AlternateSyncPartner Object (Replication ActiveX)

An AlternateSyncPartner object defines an alternate Publisher that a subscription referenced by a SQLMerge Object (Replication ActiveX) object can use if the primary Publisher is not available.

The Alternate Synchronization Partners feature for merge replication has been deprecated.


Distributor Property (Replication ActiveX)

FriendlyName Property (Replication ActiveX)

Publication Property (Replication ActiveX)

Publisher Property (Replication ActiveX)

PublisherDatabase Property (Replication ActiveX)


To select an alternate synchronization partner, the Publisher Property (Replication ActiveX), PublisherDatabase Property (Replication ActiveX), Publication Property (Replication ActiveX), and Distributor Property (Replication ActiveX) properties of the SQLMerge Object (Replication ActiveX) object should be set to the corresponding property values of the AlternateSyncPartner object before the Run Method (Replication ActiveX) method of the SQLMerge Object (Replication ActiveX) object is called.



AlternateSyncPartners Collection (Replication ActiveX)


取得 SQL Server 2005 協助