SQLReplErrors Collection (Replication ActiveX)

The SQLReplErrors collection contains a SQLReplError Object (Replication ActiveX) object for each error that has occurred during the most recent method execution of a Microsoft ActiveX replication control.

Applies To

SQLDistribution Object (Replication ActiveX)

SQLMerge Object (Replication ActiveX)


Count Property (Replication ActiveX)


Add Method (Replication ActiveX)

AddReplError Method (Replication ActiveX)


Notify Event (Replication ActiveX)


A reference to the SQLReplErrors collection is obtained from the ErrorRecords Property (Replication ActiveX) property of replication ActiveX controls. The collection is cleared before the execution of each control method.

To refer to the elements of this collection from a Microsoft Visual Basic application, in the Project/References dialog box, select Microsoft SQL Replication Errors 9.0. In a C++ application, include Replerrx.h and reference Replerrx.dll from the project/NMAKE file.

An interface ISQLReplErrors is available directly from the replication ActiveX control components; however, using the SQLReplErrors collection is recommended.



ErrorRecords Property (Replication ActiveX)


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