
更新:2007 年 11 月

ASP.NET 的 AJAX 功能包括了一個完整的多層次用戶端-事件模型。Sys.Application 類別可提供應用程式層級的事件。Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager 類別則提供與涉及網頁局部呈現之頁面有關的事件。個別元件 (例如控制項和行為) 有它們專屬的事件。如需這些事件的詳細資訊,請參閱AJAX 用戶端生命週期事件

ASP.NET 也可讓您將事件加入至用戶端生命週期。Sys.UI.DomEvent 類別可讓您將 HTML 文件物件模型 (DOM) 事件繫結至自訂 ASP.NET AJAX 元件。此外,Sys.EventHandlerList 類別可讓您直接建立新的 ASP.NET AJAX 用戶端事件。

附加至 DOM 事件

在許多狀況下,您想要使用的事件會對應至已於 HTML DOM 中定義的事件。例如,自訂 ASP.NET AJAX 按鈕控制項可能會使用 HTML <button> 項目所附加的 click 事件。若要將 DOM 型事件繫結至 ASP.NET AJAX 應用程式或自訂元件,您可以使用 DomEvent 類別的 addHandler 方法,如下列範例所示:

Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(element, 'click', this.myClickHandler);

您也可以使用 $addHandler 快速鍵,如下列範例所示:

$addHandler(element, 'click', this.myClickHandler);

addHandler 方法採用三個參數:element、eventName 和 handler。element 參數是對 DOM 項目的參考,該項目會公開事件。eventName 參數是 DOM 事件本身的名稱。handler 參數則是當引發事件時將要呼叫之函式的參考。如需詳細資訊,請參閱Sys.UI.DomEvent addHandler 方法

若要移除 DOM 事件的處理常式,您可以呼叫 Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler 方法或 $removeHandler 快速鍵,傳遞相同於您傳遞給 addHandler 的參數。


傳遞至 addHandlerremoveHandler 函式的事件名稱不能以 "on" 為字首。例如,請使用 "click" 而非 "onclick"。


若要加入自訂 ASP.NET AJAX 元件事件的新事件處理常式,請使用 Sys.EventHandlerList 類別的 addHandler 方法。ASP.NET AJAX 事件模型中的所有用戶端事件與相關聯事件處理常式,都儲存在 EventHandlerList 物件中,該物件是專供儲存這些內容的特製化字典。包括目前 Application 物件在內的每個元件,都有其專屬的 EventHandlerList 執行個體。藉由將項目加入至 EventHandlerList 物件,您可以將新事件及事件處理常式加入至相關聯的元件中。請使用下列語法來加入事件:

this.get_events().addHandler(event, handler);

Sys.Component 類別的 events 屬性會傳回該元件的 EventHandlerList 執行個體。events 屬性會由 Sys.UI.ControlSys.UI.BehaviorSys.Application 類別繼承。event 參數是要加入處理常式之新的或現有事件的名稱。handler 參數則是當引發事件時將要呼叫之函式的參考。藉由將 event 參數設定為新的值,您可以將新事件加入至字典。

若要從字典中移除自訂事件,您可以使用 Sys.EventHandlerList 類別的 removeHandler 方法,該方法採用與 addHandler 相同的參數。

若要將處理常式加入至已於 Microsoft AJAX Library 中定義的事件,請使用該事件的 add_ 存取子,如下列範例所示:



若要引發自訂事件,請呼叫 EventHandlerList 執行個體的 getHandler 方法,將傳遞事件名稱做為參數。此方法會傳回一個函式,以彙總處理常式用於該事件的所有函式。呼叫已傳回的函式來引發事件,如下列範例所示:

var h = this.get_events().getHandler('myCustomEvent')
if (h) h(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty);

依照慣例,事件處理常式會採用兩個參數:sender 和 eventArgs。傳送者是套用該事件的元件,通常為 this。eventArgs 參數會參考 Sys.EventArgs 物件。此物件包含了傳遞至事件的資訊,例如滑鼠座標。只要 getHandler 所傳回的函式簽章與所有相關聯處理常式函式的簽章相符,您就可以省略 sender 和 eventArgs 參數。但是,建議做法是包含這些參數,如先前範例所示。




應用程式包含了兩種自訂控制項的執行個體。Question 控制項可附加至 HTML <select> 項目,Section 控制項則可附加至包含一個或多個 Question 控制項的 <div> 項目。Question 控制項會公開 select 事件,該事件藉由 Sys.UI.DomEvent 執行個體而繫結至基礎 <select> 項目的 onChange 事件。Section 控制項則會公開 complete 事件,該事件是當 Section 執行個體中所有 Question 控制項都已回答時,由使用者定義的函式所引發。


下列範例顯示 Default.aspx 頁面,該頁面可建立元件執行個體及處理事件。

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" >
    <title>Custom Events Example</title>
<form id="form1" >
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1"  >
           <asp:ScriptReference Path="question.js" />
           <asp:ScriptReference Path="section.js" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // Add handler to init event

    function appInitHandler() {
      // create components
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question1'));
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question2'));
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question3'));
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question4'));
      $create(Demo.Section, null,
        {complete: onSectionComplete},null, $get('group1'));
      $create(Demo.Section, null,
        {complete: onSectionComplete},null, $get('group2'));

    function onAnswer(question) {
        // If all questions in this section answered, 
        // raise complete event
        var section = question.get_element().parentElement;
        var questions = section.children;
        $get(question.get_id() + 'Status').innerHTML = '';
        for (var i=0; i<questions.length; i++) {
            if (questions[i].selectedIndex === -1) {

    function onSectionComplete(section) {
        // Change background color of <div>.
        section.get_element().style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

    function done() {
        // Display correct answers where needed.
        var c = Sys.Application.getComponents();
        for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
            var type = Object.getType(c[i]).getName();
            if (type !== 'Demo.Question') continue;
            var element = c[i].get_element();
            var answer = element.selectedIndex;
            var correct = $find(c[i].get_id()).get_correct();
            var statusElement = c[i].get_id() + 'Status';
            if (answer !== correct) {
                $get(statusElement).innerHTML = 'Incorrect. Try again.';
                $get(statusElement).innerHTML = 'Correct.';

    function resethandler() {
        var c = Sys.Application.getComponents();
        for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
            var type = Object.getType(c[i]).getName();
            if (type === 'Demo.Question') {
                var element = c[i].get_element();
                element.selectedIndex = -1;
                var answer = element.selectedIndex;
                var statusElement = c[i].get_id() + 'Status';
                $get(statusElement).innerHTML = '';
            else if (type === 'Demo.Section') {
                c[i].get_element().style.backgroundColor = 'White';

    <h3>Addition</h3><br />
    <div id="Group1">
        2 + 2 = 
        <select id="Question1">
        </select><span id="Question1Status"></span><br />
        2 + 3 = 
        <select id="Question2" >
        </select><span id="Question2Status"></span><br />
    </div><br /> <br />   
    <h3>Subtraction</h3><br />
    <div id="Group2">
        2 - 1 = 
        <select id="Question3" >
        </select><span id="Question3Status"></span><br />
        2 - 2 = 
        <select id="Question4" >
        </select><span id="Question4Status"></span><br />
    </div><br /><br />
    <input id="Submit1" type="button" value="Check Answers" onclick="done()" />
    <input id="Reset1" type="button" value="Start Again" onclick="resethandler()" />
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" >
    <title>Custom Events Example</title>
<form id="form1" >
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1"  >
           <asp:ScriptReference Path="question.js" />
           <asp:ScriptReference Path="section.js" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // Add handler to init event

    function appInitHandler() {
      // create components
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question1'));
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question2'));
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question3'));
      $create(Demo.Question, {correct: '3'},
        {select: onAnswer},null, $get('Question4'));
      $create(Demo.Section, null,
        {complete: onSectionComplete},null, $get('group1'));
      $create(Demo.Section, null,
        {complete: onSectionComplete},null, $get('group2'));

    function onAnswer(question) {
        // If all questions in this section answered, 
        // raise complete event
        var section = question.get_element().parentElement;
        var questions = section.children;
        $get(question.get_id() + 'Status').innerHTML = '';
        for (var i=0; i<questions.length; i++) {
            if (questions[i].selectedIndex === -1) {

    function onSectionComplete(section) {
        // Change background color of <div>.
        section.get_element().style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

    function done() {
        // Display correct answers where needed.
        var c = Sys.Application.getComponents();
        for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
            var type = Object.getType(c[i]).getName();
            if (type !== 'Demo.Question') continue;
            var element = c[i].get_element();
            var answer = element.selectedIndex;
            var correct = $find(c[i].get_id()).get_correct();
            var statusElement = c[i].get_id() + 'Status';
            if (answer !== correct) {
                $get(statusElement).innerHTML = 'Incorrect. Try again.';
                $get(statusElement).innerHTML = 'Correct.';

    function resethandler() {
        var c = Sys.Application.getComponents();
        for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
            var type = Object.getType(c[i]).getName();
            if (type === 'Demo.Question') {
                var element = c[i].get_element();
                element.selectedIndex = -1;
                var answer = element.selectedIndex;
                var statusElement = c[i].get_id() + 'Status';
                $get(statusElement).innerHTML = '';
            else if (type === 'Demo.Section') {
                c[i].get_element().style.backgroundColor = 'White';

    <h3>Addition</h3><br />
    <div id="Group1">
        2 + 2 = 
        <select id="Question1">
        </select><span id="Question1Status"></span><br />
        2 + 3 = 
        <select id="Question2" >
        </select><span id="Question2Status"></span><br />
    </div><br /> <br />   
    <h3>Subtraction</h3><br />
    <div id="Group2">
        2 - 1 = 
        <select id="Question3" >
        </select><span id="Question3Status"></span><br />
        2 - 2 = 
        <select id="Question4" >
        </select><span id="Question4Status"></span><br />
    </div><br /><br />
    <input id="Submit1" type="button" value="Check Answers" onclick="done()" />
    <input id="Reset1" type="button" value="Start Again" onclick="resethandler()" />

下列範例顯示 Question.js 檔案,該檔案用來定義 Demo.Question 控制項。


// Constructor
Demo.Question = function(element) {

    Demo.Question.initializeBase(this, [element]);

    // Create a delegate for the select event.
    this._selectDelegate = null;
Demo.Question.prototype = {

    // correct property accessors
    get_correct: function() {
        return this.get_element().name - 1;
    set_correct: function(value) {
        this.get_element().name = value;

    // Bind and unbind to select event.
    add_select: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().addHandler('select', handler);
    remove_select: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().removeHandler('select', handler);

    // Release resources before control is disposed.
    dispose: function() {

        var element = this.get_element();

        if (this._selectDelegate) {
            delete this._selectDelegate;

        Demo.Question.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');

    initialize: function() {

        var element = this.get_element();

        // Make sure no option is selected.
        element.value = ""; 

        // Attach delegate to select event.
        if (this._selectDelegate === null) {
            this._selectDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._selectHandler);
        Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(element, 'change', this._selectDelegate);

        Demo.Question.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');


    _selectHandler: function(event) {
        var h = this.get_events().getHandler('select');
        if (h) h(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty);
Demo.Question.registerClass('Demo.Question', Sys.UI.Control);

// Since this script is not loaded by System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler
// invoke Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded to notify ScriptManager 
// that this is the end of the script.
if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

// Constructor
Demo.Question = function(element) {

    Demo.Question.initializeBase(this, [element]);

    // Create a delegate for the select event.
    this._selectDelegate = null;
Demo.Question.prototype = {

    // correct property accessors
    get_correct: function() {
        return this.get_element().name - 1;
    set_correct: function(value) {
        this.get_element().name = value;

    // Bind and unbind to select event.
    add_select: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().addHandler('select', handler);
    remove_select: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().removeHandler('select', handler);

    // Release resources before control is disposed.
    dispose: function() {

        var element = this.get_element();

        if (this._selectDelegate) {
            delete this._selectDelegate;

        Demo.Question.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');

    initialize: function() {

        var element = this.get_element();

        // Make sure no option is selected.
        element.value = ""; 

        // Attach delegate to select event.
        if (this._selectDelegate === null) {
            this._selectDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._selectHandler);
        Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(element, 'change', this._selectDelegate);

        Demo.Question.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');


    _selectHandler: function(event) {
        var h = this.get_events().getHandler('select');
        if (h) h(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty);
Demo.Question.registerClass('Demo.Question', Sys.UI.Control);

// Since this script is not loaded by System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler
// invoke Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded to notify ScriptManager 
// that this is the end of the script.
if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

下列範例顯示 Section.js 檔案,該檔案用來定義 Demo.Section 控制項。


// Constructor
Demo.Section = function(element) {

    Demo.Section.initializeBase(this, [element]);
Demo.Section.prototype = {

    // Create add and remove accessors fot the complete event.
    add_complete: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().addHandler("complete", handler);
    remove_complete: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().removeHandler("complete", handler);

    // Create a function to raise the complete event.
    raiseComplete: function() {
        var h = this.get_events().getHandler('complete');
        if (h) h(this);

    // Release resources before control is disposed.
    dispose: function() {
        var element = this.get_element();
        Demo.Section.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
Demo.Section.registerClass('Demo.Section', Sys.UI.Control);

// Since this script is not loaded by System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler
// invoke Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded to notify ScriptManager 
// that this is the end of the script.
if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

// Constructor
Demo.Section = function(element) {

    Demo.Section.initializeBase(this, [element]);
Demo.Section.prototype = {

    // Create add and remove accessors fot the complete event.
    add_complete: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().addHandler("complete", handler);
    remove_complete: function(handler) {
        this.get_events().removeHandler("complete", handler);

    // Create a function to raise the complete event.
    raiseComplete: function() {
        var h = this.get_events().getHandler('complete');
        if (h) h(this);

    // Release resources before control is disposed.
    dispose: function() {
        var element = this.get_element();
        Demo.Section.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
Demo.Section.registerClass('Demo.Section', Sys.UI.Control);

// Since this script is not loaded by System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler
// invoke Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded to notify ScriptManager 
// that this is the end of the script.
if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();



建立自訂的 AJAX 用戶端控制項


Sys.Application 類別

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager 類別

Sys.UI.DomEvent 類別

Sys.EventHandlerList 類別