Valdes (sample)", "jobtitle": "Data Analyst III",
                "annualincome": 86000, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }
                "firstname": "Jim", "lastname": "Glynn (sample)", "jobtitle": "Senior International Sales Manager",
                "annualincome": 81400, "Contact_Tasks": [
                { "subject": "Task 1", "description": "Task 1 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 2", "description": "Task 2 description" },
                { "subject": "Task 3", "description": "Task 3 description" }

    var uri = "/accounts"; // A relative URI to the account entity.
    Sdk.request("POST", uri, sampleData) // Adding sample data so we can query against it.
    .then(function (request) {
        // Process request.
        account1Uri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");
        entitiesToDelete.push(account1Uri); // To delete later.
        console.log("Account 'Contoso, Ltd. (sample)' created with 1 primary contact and 9 associated contacts.");

        // Get primary contact info.
        // Most queries are done using this contact.
        var uri = account1Uri + "/primarycontactid/$ref"; // Request for the URI only.
        return Sdk.request("GET", uri);
    .then(function (request) {
        contact1Uri = JSON.parse(request.response)["@odata.id"];
        entitiesToDelete.push(contact1Uri); // To delete later.
        console.log("Has primary contact 'Yvonne McKay (sample)' with URI: %s\n", contact1Uri);

        // Basic query:
        // Query using $select option against a contact entity to get the properties you want.
        // For performance best practice, always use $select otherwise all properties are returned.
        console.log("-- Basic Query --");
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join(); // Array defined in the global scope.
        return Sdk.request("GET", contact1Uri + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var contact1 = JSON.parse(request.response);
        console.log("Contact basic info:\n\tFullname: '%s'\n\tJobtitle: '%s'\n\tAnnualincome: '%s' (unformatted)",
            contact1.fullname, contact1.jobtitle, contact1.annualincome);
        console.log("\tAnnualincome: %s (formatted)\n",

        // Filter criteria:
        // Applying filters to get targeted data.
        // 1) Using standard query functions (e.g.: contains, endswith, startswith)
        // 2) Using CRM query functions (e.g.: LastXhours, Last7Days, Today, Between, In, ...)
        // 3) Using filter operators and logical operators (e.g.: eq, ne, gt, and, or, etc…)
        // 4) Set precedence using parenthesis (e.g.: ((criteria1) and (criteria2)) or (criteria3)
        // For more info, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg334767.aspx#bkmk_filter
        console.log("-- Filter Criteria --");

        // Filter 1: Using standard query functions to filter results.
        // In this operation, we will query for all contacts with fullname containing the string "(sample)".
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)')";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts filtered by fullname containing '(sample)':", contactProperties);

        // Filter 2: Using CRM query functions to filter results.
        // In this operation, we will query for all contacts that was created in the last hour. 
        // For complete list of CRM query functions, see:
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607843.aspx
        var filter = "&$filter=Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LastXHours(PropertyName='createdon',PropertyValue='1')";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true); // Remember page size limit is set to 10.
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts that were created within the last 1hr:", contactProperties);

        // Filter 3: Using operators
        // Building on the previous operation, we will further limit the results by the contact's income.
        // For more info on standard filter operators, see:
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg334767.aspx#bkmk_filter
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') and annualincome gt 55000";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts filtered by fullname and annualincome (<$55,000):", contactProperties);

        // Filter 4: Set precedence using parenthesis.
        // Continue building on the previous operation, we will further limit results by job title.
        // Parenthesis and the order of filter statements can impact results returned.
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') " +
            "and (contains(jobtitle,'senior') or contains(jobtitle,'specialist')) and annualincome gt 55000";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts filtered by fullname, annualincome and jobtitle (Senior or Specialist):",

        // Order results:
        // Filtered results can be order in descending or ascending order.
        console.log("\n-- Order Results --");
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') " +
            "&$orderby=jobtitle asc, annualincome desc";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts ordered by jobtitle (Ascending) and annualincome (descending):",

        // Parameterized Aliases.
        // Aliases can be used as parameters in a query. These parameters can be used in $filter and $orderby options.
        // Using the previous operation as basis, parameterizing the query will give us the same results.
        // For more info, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309638.aspx#bkmk_passParametersToFunctions
        console.log("\n-- Parameterized Aliases --");
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(@p1,'(sample)') " +
            "&$orderby=@p2 asc, @p3 desc&@p1=fullname&@p2=jobtitle&@p3=annualincome";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts list using parameterized aliases:", contactProperties);

        // Limit records returned.
        // To further limit the records returned, use the $top query option.
        // Specifying a limit number for $top will return at most that number of results per request.
        // Extra results are ignored.
        console.log("\n-- Top Results --");
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)')&$top=5";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts top 5 results:", contactProperties);

        // Result count.
        // Count the number of results matching the filter criteria.
        // 1) Get a count of a collection without the data.
        // 2) Get a count along with the data.
        // HINT: Use count together with the "odata.maxpagesize" to calculate the number of pages in the query.
        // NOTE: CRM has a max record limit of 5000 records per response.
        console.log("\n-- Result Count --");
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts/$count"); // Count is returned in response body.
    .then(function (request) {
        console.log("The contacts collection has %s contacts.", request.response); // Count maximum is 5000.

        // 2) Get filtered result with a count
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(jobtitle,'senior') or contains(jobtitle, 'manager')&$count=true";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var count = JSON.parse(request.response)["@odata.count"];
        console.log("%s contacts have either 'Manager' or 'Senior' designation in their jobtitle.", count);
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Manager or Senior:", contactProperties);

        // Pagination:
        // For large data sets, you can limit the number of records returned per page.
        // Then offer a "next page" and "previous page" links for users to browse through all the data.
        // NOTE: This is why you should not use $top with maxpagesize. $top will limit results returned 
        //       preventing you from accessing all possible results in the query. 
        //       For example: If your query has 10 entities in the result and you limit your result to $top=5
        //       then, you can't get to the remaining 5 results; but with "maxpagesize" (without $top), you can.
        // HINT: Save the URI of the current page so users can go "next" and "previous".
        console.log("\n-- Pagination --");
        var filter = "&$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)')&$count=true";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts" + query, null, true, 4); // 4 records per page.
    .then(function (request) {
        var count = JSON.parse(request.response)["@odata.count"];
        var maxpages = Math.ceil(count / 4);
        console.log("Contacts total: %s \tContacts per page: %s.\tOutputting first 2 pages.", count, 4);
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Page 1 of " + maxpages + ":", contactProperties);

        // Getting the next page.
        page2Uri = JSON.parse(request.response)["@odata.nextLink"]; // This URI is already encoded.
        return Sdk.request("GET", decodeURI(page2Uri), null, true, 4); // URI re-encoded in the request function.
    .then(function (request) {
        var count = JSON.parse(request.response)["@odata.count"];
        var maxpages = Math.ceil(count / 4);
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Page 2 of " + maxpages + ":", contactProperties);

        // Using expand option to retrieve additional information.
        // It is common for entities to  have associations with other entities in the system and you might want 
        // to also retrieve this information in the same request. To retrieve information on associated entities, 
        // use the $expand query option on navigation properties. 
        // 1) Expand using single-valued navigation properties (e.g.: via the 'primarycontactid')
        // 2) Expand using partner property (e.g.: from contact to account via the 'account_primary_contact')
        // 3) Expand using collection-valued navigation properties (e.g.: via the 'contact_customer_accounts')
        // 4) Expand using multiple navigation property types in a single request.
        // NOTE: Expansions can only go 1 level deep.
        //   For performance best practice, always use $select statement in an expand option.
        console.log("\n-- Expanding Results --");

        // 1) Expand using single-valued navigation properties (e.g.: via the 'primarycontactid')
        var expand = "&$expand=primarycontactid($select=" + contactProperties.join() + ")";
        var query = "?$select=" + accountProperties.join() + expand;
        return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
        var str = "Account '%s' has the following primary contact person:\n\t" +
            "Fullname: '%s' \n\tJobtitle: '%s' \n\tAnnualincome: '%s'";
        console.log(str, account.name,

        // 2) Expand using partner property (e.g.: from contact to account via the 'account_primary_contact')
        var expand = "&$expand=account_primary_contact($select=" + accountProperties.join() + ")";
        var query = "?$select=" + contactProperties.join() + expand;
        return Sdk.request("GET", contact1Uri + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var contact = JSON.parse(request.response);
        var label = "Contact '" + contact.fullname + "' is the primary contact for the following accounts:";
        Sdk.output(contact.account_primary_contact, label, accountProperties);

        // 3) Expand using collection-valued navigation properties (e.g.: via the 'contact_customer_accounts')
        var expand = "&$expand=contact_customer_accounts($select=" + contactProperties.join() + ")"
        var query = "?$select=" + accountProperties.join() + expand;
        return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
        var label = "Account '" + account.name + "' has the following contact customers:";
        var collection = account.contact_customer_accounts;
        Sdk.output(collection, label, contactProperties);

        // 4) Expand using multiple navigation property types in a single request.
        //    For example: expanding on primiarycontactid, contact_customer_accounts, and Account_Tasks.
        console.log("\n-- Expanding multiple property types in one request -- ");
        var expand = "&$expand=primarycontactid($select=" + contactProperties.join() + ")," +
            "contact_customer_accounts($select=" + contactProperties.join() + ")," +
            "Account_Tasks($select=" + taskProperties.join() + ")";
        var query = "?$select=" + accountProperties.join() + expand;
        return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
        var label = "Account '%s' has the following primary contact person:\n\t" +
            "Fullname: '%s' \n\tJobtitle: '%s' \n\tAnnualincome: '%s'";
        console.log(label, account.name,

        // Handling each collection separately.
        label = "Account '" + account.name + "' has the following related contacts:";
        var collection = account.contact_customer_accounts;
        Sdk.output(collection, label, contactProperties);

        label = "Account '" + account.name + "' has the following tasks:";
        collection = account.Account_Tasks;
        Sdk.output(collection, label, taskProperties);

        // FetchXML
        // Using FetchXML to query for all contacts whose fullname contains '(sample)'.
        // NOTE: XML string must be URI encoded.
        // For more information, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328117.aspx
        console.log("\n-- FetchXML -- ");
        var fetchXML = "<fetch mapping=\"logical\" output-format=\"xml-platform\" version=\"1.0\" distinct=\"false\"> \
  <entity name=\"contact\"> \
    <attribute name=\"fullname\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"jobtitle\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"annualincome\" /> \
    <order descending=\"true\" attribute=\"fullname\" /> \
    <filter type=\"and\"> \
      <condition value=\"%(sample)%\" attribute=\"fullname\" operator=\"like\" /> \
    </filter> \
  </entity> \
</fetch> ";
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts?fetchXml=" + encodeURIComponent(fetchXML), null, true);
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts Fetched by fullname containing '(sample)':", contactProperties);

        // FetchXML pagination. 
        // Noticed the attribute "page=3" and "count=4" in this XML. 
        // We want to retrieve entities in page 3 but limit results to only 4 entities.
        // If the result return zero records for the page, that means we have reached the end of the result set.
        // For more info, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607533.aspx#bkmk_useFetchXML
        var fetchXML = "<fetch mapping=\"logical\" output-format=\"xml-platform\" version=\"1.0\" \
distinct=\"false\" page=\"3\" count=\"4\"> \
  <entity name=\"contact\"> \
    <attribute name=\"fullname\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"jobtitle\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"annualincome\" /> \
    <order descending=\"true\" attribute=\"fullname\" /> \
    <filter type=\"and\"> \
      <condition value=\"%(sample)%\" attribute=\"fullname\" operator=\"like\" /> \
    </filter> \
  </entity> \
</fetch> ";
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts?fetchXml=" + encodeURIComponent(fetchXML), null, true);
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        if (collection.length == 0) {
            console.log("There are no records on this page."); // We have reached the end of our query result set.
        } else {
            Sdk.output(collection, "Contacts Fetched by fullname containing '(sample)' - Page 3:", contactProperties);

        // Using predefined queries.
        // 1) Saved query
        // 2) User query
        // For more info, see: 
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607533.aspx

        // Saved Query
        // Get the Saved Query "Active Accounts" and display results to output.
        console.log("\n-- Saved Query -- ");
        var filter = "&$filter=name eq 'Active Accounts'";
        var query = "?$select=name,savedqueryid" + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/savedqueries" + query, null, true); // Requesting for saved query GUID.
        // Get the savedqueryid GUID and then use it to request for the entities in that query.
        var activeAccount = JSON.parse(request.response).value[0]; // Get the first matched.
        var savedqueryid = activeAccount.savedqueryid;

        // Request for the saved query results
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/accounts?savedQuery=" + savedqueryid, null, true);
    .then (function (request){
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Saved Query (Active Accounts):", accountProperties);

        // User Query
        // Create a user query then get it from the server and execute that query for results.
        // For more info, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg509053.aspx
        console.log("\n-- User Query -- ");
        var userquery = {
            "name": "My User Query",
            "description": "User query to display contact info.",
            "querytype": 0,
            "returnedtypecode": "contact",
            "fetchxml": "<fetch mapping=\"logical\" output-format=\"xml-platform\" version=\"1.0\" distinct=\"false\"> \
  <entity name=\"contact\"> \
    <attribute name=\"fullname\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"contactid\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"jobtitle\" /> \
    <attribute name=\"annualincome\" /> \
    <order descending=\"false\" attribute=\"fullname\" /> \
    <filter type=\"and\"> \
      <condition value=\"%(sample)%\" attribute=\"fullname\" operator=\"like\" /> \
      <condition value=\"%Manager%\" attribute=\"jobtitle\" operator=\"like\" /> \
      <condition value=\"55000\" attribute=\"annualincome\" operator=\"gt\" /> \
    </filter> \
  </entity> \
</fetch> "

        return Sdk.request("POST", "/userqueries", userquery, true); // Create the user query.
    .then(function (request){
        // Look up the user query we just created
        // then use it to request for the entities in that query.
        var filter = "&$filter=name eq 'My User Query'";
        var query = "?$select=name,userqueryid," + filter;
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/userqueries" + query, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var userQuery = JSON.parse(request.response).value[0]; // Get the first matched.
        var userqueryid = userQuery.userqueryid;
        entitiesToDelete.push(clientUrl + webAPIPath + "/userqueries(" + userqueryid + ")");

        // Request for the user query results
        return Sdk.request("GET", "/contacts?userQuery=" + userqueryid, null, true);
    .then(function (request) {
        var collection = JSON.parse(request.response).value;
        Sdk.output(collection, "Saved User Query:", contactProperties);

        // House cleaning - deleting sample data
        // For more info on cascading delete, see: 
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309412.aspx#BKMK_CascadingBehavior
        console.log("\n-- Deleting Sample Data --");
        if (deleteData) {
            for (var i = 0; i < entitiesToDelete.length; i++) {
                console.log("Deleting entity: " + entitiesToDelete[i]);
                Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[i], null)
                .catch(function (err) {
                    console.log("ERROR: Delete failed --Reason: \n\t" + err.message);
        } else {
            console.log("Sample data not deleted.");
    .catch(function (error) {



使用 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web API
使用 Web API 查詢資料
Web API 範例
Web API 查詢資料範例
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Web API 函數和動作範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)

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