Makefile 中的註解

更新:2007 年 11 月

在註解之前必須有數字正負號 (#)。NMAKE 會忽略從數字正負號到下一個新行字元之間的文字,例如:

# Comment on line by itself
OPTIONS = /MAP  # Comment on macro definition line

all.exe : one.obj two.obj  # Comment on dependency line
    link one.obj two.obj
# Comment in commands block
#   copy *.obj \objects  # Command turned into comment
    copy one.exe \release

.obj.exe:  # Comment on inference rule line
    link $<

my.exe : my.obj ; link my.obj  # Err: cannot comment this
 # Error: # must be the first character
.obj.exe: ; link $<  # Error: cannot comment this

若要指定常值數字正負號,前面必須要有插入號 (^),如下所示:

DEF = ^#define  #Macro for a C preprocessing directive



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