SourceOlapObject (clsColumn)

  下一版的 Microsoft SQL Server 將不再提供此功能。請勿在新的開發工作中使用此功能,並且儘速修改使用此功能的應用程式。

The SourceOlapObject property of an object of ClassType clsColumn identifies the source Decision Support Objects (DSO) object for the column. This property only applies to columns that belong to mining model objects of SubClassType sbclsOlap.

Data Type





The SourceOlapObject property of a column represents the source object in DSO from which the Column object draws information. The SourceOlapObject property can be set to an object with a ClassType property of:

  • clsCubeDimension
  • clsCubeLevel
  • clsCubeMeasure
  • clsMemberProperty

Any object specified in the SourceOlapObject property must be visible (that is, the IsVisible property of the object must be True). If the IsVisible property of the object is False, an error is raised.


Adding a New Column to a Data Mining Model

The following example adds a new column to a data mining model and sets its source to a level in an OLAP cube.

'Add Customer Id as a new column in the model.
Set dsoColumn = dsoDmm.Columns.AddNew("Customer Id")
'Identify the level in Sales that this column is based on.
Set dsoColumn.SourceOlapObject = dsoLvl
'Identify the type of column this is.
dsoColumn.DataType = adInteger ' This enumeration is from ADO.
'Identify this column as a key.
dsoColumn.IsKey = True





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