
在 SMO 中,Backup 類別和 Restore 類別都是公用程式類別,可提供工具來完成備份及還原的特定工作。Backup 物件表示所需的特定備份工作,而不是伺服器執行個體上的 MicrosoftSQL Server 物件。

如果發生資料遺失或損毀,則必須完整或部分地還原備份。部分還原會使用 FileGroupCollection 集合來分割要還原的資料。如果是進行交易記錄的備份,則可以使用 Restore 物件的 ToPointInTime 屬性還原至特定的時間點。也可以使用 SqlVerify 方法來驗證資料。建議的備份程序是定期執行還原作業並檢查資料庫中的資料,以檢查備份的完整性。

Backup 物件類似,Restore 物件不需要藉由使用 Create 方法來建立,因為它不代表 SQL Server 執行個體上的任何物件。Restore 物件是一組用於還原資料庫的屬性和方法。


如果要使用所提供的任何程式碼範例,您必須選擇用於建立應用程式的程式設計環境、程式設計範本和程式設計語言。如需詳細資訊,請參閱<如何:在 Visual Studio .NET 中建立 Visual Basic SMO 專案>或<如何:在 Visual Studio .NET 中建立 Visual C# SMO 專案>。

在 Visual Basic 中備份資料庫和交易記錄


'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Reference the AdventureWorks database.
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks")
'Store the current recovery model in a variable.
Dim recoverymod As Integer
recoverymod = db.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel
'Define a Backup object variable. 
Dim bk As New Backup
'Specify the type of backup, the description, the name, and the database to be backed up.
bk.Action = BackupActionType.Database
bk.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of Adventureworks"
bk.BackupSetName = "AdventureWorks Backup"
bk.Database = "AdventureWorks"
'Declare a BackupDeviceItem by supplying the backup device file name in the constructor, and the type of device is a file.
Dim bdi As BackupDeviceItem
bdi = New BackupDeviceItem("Test_Full_Backup1", DeviceType.File)
'Add the device to the Backup object.
'Set the Incremental property to False to specify that this is a full database backup.
bk.Incremental = False
'Set the expiration date.
Dim backupdate As New Date
backupdate = New Date(2006, 10, 5)
bk.ExpirationDate = backupdate
'Specify that the log must be truncated after the backup is complete.
bk.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate
'Run SqlBackup to perform the full database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
'Inform the user that the backup has been completed.
Console.WriteLine("Full Backup complete.")
'Remove the backup device from the Backup object.
'Make a change to the database, in this case, add a table called test_table.
Dim t As Table
t = New Table(db, "test_table")
Dim c As Column
c = New Column(t, "col", DataType.Int)
'Create another file device for the differential backup and add the Backup object.
Dim bdid As BackupDeviceItem
bdid = New BackupDeviceItem("Test_Differential_Backup1", DeviceType.File)
'Add the device to the Backup object.
'Set the Incremental property to True for a differential backup.
bk.Incremental = True
'Run SqlBackup to perform the incremental database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
'Inform the user that the differential backup is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Differential Backup complete.")
'Remove the device from the Backup object.
'Delete the AdventureWorks database before restoring it.
'Define a Restore object variable.
Dim rs As Restore
rs = New Restore
'Set the NoRecovery property to true, so the transactions are not recovered.
rs.NoRecovery = True
'Add the device that contains the full database backup to the Restore object.
'Specify the database name.
rs.Database = "AdventureWorks"
'Restore the full database backup with no recovery.
'Inform the user that the Full Database Restore is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Full Database Restore complete.")
'Remove the device from the Restore object.
'Set te NoRecovery property to False.
rs.NoRecovery = False
'Add the device that contains the differential backup to the Restore object.
'Restore the differential database backup with recovery.
'Inform the user that the differential database restore is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Differential Database Restore complete.")
'Remove the device.
'Set the database recovery mode back to its original value.
srv.Databases("AdventureWorks").DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel = recoverymod
'Drop the table that was added.
'Remove the backup files from the hard disk.
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Test_Full_Backup1")
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Test_Differential_Backup1")

在 Visual C# 中備份資料庫和交易記錄


//Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server. 
Server srv = default(Server); 
srv = new Server(); 
//Reference the AdventureWorks database. 
Database db = default(Database); 
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks"); 
//Store the current recovery model in a variable. 
int recoverymod = 0; 
recoverymod = db.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel; 
//Define a Backup object variable. 
Backup bk = new Backup(); 
//Specify the type of backup, the description, the name, and the database to be backed up. 
bk.Action = BackupActionType.Database; 
bk.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of Adventureworks"; 
bk.BackupSetName = "AdventureWorks Backup"; 
bk.Database = "AdventureWorks"; 
//Declare a BackupDeviceItem by supplying the backup device file name in the constructor, and the type of device is a file. 
BackupDeviceItem bdi = default(BackupDeviceItem); 
bdi = new BackupDeviceItem("Test_Full_Backup1", DeviceType.File); 
//Add the device to the Backup object. 
//Set the Incremental property to False to specify that this is a full database backup. 
bk.Incremental = false; 
//Set the expiration date. 
System.DateTime backupdate = new System.DateTime(); 
backupdate = new System.DateTime(2006, 10, 5); 
bk.ExpirationDate = backupdate; 
//Specify that the log must be truncated after the backup is complete. 
bk.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate; 
//Run SqlBackup to perform the full database backup on the instance of SQL Server. 
//Inform the user that the backup has been completed. 
Console.WriteLine("Full Backup complete."); 
//Remove the backup device from the Backup object. 
//Make a change to the database, in this case, add a table called test_table. 
Table t = default(Table); 
t = new Table(db, "test_table"); 
Column c = default(Column); 
c = new Column(t, "col", DataType.Int); 
//Create another file device for the differential backup and add the Backup object. 
BackupDeviceItem bdid = default(BackupDeviceItem); 
bdid = new BackupDeviceItem("Test_Differential_Backup1", DeviceType.File); 
//Add the device to the Backup object. 
//Set the Incremental property to True for a differential backup. 
bk.Incremental = true; 
//Run SqlBackup to perform the incremental database backup on the instance of SQL Server. 
//Inform the user that the differential backup is complete. 
Console.WriteLine("Differential Backup complete."); 
//Remove the device from the Backup object. 
//Delete the AdventureWorks database before restoring it. 
//Define a Restore object variable. 
Restore rs = default(Restore); 
rs = new Restore(); 
//Set the NoRecovery property to true, so the transactions are not recovered. 
rs.NoRecovery = true; 
//Add the device that contains the full database backup to the Restore object. 
//Specify the database name. 
rs.Database = "AdventureWorks"; 
//Restore the full database backup with no recovery. 
//Inform the user that the Full Database Restore is complete. 
Console.WriteLine("Full Database Restore complete."); 
//Remove the device from the Restore object. 
//Set te NoRecovery property to False. 
rs.NoRecovery = false; 
//Add the device that contains the differential backup to the Restore object. 
//Restore the differential database backup with recovery. 
//Inform the user that the differential database restore is complete. 
Console.WriteLine("Differential Database Restore complete."); 
//Remove the device. 
//Set the database recovery mode back to its original value. 
srv.Databases("AdventureWorks").DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel = recoverymod; 
//Drop the table that was added. 
//Remove the backup files from the hard disk. 
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL.1\\MSSQL\\Backup\\Test_Full_Backup1"); 
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL.1\\MSSQL\\Backup\\Test_Differential_Backup1"); 

在 Visual Basic 中執行資料庫完整性檢查

SQL Server 提供資料完整性檢查。此程式碼範例會在指定的資料庫上執行資料庫一致性類型檢查。在此範例中使用的是 CheckTables,但也同樣可以使用 CheckAllocationsCheckCatalogCheckIdentityValues


StringCollection 物件需要使用 imports System.Collections.Specialized 陳述式的命名空間參考。

'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Reference the AdventureWorks database.
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks")
'Note, to use the StringCollection type the System.Collections.Specialized system namespace must be included in the imports statements.
Dim sc As StringCollection
'Run the CheckTables method and display the results from the returned StringCollection variable.
sc = db.CheckTables(RepairType.None)
Dim c As Integer
For c = 0 To sc.Count - 1

在 Visual C# 中執行資料庫完整性檢查

SQL Server 提供資料完整性檢查。此程式碼範例會在指定的資料庫上執行資料庫一致性類型檢查。在此範例中使用的是 CheckTables,但也同樣可以使用 CheckAllocationsCheckCatalogCheckIdentityValues


StringCollection 物件需要使用 imports System.Collections.Specialized 陳述式的命名空間參考。

//Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server. 
Server srv = default(Server); 
srv = new Server(); 
//Reference the AdventureWorks database. 
Database db = default(Database); 
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks"); 
//Note, to use the StringCollection type the System.Collections.Specialized system namespace must be included in the imports statements. 
StringCollection sc = default(StringCollection); 
//Run the CheckTables method and display the results from the returned StringCollection variable. 
sc = db.CheckTables(RepairType.None); 
int c = 0; 
for (c = 0; c <= sc.Count - 1; c++) { 