ExceptionMessageBox 類別

Displays a message box that can be customized with text, buttons, and symbols to improve the customer experience with a Microsoft Windows .NET Framework-based application.


System. . :: . .Object

命名空間:  Microsoft.SqlServer.MessageBox
組件:  Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox (在 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll 中)


<ComVisibleAttribute(False)> _
Public Class ExceptionMessageBox
Dim instance As ExceptionMessageBox
public class ExceptionMessageBox
public ref class ExceptionMessageBox
type ExceptionMessageBox =  class end
public class ExceptionMessageBox

ExceptionMessageBox 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox() () () () Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the default properties.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(Exception) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox by using information from the specified Exception.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(String) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the supplied top-level error message text.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(Exception, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox by using information from the specified Exception and by specifying the buttons to display in the message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(String, String) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the supplied top-level error message text and the dialog box caption of the exception message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(Exception, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons, ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox by using information from the specified Exception and by specifying the buttons and symbol to display in the message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(String, String, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the supplied top-level error message text and the dialog box caption of the exception message box. The method also specifies buttons to display in the exception message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(Exception, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons, ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol, ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox by using information from the specified Exception and by specifying the buttons, symbol, and default button to display in the exception message box. .
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(String, String, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons, ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the supplied top-level error message text and dialog box caption of the exception message box. The method also specifies the buttons and symbol to display in the exception message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(Exception, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons, ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol, ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton, ExceptionMessageBoxOptions) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox by using information from the specified Exception and by specifying the buttons, symbol, default button, and other properties to display in the exception message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(String, String, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons, ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol, ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton) Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the supplied top-level error message text and dialog box caption of the message box. The method also specifies the buttons, symbol, and default button to display in the exception message box.
公用方法 ExceptionMessageBox(String, String, ExceptionMessageBoxButtons, ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol, ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton, ExceptionMessageBoxOptions) 基礎結構。Creates an instance of ExceptionMessageBox with the supplied top-level error message text and dialog box caption of the message box. The method also specifies the buttons, symbol, default button, and dialog options to display in the exception message box.



  名稱 說明
公用屬性靜態成員 AbortButtonText Gets the default text for the Abort button.
公用屬性 Beep Specifies whether to play an audible sound when the message is displayed.
公用屬性 Buttons Gets or sets the buttons to display in the message box.
公用屬性靜態成員 CancelButtonText Gets the default text for the Cancel button.
公用屬性 Caption Gets or sets the dialog box caption of the exception message box.
公用屬性 CheckBoxRegistryKey Sets an opened RegistryKey that controls the check box that is displayed on the exception message box when ShowCheckbox()()()() is true.
公用屬性 CheckBoxRegistryMeansDoNotShowDialog Determines whether the registry value content specified by CheckBoxRegistryKey and CheckBoxRegistryValue indicates a previous user decision not to view this message.
公用屬性 CheckBoxRegistryValue Gets or sets the registry value name that controls the check box on the exception message box when ShowCheckbox()()()() is true.
公用屬性 CheckBoxText Gets or sets the text to display in the check box on the exception message box when ShowCheckbox()()()() is true.
公用屬性 CustomDialogResult Gets the clicked custom text dialog button.
公用屬性 CustomSymbol Gets or sets a custom bitmap to use as the symbol on the exception message box.
公用屬性 Data Gets the IDictionary interface that stores help link and advanced information associated with the top-level message.
公用屬性 DefaultButton Gets or sets the default button on the message box.
公用屬性 DefaultDialogResult Gets or sets the value returned by the Show method when the user has previously indicated not to show a given message again.
公用屬性靜態成員 FailButtonText Gets the default text for the Fail button.
公用屬性 Font Gets or sets the font used in the message box.
公用屬性 HelpLink Gets or sets the link to the help file or help Web page associated with the top-level message.
公用屬性靜態成員 IgnoreButtonText Gets the default text for the Ignore button.
公用屬性 InnerException Gets or sets the Exception instance associated with the lower-level message(s).
公用屬性 IsCheckBoxChecked Specifies whether the check box is selected when ShowCheckbox()()()() is true.
公用屬性 Message Gets or sets the Exception that contains the message to display.
公用屬性 MessageLevelDefault Gets or sets the number of message levels to display in the message box.
公用屬性靜態成員 NoButtonText Gets the default text for the No button
公用屬性靜態成員 OKButtonText Gets the default text for the OK button
公用屬性 Options Gets or sets miscellaneous display options for the message box
公用屬性靜態成員 RetryButtonText Gets the default text for the Retry button.
公用屬性 ShowCheckBox Specifies whether to show the check box in the exception message box.
公用屬性 ShowToolBar Specifies whether to show the command button toolbar on the exception message box.
公用屬性 Symbol Gets or sets the symbol to display in the exception message box.
公用屬性 Text Gets or sets the text of the top-level message to display in the exception message box
公用屬性 UseOwnerFont Specifies whether to retrieve the font of the owner window and use it as the font for the exception message box.
公用屬性靜態成員 YesButtonText Gets the default text for the Yes button



  名稱 說明
公用方法 Equals (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetHashCode (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法靜態成員 GetMessageText Returns the string that a user can copy to the clipboard when the exception is displayed in an exception message box.
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 SetButtonText(String) Sets the text for the custom text button when only one button is displayed in the exception message box.
公用方法 SetButtonText(String, String) Sets the text for the custom text buttons when only two buttons are displayed in the exception message box.
公用方法 SetButtonText(String, String, String) Sets the text for the custom text buttons when only three buttons are displayed in the exception message box.
公用方法 SetButtonText(String, String, String, String) Sets the text for the custom text buttons when only four buttons are displayed in the exception message box.
公用方法 SetButtonText(String, String, String, String, String) Sets the text for the custom text buttons when only five buttons are displayed in the exception message box.
公用方法 Show(IWin32Window) Shows the exception message box as a modal dialog box centered on the parent window.
公用方法 Show(IntPtr, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) 基礎結構。Displays the exception message box. 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。
公用方法 ToString (繼承自 Object。)



  名稱 說明
公用事件 OnCopyToClipboard Occurs when exception message text is copied from the message box to the Clipboard.



This example displays the message box with an OK button.

                // Do something that may generate an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("An error has occured");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                // Define a new top-level error message.
                string str = "The action failed.";

                // Add the new top-level message to the handled exception.
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Show an exception message box with an OK button (the default).
                ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop);
    ' Do something that may generate an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("An error has occured")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    ' Define a new top-level error message.
    Dim str As String = "The action failed."

    ' Add the new top-level message to the handled exception.
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Show an exception message box with an OK button (the default).
    Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop)
End Try

This example uses the exception message box to show additional information that is helpful when troubleshooting or debugging.

                // Do something that you don't expect to generate an exception.
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to connect to the server.");
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
                string str = "An unexpected error occurred. Please call Helpdesk.";
                ApplicationException exTop = new ApplicationException(str, ex);
                exTop.Source = this.Text;

                // Information in the Data property of an exception that has a name
                // beginning with "HelpLink.Advanced" is shown when the user
                // clicks the Advanced Information button of the exception message
                // box dialog box.
                exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FileName", "application.dll");
                exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FilePosition", "line 355");
                exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.UserContext", "single user mode");

                // Show the exception message box with additional information that 
                // is helpful when a user calls technical support.
                ExceptionMessageBox box = new ExceptionMessageBox(exTop);

    ' Do something that you don't expect to generate an exception.
    Throw New ApplicationException("Failed to connect to the server.")
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    Dim str As String = "An unexpected error occurred. Please call Helpdesk."
    Dim exTop As ApplicationException = New ApplicationException(str, ex)
    exTop.Source = Me.Text

    ' Information in the Data property of an exception that has a name
    ' beginning with "HelpLink.Advanced" is shown when the user
    ' clicks the Advanced Information button of the exception message
    ' box dialog box.
    exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FileName", "application.dll")
    exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.FilePosition", "line 355")
    exTop.Data.Add("AdvancedInformation.UserContext", "single user mode")

    ' Show the exception message box with additional information that 
    ' is helpful when a user calls technical support.
    Dim box As ExceptionMessageBox = New ExceptionMessageBox(exTop)


End Try


這個型別的任何公用 static (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都是執行緒安全的。並不是所有的執行個體成員都保證可以用於所有的執行緒。