Application Members

Represents a Notification Services application.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Application type.

Public Constructors

  名稱 Description
Application Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Application class.


Protected Fields

  名稱 Description
ms218696.protfield(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif m_ExtendedProperties  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  名稱 Description
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ApplicationDatabaseOptions Gets or sets the application database properties, which includes any specified data files and log files.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ApplicationDefinitionFilePath Gets or sets the path and name of the application definition file (ADF).
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ApplicationDefinitionFileVersion Gets or sets the version number for the application definition.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ApplicationEnabled Gets a value indicating if the application is enabled.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif BaseDirectoryPath Gets or sets the base directory path for the application definition file (ADF).
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ChronicleQuantumLimit Gets or sets an integer that specifies the logical (quantum) clock can fall behind the real-time clock before skipping event chronicle rule firings.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DatabaseName Gets or sets the name of the application database.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Distributors Gets a DistributorCollection object, which contains the set of distributors used by the Notification Services application to distribute notifications to delivery channels.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DistributorsEnabled Gets a value indicating if the application's distributors are enabled.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EventClasses Gets a EventClassCollection object, which contains the set of event classes for the Notification Services application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EventProvidersEnabled Gets a value indicating if the application's event providers are enabled.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EventThrottle Gets or sets the number of events that can be processed from a single event class during a single generator quantum.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Generator Gets or sets the Generator for the application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GeneratorEnabled Gets a value indicating if the application's generator is enabled.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif HostedEventProviders Gets a HostedEventProviderCollection object, which contains the set of hosted event providers for the Notification Services application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LogBeforeDeliveryAttempts Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the distributor makes an entry in the distribution log before delivering a notification.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LogNotificationText Gets or sets a Boolean value that configures the distributor to log all notification text from the delivery protocol for all notifications or just failed notifications.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LogStatusInfo Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the distributor logs status information for all or just failed notifications.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Name  Gets or sets the name of the object. (inherited from NamedSmoObject)
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif NonHostedEventProviders Gets a NonHostedEventProviderCollection object, which contains the set of non-hosted event providers for the Notification Services application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif NotificationClasses Gets a NotificationClassCollection object, which contains the set of notification classes for the Notification Services application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif NotificationThrottle Gets or sets the maximum number of notifications that can be processed in a single notification class during a single generator quantum.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Parent Gets or sets the Instance that hosts this application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PerformanceQueryInterval Gets or sets a TimeSpan object that specifies how frequently the application updates its performance counters.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ProcessEventsInOrder Gets or sets a value that indicates how the application processes event batches.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Properties  Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif QuantumDuration Gets or sets a value that indicates the length of time for a generator quantum, which determines how frequently the generator attempts to process work.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SchemaName Gets or sets the database schema for all application database objects.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif State  Gets the state of the referenced object. (inherited from SmoObjectBase)
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SubscribersEnabled Gets a value that indicates if the subscriber management is enabled for the instance of Notification Services.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SubscriptionClasses Gets a SubscriptionClassCollection object, which contains the set of subscription classes for the Notification Services application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SubscriptionQuantumLimit Gets or sets a value that specifies how far the logical (quantum) clock can fall behind the real-time clock before skipping subscription rule firings.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SubscriptionsEnabled Gets a value that indicates if the subscription management is enabled for the application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SubscriptionThrottle Gets or sets the maximum number of scheduled subscriptions that can be processed during a single generator quantum.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Urn  Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif UserData  Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (inherited from SmoObjectBase)
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VacuumRetentionAge Gets or sets the minimum age at which event and notification data is considered to be obsolete and available for removal.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VacuumSchedules Gets the data removal schedule for the application.
ms218696.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Version Gets the Notification Services version for the application.


Protected Properties

  名稱 Description
ms218696.protproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ExecuteForScalar  Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object is set to the execute for scalar option. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ObjectInSpace  Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object exists in isolation or whether it is connected to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server directly or indirectly. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PresetProperties  Gets or sets the preset properties of the referenced object. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScalarResult  Gets the scalar result for the referenced object. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  名稱 Description
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Disable Disables the application by recording a state change in the application database.
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DisableSubscriptions Disables subscription management for the application.
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Enable Enables the application by recording a state change in the application database.
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EnableSubscriptions Enables subscription management for the application.
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Initialize  Overloaded. Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms218696.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Refresh  Refreshes the object and retrieves properties when the object is next accessed. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ToString  Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)


Protected Methods

  名稱 Description
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif AlterImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif AlterImplFinish  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif AlterImplInit  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif AlterImplWorker  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif BindDefaultImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif BindRuleImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckCollation  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckObjectState  Overloaded. Validates the state of the referenced object. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckObjectStateImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckVersion80  Checks the validity of the object on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckVersion80SP3  Checks the validity of the object on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckVersion90  Check the validity of the object on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckVersionBelow90  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CleanObject  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreateImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreateImplFinish  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreateImplInit  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DropImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DropImplWorker  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif FormatSqlVariant  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GenerateDataSpaceScript  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetBindDefaultScript  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetBindRuleScript  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetBoolParameter  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetDateTimeParameter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetDateTimeParameterAsInt  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetDBName  Gets the database name associated with the object. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetEnumParameter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetFragOptionString  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetGuidParameter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetParameter  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetPropValue  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetPropValueOptional  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetRealValue  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetScriptingOptionsForCreate  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetServerName  Gets the name of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server with which the object is associated. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetSqlServerVersionName  Gets the version name of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server with which the object is associated. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetStringParameter  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetTimeSpanParameterAsInt  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetUrnRecursive  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ImplInitialize  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms218696.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsCollectionDirty  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsObjectDirty  Verifies whether the object properties have been modified and the changes have not yet been persisted on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsObjectInitialized  Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsObjectInSpace  Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (inherited from SqlSmoObject)
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsVersion80SP3  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif MarkDropped  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif MarkForDropImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PostAlter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PostCreate  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PostDrop  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif RenameImpl  (inherited from NamedSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif RenameImplWorker  (inherited from NamedSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptAlter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptChangeOwner  (inherited from NamedSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptCreate  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptDdl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptDrop  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptImpl  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptImplWorker  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ScriptRename  (inherited from NamedSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SetParentImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms218696.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Trace  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif UnbindDefaultImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif UnbindRuleImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms218696.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms218696.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif UpdateCollectionState2  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )




Application Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo Namespace


定義 Notification Services 應用程式
Application Element (ADF)