Minimal ADF Template

The following application definition file (ADF) template shows the minimum ADF elements required for the application to build successfully. However, there are no subscription classes and notification classes, and there are no rules to generate notifications, so this application will not do anything.

This ADF will compile if you provide a value for the %SystemName% parameter in the instance configuration file (ICF).

This template is intended for those who are familiar with developing Notification Services applications and want a near-empty ADF for starting new applications.

Click Copy Code to copy this template to the Clipboard.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Application xmlns:xsd="" 

    <!-- Version -->
    <!-- History -->
    <!-- Database Definition -->
    <!-- Event Classes -->

    <!-- Subscription Classes -->

    <!-- Notification Classes -->

    <!-- Event Providers -->

    <!-- Generator Settings -->

    <!-- Distributor Settings -->

    <!-- Application Execution Settings -->
    <!-- Important: At minimum, you should define
     a vacuuming schedule and turn off some or all
     distributor logging. -->




Complete ADF Template


定義 Notification Services 應用程式
Application Definition File Templates


取得 SQL Server 2005 協助