ItemByID Method

未來的 Microsoft SQL Server 發行版本將不再提供此功能。請避免在新的開發工作中使用此功能,並計劃修改目前使用此功能的應用程式。

The ItemByID method extracts a member from a SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) container object such as the Databases collection, using a system-defined component identifier to uniquely identify the container member.


as Object


  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
  • ID
    Long integer that specifies a system-generated component identifier.


A reference to the object extracted


The ItemByID method is implemented for SQL-DMO collections containing objects exposing the ID property.

Applies To:

AlertCategories Collection

OperatorCategories Collection

Alerts Collection

Operators Collection

Columns Collection

RemoteServers Collection

Databases Collection

ReplicationDatabases Collection

DBFiles Collection

Rules Collection

Defaults Collection

SQLServers Collection

DistributionArticles Collection

StoredProcedures Collection

FileGroups Collection

Tables Collection

Indexes Collection

TargetServerGroups Collection

JobCategories Collection

TargetServers Collection

JobSchedules Collection

TransArticles Collection

JobSteps Collection

TransPublications Collection

Languages Collection

Triggers Collection

Log Files Collection

UserDefinedDatatypes Collection

MergeArticles Collection

UserDefinedFunctions Collection

MergeDynamicSnapshotJobs Collection

Users Collection

MergePublications Collection

Views Collection

MergeSubsetFilters Collection