Programming AMO Fundamental Objects

新增: 2005 年 12 月 5 日

Fundamental objects are generally simple and straightforward objects. These objects are usually created and instantiated, then when they are no longer needed, the user disconnects from them. Fundamental classes include the following objects: Server, Database, DataSource, and DataSourceView. The only complex object in AMO fundamental objects is DataSourceView, which requires detail to build the abstract model that represents the data source view.

Server and Database objects are usually required to use the contained objects as OLAP objects or data mining objects.

This topic contains the following sections:

  • Server Objects
  • AMOException Exception Objects
  • Database Objects
  • DataSource Objects
  • DataSourceView Objects

Server Objects

To use a Server object requires the following steps: connecting to the server, verifying whether the Server object is connected to the server, and if so, disconnecting the server Server from the server.

Connecting to the Server Object

Connecting to the server consists of having the right connection string.

The following code sample returns a Server object if the connection is successful, or returns null if an error occurs. Errors during the connection process are handled in a try/catch construct. AMO errors are caught by using the AmoException exception class. In this example, the error is shown to the user on a message box.

        static Server ServerConnect( String strStringConnection)
            string methodCaption = "ServerConnect method";
            Server svr = new Server();
            #region ErrorHandling
            catch (AmoException e)
                MessageBox.Show( "AMO exception " + e.ToString());
                svr = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("General exception " + e.ToString());
                svr = null;
            return svr;

The structure of the connection string is:

"Data source=<server name>".

For a more information about connection string, see ConnectionString.

Validating the Connection

Before programming the Server objects, you should verify that you are still connected to the server. The following code sample shows you how to do it. The sample assumes that svr is a Server object that exists in your code.

            if ( (svr != null) && ( svr.Connected))
                // Do what it is needed if connection is good

Disconnecting from the Server

As soon as you are finished, you can disconnect from the server by using the Disconnect method. The following code sample shows you how to do it. The sample assumes that svr is a Server object that exists in your code.

            if ( (svr != null) && ( svr.Connected))

AmoException Exception Objects

AMO will throw exceptions at different problems found. For a detailed explanation of exceptions, see AMO Other Classes and Methods. The following sample code shows the correct way to capture exceptions in AMO:

   //... some AMO code in here

catch (  OutOfSynchException e)
   // error handling code for OutOfSynchException 

catch (  OperationException e)
   // error handling code for OperationException 

catch (  ResponseFormatException e)

   // error handling code for ResponseFormatException 

catch (  ConnectionException e)

   // error handling code for ConnectionException 

catch (  AMOException e)

   //... here is the place where you end if it is an AMO exception, but none of the previous exceptions
   // if you start with AMOException in the first catch you will never see any one of the previous exceptions

Database Objects

Working with a Database object is very simple and straightforward. You get an existing database from the database collection of the Server object.

Creating, Dropping, and Finding a Database

The following code sample shows how to create a database by using a database name. Before creating the database, query the DatabaseCollection of the server to see whether the database exists. If the database exists, the database is dropped and afterward created; if the database does not exist then it is created. If the database is to be dropped, then the database is first acquired from the databases collection.

        static Database CreateDatabase(Server svr, String DatabaseName)
            Database db = null;
            if ( (svr != null) && ( svr.Connected))
                // Drop the database if it already exists
                db = svr.Databases.FindByName(DatabaseName);
                if (db != null)

                // Create the database
                db = svr.Databases.Add(DatabaseName);
            return db;

To determine whether a database exists in the database collection, the FindByName method is used. If the database exists, then the method returns the found database object, if not it returns a null object.

As soon as the Database object is added to the databases collection, the server has to be updated by using its Update method. Failing to update the server will cause the Database object not to be created in the server.

Processing a Database

Processing a database, with all the children objects, is very simple because the Database object includes a Process method.

The Process method can include parameters, but they are not required. If no parameters are specified, then all children objects will be processed with their ProcessDefault option. For more information about processing options, see Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Database.

  1. The following sample code process a database by its default value.
        static Database ProcessDatabase(Database db, ProcessType pt)
            db.Process( pt);
            return db;

DataSource Objects

A DataSource object is the link between Analysis Services and the database where the data resides. The schema that represents the underlying model for Analysis Services is defined by the DataSourceView object. A DataSource object can be seen as a connection string to the database where the data resides.

The following sample code shows how to create a DataSource object. The sample verifies that the server still exists, the Server object is connected, and the database exists. If the DataSource object exists, then it is dropped are re-created. The DataSource object is created having the same name and internal ID. In this sample, no checking is performed on the connection string to verify it.

        static string CreateDataSource(Database db, string strDataSourceName, string strConnectionString)
                Server svr = db.Parent;
                DataSource ds = db.DataSources.FindByName(strDataSourceName);
                if (ds != null)
                // Create the data source
                ds = db.DataSources.Add(strDataSourceName, strDataSourceName);
                ds.ConnectionString = strConnectionString;

                // Send the data source definition to the server.

                return ds.Name;

DataSourceView Objects

DataSourceView object is responsible for holding the schema model for Analysis Services. For the DataSourceView object to hold the schema, the schema must first be constructed. Schemas are constructed over DataSet objects, from the System.Data namespace.

The following sample code will create part of the schema that is included in AdventureWorks Analysis Services Project sample. For more information about installing the samples, see 執行安裝程式來安裝 AdventureWorks 範例資料庫和範例. The current sample creates schema definitions for tables, computed columns, relations, and composite relations. Schemas are persisted data sets.

The sample code does the following:

  1. Create a DataSourceView object.
    Verify first if the DataSource object exists; if true, then drop the DataSource and create it. If the DataSource does not exist, create it.
  2. Open a connection to the database using DataSource connection string.
  3. Create the schema.
    The schema consists of the following:
    • A table definition, AddTable() method.
    • An optional set of calculated columns, AddComputedColumn() method.
    • An optional set of relations, AddRelation.
    • An optional set of composite relations, AddCompositeRelations.
  4. Update the server.
The following sample code is trimmed for readability purposes; the complete code is included at the end of this topic.
The following methods are part of the sample code: AddTable, AddComputedColumn, AddRelation, and AddCompositeRelation.
The clause 'WHERE 1=0' is to avoid the query from returning rows to the DataSet object.
        static DataSourceView CreateDataSourceView(Database db, string strDataSourceName)
            // Create the data source view
            DataSourceView dsv = db.DataSourceViews.FindByName(strDataSourceName);
            if ( dsv != null)
            dsv = db.DataSourceViews.Add(strDataSourceName);
            dsv.DataSourceID = strDataSourceName;
            dsv.Schema = new DataSet();
            dsv.Schema.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            // Open a connection to the data source
            OleDbConnection connection
                = new OleDbConnection(dsv.DataSource.ConnectionString);

            #region Create tables

            // Add the DimTime table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimTime");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "SimpleDate", "DATENAME(mm, FullDateAlternateKey) + ' ' + DATENAME(dd, FullDateAlternateKey) + ',' + ' ' + DATENAME(yy, FullDateAlternateKey)");

            // Add the DimProductCategory table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimProductCategory");

            // Add the DimProductSubcategory table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimProductSubcategory");
            AddRelation(dsv, "DimProductSubcategory", "ProductCategoryKey", "DimProductCategory", "ProductCategoryKey");

            // Add the FactInternetSales table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "FactInternetSales");
"DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "ShipDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "DueDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");

            // Add the FactInternetSalesReason table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "FactInternetSalesReason");
            AddCompositeRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSalesReason", "FactInternetSales", "SalesOrderNumber", "SalesOrderLineNumber");


            // Send the data source view definition to the server

            return dsv;

        static void AddTable(DataSourceView dsv, OleDbConnection connection, String tableName)
            string strSelectText = "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[" + tableName + "] WHERE 1=0";
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSelectText, connection);
            DataTable[] dataTables = adapter.FillSchema(dsv.Schema,
                SchemaType.Mapped, tableName);
            DataTable dataTable = dataTables[0];

            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("TableType", "Table");
            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("DbSchemaName", "dbo");
            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("DbTableName", tableName);
            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("FriendlyName", tableName);

            dataTable = null;
            dataTables = null;
            adapter = null;

        static void AddComputedColumn(DataSourceView dsv, OleDbConnection connection, String tableName, String computedColumnName, String expression)
            DataSet tmpDataSet = new DataSet();
            tmpDataSet.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT ("
                + expression + ") AS [" + computedColumnName + "] FROM [dbo].["
                + tableName + "] WHERE 1=0", connection);
            DataTable[] dataTables = adapter.FillSchema(tmpDataSet,
                SchemaType.Mapped, tableName);
            DataTable dataTable = dataTables[0];
            DataColumn dataColumn = dataTable.Columns[computedColumnName];


            dataColumn.ExtendedProperties.Add("DbColumnName", computedColumnName);
            dataColumn.ExtendedProperties.Add("IsLogical", "True");


            dataColumn = null;
            dataTable = null;
            dataTables = null;
            adapter = null;
            tmpDataSet = null;

        static void AddRelation(DataSourceView dsv, String fkTableName, String fkColumnName, String pkTableName, String pkColumnName)
            DataColumn fkColumn
                = dsv.Schema.Tables[fkTableName].Columns[fkColumnName];
            DataColumn pkColumn
                = dsv.Schema.Tables[pkTableName].Columns[pkColumnName];
            dsv.Schema.Relations.Add("FK_" + fkTableName + "_"
                + fkColumnName, pkColumn, fkColumn, true);

        static void AddCompositeRelation(DataSourceView dsv, String fkTableName, String pkTableName, String columnName1, String columnName2)
            DataColumn[] fkColumns = new DataColumn[2];
            fkColumns[0] = dsv.Schema.Tables[fkTableName].Columns[columnName1];
            fkColumns[1] = dsv.Schema.Tables[fkTableName].Columns[columnName2];

            DataColumn[] pkColumns = new DataColumn[2];
            pkColumns[0] = dsv.Schema.Tables[pkTableName].Columns[columnName1];
            pkColumns[1] = dsv.Schema.Tables[pkTableName].Columns[columnName2];

            dsv.Schema.Relations.Add("FK_" + fkTableName + "_" + columnName1
                + "_" + columnName2, pkColumns, fkColumns, true);

In the sample code, the AddTable and AddComputedColumn methods use the FillSchema method of the DataAdapter object to add a DataTable to a DataSet and to configure the schema to match that in the data source. The extended properties add required info to configure the schema for Analysis Services.

In the sample code, the AddRelation and AddCompositeRelation methods add the relation columns, depending on the existing schema and the existing columns on the model. Columns must be part of the tables defined in the schema for these methods to work.

The following is the complete code sample:

        static DataSourceView CreateDataSourceView(Database db, string strDataSourceName)
            // Create the data source view
            DataSourceView dsv = db.DataSourceViews.FindByName(strDataSourceName);
            if ( dsv != null)
            dsv = db.DataSourceViews.Add(strDataSourceName);
            dsv.DataSourceID = strDataSourceName;
            dsv.Schema = new DataSet();
            dsv.Schema.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            // Open a connection to the data source
            OleDbConnection connection
                = new OleDbConnection(dsv.DataSource.ConnectionString);

            #region Create tables

            // Add the DimTime table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimTime");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "SimpleDate", "DATENAME(mm, FullDateAlternateKey) + ' ' + DATENAME(dd, FullDateAlternateKey) + ',' + ' ' + DATENAME(yy, FullDateAlternateKey)");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "CalendarYearDesc", "'CY' + ' ' + CalendarYear");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "CalendarSemesterDesc", "CASE WHEN CalendarSemester = 1 THEN 'H1'+' '+ 'CY' +' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), CalendarYear) ELSE 'H2'+' '+ 'CY' +' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), CalendarYear) END");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "CalendarQuarterDesc", "'Q' + CONVERT(CHAR (1), CalendarQuarter) +' '+ 'CY' +' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), CalendarYear)");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "MonthName", "EnglishMonthName+' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), CalendarYear)");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "FiscalYearDesc", "'FY' + ' ' + FiscalYear");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "FiscalSemesterDesc", "CASE WHEN FiscalSemester = 1 THEN 'H1'+' '+ 'FY' +' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), FiscalYear) ELSE 'H2'+' '+ 'FY' +' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), FiscalYear) END");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "FiscalQuarterDesc", "'Q' + CONVERT(CHAR (1), FiscalQuarter) +' '+ 'FY' +' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), FiscalYear)");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimTime", "FiscalMonthNumberOfYear", "CASE WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '1'  THEN CONVERT(int,'7') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '2'  THEN CONVERT(int,'8') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '3'  THEN CONVERT(int,'9') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '4'  THEN CONVERT(int,'10') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '5'  THEN CONVERT(int,'11') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '6'  THEN CONVERT(int,'12') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '7'  THEN CONVERT(int,'1') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '8'  THEN CONVERT(int,'2') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '9'  THEN CONVERT(int,'3') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '10' THEN CONVERT(int,'4') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '11' THEN CONVERT(int,'5') WHEN MonthNumberOfYear = '12' THEN CONVERT(int,'6') END");

            // Add the DimGeography table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimGeography");

            // Add the DimProductCategory table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimProductCategory");

            // Add the DimProductSubcategory table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimProductSubcategory");
            AddRelation(dsv, "DimProductSubcategory", "ProductCategoryKey", "DimProductCategory", "ProductCategoryKey");

            // Add the DimProduct table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimProduct");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimProduct", "ProductLineName", "CASE ProductLine WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain' WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road' WHEN 'S' THEN 'Accessory' WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring' ELSE 'Components' END");
            AddRelation(dsv, "DimProduct", "ProductSubcategoryKey", "DimProductSubcategory", "ProductSubcategoryKey");

            // Add the DimCustomer table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimCustomer");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimCustomer", "FullName", "CASE WHEN MiddleName IS NULL THEN FirstName + ' ' + LastName ELSE FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName + ' ' + LastName END");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimCustomer", "GenderDesc", "CASE WHEN Gender = 'M' THEN 'Male' ELSE 'Female' END");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimCustomer", "MaritalStatusDesc", "CASE WHEN MaritalStatus = 'S' THEN 'Single' ELSE 'Married' END");
            AddRelation(dsv, "DimCustomer", "GeographyKey", "DimGeography", "GeographyKey");

            // Add the DimReseller table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimReseller");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimReseller", "OrderFrequencyDesc", "CASE WHEN OrderFrequency = 'A' THEN 'Annual' WHEN OrderFrequency = 'S' THEN 'Bi-Annual' ELSE 'Quarterly' END");
            AddComputedColumn(dsv, connection, "DimReseller", "OrderMonthDesc", "CASE WHEN OrderMonth = '1' THEN 'January' WHEN OrderMonth = '2' THEN 'February' WHEN OrderMonth = '3' THEN 'March' WHEN OrderMonth = '4' THEN 'April' WHEN OrderMonth = '5' THEN 'May' WHEN OrderMonth = '6' THEN 'June' WHEN OrderMonth = '7' THEN 'July' WHEN OrderMonth = '8' THEN 'August' WHEN OrderMonth = '9' THEN 'September' WHEN OrderMonth = '10' THEN 'October' WHEN OrderMonth = '11' THEN 'November' WHEN OrderMonth = '12' THEN 'December' ELSE 'Never Ordered' END");

            // Add the DimCurrency table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimCurrency");

            // Add the DimSalesReason table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "DimSalesReason");

            // Add the FactInternetSales table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "FactInternetSales");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "ProductKey", "DimProduct", "ProductKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "CustomerKey", "DimCustomer", "CustomerKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "OrderDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "ShipDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "DueDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSales", "CurrencyKey", "DimCurrency", "CurrencyKey");

            // Add the FactResellerSales table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "FactResellerSales");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactResellerSales", "ProductKey", "DimProduct", "ProductKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactResellerSales", "ResellerKey", "DimReseller", "ResellerKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactResellerSales", "OrderDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactResellerSales", "ShipDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactResellerSales", "DueDateKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactResellerSales", "CurrencyKey", "DimCurrency", "CurrencyKey");

            // Add the FactInternetSalesReason table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "FactInternetSalesReason");
            AddCompositeRelation(dsv, "FactInternetSalesReason", "FactInternetSales", "SalesOrderNumber", "SalesOrderLineNumber");

            // Add the FactCurrencyRate table
            AddTable(dsv, connection, "FactCurrencyRate");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactCurrencyRate", "CurrencyKey", "DimCurrency", "CurrencyKey");
            AddRelation(dsv, "FactCurrencyRate", "TimeKey", "DimTime", "TimeKey");


            // Send the data source view definition to the server

            return dsv;

        static void AddTable(DataSourceView dsv, OleDbConnection connection, String tableName)
            string strSelectText = "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[" + tableName + "] WHERE 1=0";
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSelectText, connection);
            DataTable[] dataTables = adapter.FillSchema(dsv.Schema,
                SchemaType.Mapped, tableName);
            DataTable dataTable = dataTables[0];

            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("TableType", "Table");
            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("DbSchemaName", "dbo");
            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("DbTableName", tableName);
            dataTable.ExtendedProperties.Add("FriendlyName", tableName);

            dataTable = null;
            dataTables = null;
            adapter = null;

        static void AddComputedColumn(DataSourceView dsv, OleDbConnection connection, String tableName, String computedColumnName, String expression)
            DataSet tmpDataSet = new DataSet();
            tmpDataSet.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT ("
                + expression + ") AS [" + computedColumnName + "] FROM [dbo].["
                + tableName + "] WHERE 1=0", connection);
            DataTable[] dataTables = adapter.FillSchema(tmpDataSet,
                SchemaType.Mapped, tableName);
            DataTable dataTable = dataTables[0];
            DataColumn dataColumn = dataTable.Columns[computedColumnName];


            dataColumn.ExtendedProperties.Add("DbColumnName", computedColumnName);
            dataColumn.ExtendedProperties.Add("IsLogical", "True");


            dataColumn = null;
            dataTable = null;
            dataTables = null;
            adapter = null;
            tmpDataSet = null;

        static void AddRelation(DataSourceView dsv, String fkTableName, String fkColumnName, String pkTableName, String pkColumnName)
            DataColumn fkColumn
                = dsv.Schema.Tables[fkTableName].Columns[fkColumnName];
            DataColumn pkColumn
                = dsv.Schema.Tables[pkTableName].Columns[pkColumnName];
            dsv.Schema.Relations.Add("FK_" + fkTableName + "_"
                + fkColumnName, pkColumn, fkColumn, true);

        static void AddCompositeRelation(DataSourceView dsv, String fkTableName, String pkTableName, String columnName1, String columnName2)
            DataColumn[] fkColumns = new DataColumn[2];
            fkColumns[0] = dsv.Schema.Tables[fkTableName].Columns[columnName1];
            fkColumns[1] = dsv.Schema.Tables[fkTableName].Columns[columnName2];

            DataColumn[] pkColumns = new DataColumn[2];
            pkColumns[0] = dsv.Schema.Tables[pkTableName].Columns[columnName1];
            pkColumns[1] = dsv.Schema.Tables[pkTableName].Columns[columnName2];

            dsv.Schema.Relations.Add("FK_" + fkTableName + "_" + columnName1
                + "_" + columnName2, pkColumns, fkColumns, true);





Introducing AMO Classes
AMO Fundamental Classes


Analysis Services 概念和物件
Analysis Services 物件


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