Schema Rowsets

Information returned in the Result parameter of the Discover method is structured according to the rowset column layouts described in this section. The Microsoft XML for Analysis (XMLA) provider supports rowsets required by the XML for Analysis Specification. The XMLA provider also supports some of the standard schema rowsets for OLE DB, OLE DB for OLAP, and OLE DB for Data Mining data source providers. The supported rowsets are described in the following topics.

In This Section

Topic Description

XML for Analysis Schema Rowsets

Describes the XMLA rowsets supported by the XMLA provider.

OLE DB Schema Rowsets

Describes the OLE DB schema rowsets supported by the XMLA provider.

OLE DB for OLAP Schema Rowsets

Describes the OLE DB for OLAP schema rowsets supported by the XMLA provider.

Data Mining Schema Rowsets

Describes the data mining schema rowsets supported by the XMLA provider.



Analysis Services Data Access Interfaces (SSAS)


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