Analysis Services Scripting Language XML Data Types (ASSL)

This reference section contains syntax and usage information for each element that acts as a type in the Analysis Scripting Language (ASL) schema.

Although the ASL schema contains only XML elements, from a developer's point of view, the elements described in this section correspond to types, such as Binding and Permission, which are used to define the child elements and properties of other objects.

Type elements, like objects elements, are never leaf-level elements in the ASSL schema, but have child elements and elements that correspond to object properties.

However a type element never appears as an element in a script that defines or describes Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) objects. Instead it appears as the type of other object elements, normally designated with the type attribute from the XML Schema Instance schema using xsi:type or xs:type. For example, <Assembly xsi:type="ClrAssembly">...</Assembly>.

In some cases, a type derives from another type. For example, the CubeBinding type derives from the parent Binding type.

Element Description

Action Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents an action in a Cube element or a Perspective element.

AggregationAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the association between an Aggregation element and an attribute.

AggregationDesignAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the association between an attribute and an AggregationDesignDimension element.

AggregationDesignDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the relationship between a cube dimension and an AggregationDesign element.

AggregationDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the relationship between a dimension and an Aggregation element.

AggregationInstanceAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about an attribute used by an aggregation instance.

AggregationInstanceCubeDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a cube dimension used by an aggregation instance.

AggregationInstanceMeasure Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a measure used by an aggregation instance.

Assembly Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents a Microsoft .NET Framework assembly or a COM dynamic link library (DLL) associated with a Server or Database element.

AttributeBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding for an Attribute element.

AttributeTranslation Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a translation associated with an Attribute element

Binding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents a dependent relationship between two objects in which the data or metadata of one object is dependent on the data or metadata of a bound object.

ClrAssembly Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a Microsoft .NET Framework assembly associated with a Database or Server element

ClrAssemblyFile Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents one of the files that compose a Microsoft .NET Framework assembly (ClrAssembly element).

ColumnBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the binding of a column in a data source view to a DataItem element.

ComAssembly Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a COM library associated with a Server or Database element.

CubeAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents an attribute associated with a Cube element.

CubeAttributeBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the binding of an attribute in a cube dimension to either an action or a mining structure column.

CubeBinding Data Type (out-of-line) (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the relationship between a Cube element and a DataSource element.

CubeDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the relationship between a dimension and a cube.

CubeDimensionBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the binding of a Dimension, Measure, or MiningModel element to a cube dimension.

CubeDimensionPermission Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the permissions for a single role on a specific dimension in a cube.

CubeHierarchy Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a Hierarchy element in a Cube element.

DataBlock Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a collection of data blocks used to store the binary contents of a ClrAssemblyFile element.

DataItem Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the data-related characteristics of a data item, such as a column or attribute.

DataMiningMeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the relationship between a measure group and a data mining dimension.

DataSource Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents a data source in a Database element.

DataSourceViewBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding between a data source view and the parent element.

DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the relationship between a degenerate dimension (that is, a fact dimension) and a measure group.

Dimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a database dimension.

DimensionAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents an attribute in a dimension.

DimensionBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the binding between a data source and a Dimension element.

DimensionPermission Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the permissions assigned to a database dimension.

DrillThroughAction Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a drillthrough action.

DSVTableBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the binding between a table and a DataSourceView element.

EventColumn Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a column of information to be captured for an Event element as part of a Trace element.

Hierarchy Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a hierarchy in a dimension.

ImpersonationInfo Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the information used to impersonate a user.

IncrementalProcessingNotification Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type which represents information for the ProactiveCaching element about a query to execute to determine the progress of incremental processing.

InheritedBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that indicates that a MeasureGroupAttribute element inherits its bindings from the attribute.

ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the relationship between a many-to-many dimension and a measure group.

MeasureBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type which represents the binding of a measure to the parent element.

MeasureGroupAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the relationship between an attribute and a measure group.

MeasureGroupBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding to a MeasureGroup element.

MeasureGroupBinding Data Type (out-of-line) (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a binding to a measure group.

MeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents the relationship between a dimension and a measure group.

MeasureGroupDimensionBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding between a dimension and a measure group.

MeasureGroupHierarchy Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a hierarchy in a measure group.

MiningModelColumn Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a column in a MiningModel element.

MiningModelingFlag Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the available modeling flags for a ModelingFlag element.

MiningStructureColumn Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents information about a column in a MiningStructure element.

OlapDataSource Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a multidimensional DataSource element.

PartitionBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding to a Partition element.

Permission Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract primitive data type that represents information about an individual permission.

PerspectiveAction Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about an action in a Perspective element.

PerspectiveAttribute Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about an attribute in a PerspectiveDimension element.

PerspectiveCalculation Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the relationship between a calculation and a Perspective element.

PerspectiveDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a dimension in a perspective.

PerspectiveHierarchy Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a hierarchy in a PerspectiveDimension element.

PerspectiveKpi Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a key performance indicator (KPI) in a Perspective element.

PerspectiveMeasure Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a measure in a PerspectiveMeasureGroup element.

PerspectiveMeasureGroup Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents information about a measure group in a Perspective element.

ProactiveCachingBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract derived data type that represents information to the ProactiveCaching element about data source changes that require rebuilding the cache, or about the status of the rebuilding process.

ProactiveCachingIncrementalProcessingBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding to the ProactiveCaching element about the status of the process of rebuilding the cache.

ProactiveCachingInheritedBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents information to the ProactiveCaching element about data source changes in tables and views identified through existing data bindings that require rebuilding the cache.

ProactiveCachingObjectNotificationBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract derived data type that represents information to the ProactiveCaching element about data source changes, either in specified tables and views or in tables and views identified through existing data bindings that require rebuilding the cache.

ProactiveCachingQueryBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents information to the ProactiveCaching element about data source changes in tables and views, identified through the execution of the specified queries that require rebuilding the cache.

ProactiveCachingTablesBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents information to the ProactiveCaching element about data source changes in specified tables and views that require rebuilding the cache.

PushedDataSource Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a data source (such as an Integration Services package) used for "pushing" data into a Cube element.

QueryBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents the association of a DataSource element with a QueryDefinition element.

ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a dimension that is indirectly related to the fact table through an intermediate dimension. (For example, a Sales measure group can reference a Geography dimension, which is related through the Customer dimension.)

RegularMeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a regular relationship between a dimension and a measure group.

RelationalDataSource Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a DataSource element based on a relational data source.

ReportAction Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents an action that generates a Reporting Services report.

RowBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding to the rows of a table in a DataSourceView element.

ScalarMiningStructureColumn Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a MiningStructureColumn element that contains scalar values, as opposed to the nested tables associated with the TableMiningStructureColumn element that contains nested tables.

StandardAction Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents any Action element other than a DrillThroughAction element or a ReportAction element.

TableBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding to a table.

TableMiningStructureColumn Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a MiningStructureColumn element that contains nested tables, as opposed to the scalar values associated with the ScalarMiningStructureColumn element that contains scalar values.

TabularBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines an abstract derived data type that represents a binding to a tabular item such as a table or a cube dimension.

TimeAttributeBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a "placeholder" binding for generated data items in a server time dimension, such as the key columns of an attribute.

TimeBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a binding to time periods.

Translation Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents a localized translation.

UserDefinedGroupBinding Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a derived data type that represents a user-defined grouping for an attribute.



Analysis Services Scripting Language XML Element Hierarchy (ASSL)


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