HOW TO:授權元件和控制項

更新:2007 年 11 月

.NET Framework 提供了對所有元件和控制項 (包括 Windows Form 控制項和 ASP.NET 伺服器控制項) 都相同並且與 Microsoft ActiveX® 控制項授權完全相容的授權模型。


透過授權模型,您可以獲得許多其他等級的授權支援。這個模型將驗證邏輯和元件或控制項加以分隔,由授權提供者給予授權並執行驗證邏輯。提供者是由 System.ComponentModel.LicenseProvider 衍生而來的類別。啟用授權所必須採取的步驟,其實相當簡單。

當您使用由 LicFileLicenseProvider 所提供之 LicenseProvider 的預設實作時,授權檔的格式如下:

  • 檔案名稱必須是含有副檔名 .LIC 的完整類別名稱,包括命名空間在內。例如:


  • 授權檔的內容應包含下列文字字串:

    "myClassName 為授權的元件"。

    myClassName 為完整的類別名稱。例如:

    「Namespace1.Class1 為授權的元件。」

在下列程式碼範例中,會顯示一個 Windows Form 控制項和一個 ASP.NET 伺服器控制項,用來實作簡單的授權案例。


  1. LicenseProviderAttribute 套用至類別。

  2. 呼叫建構函式中的 ValidateIsValid

  3. 在類別完成項中 (或在呼叫完成項之前) 呼叫任何授與之使用權上的 Dispose

下列程式碼範例會使用內建的授權提供者類別 LicFileLicenseProvider,它可以讓您使用文字授權檔並且模擬 COM (ActiveX) 授權的行為。較複雜的授權案例 (例如呼叫 XML Web Service 來限制元件的執行個體數目) 則需要不同類型的授權提供者。


Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms

' Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
<LicenseProvider(GetType(LicFileLicenseProvider))> _
Public Class MyControl
    Inherits Control

    ' Creates a new, null license.
    Private license As License = Nothing    

    Public Sub New()        

        ' Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
        license = LicenseManager.Validate(GetType(MyControl), Me)

        ' Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

        If disposing Then
            If (license IsNot Nothing) Then
                license = Nothing
            End If
        End If

    End Sub    

End Class

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;

// Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
public class MyControl : Control 

   // Creates a new, null license.
   private License license = null;

   public MyControl () 

      // Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
      license = LicenseManager.Validate(typeof(MyControl), this);

      // Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) 
         if (license != null) 
            license = null;

// Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.

public ref class MyControl: public Control
   // Creates a new, null license.
   License^ license;


      // Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
      license = LicenseManager::Validate( MyControl::typeid, this );

      // Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

      if ( license != nullptr )
         delete license;
         license = nullptr;
import System.*;
import System.ComponentModel.*;
import System.Windows.Forms.*;

// Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
/** @attribute LicenseProvider(LicFileLicenseProvider.class)
public class MyControl extends Control
    // Creates a new, null license.
    private License license = null;

    public MyControl()
        // Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
        license = LicenseManager.Validate(MyControl.class.ToType(), this);

        // Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

    protected void Dispose(boolean disposing)
        if (disposing) {
            if (license != null) {
                license = null;
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Web.UI

' Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
<LicenseProvider(GetType(LicFileLicenseProvider))> Public Class MyControl
    Inherits Control

    ' Creates a new, null license.
    Private license As License

    Public Sub New()

        ' Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
        license = LicenseManager.Validate(GetType(MyControl), Me)

        ' Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

    End Sub

    Public Overrides Sub Dispose()
        If (license IsNot Nothing) Then
            license = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.UI;

// Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
public class MyServerControl : Control 
    // Creates a new, null license.
    private License license = null;

    public MyServerControl() 
        // Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
        license = LicenseManager.Validate(typeof(MyServerControl), this);

        // Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

    public override void Dispose() 
        if (license != null) 
            license = null;

import System.*;
import System.ComponentModel.*;
import System.Web.UI.*;

// Adds the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
/** @attribute LicenseProvider(LicFileLicenseProvider.class)
public class MyControl extends Control
    // Creates a new, null license.
    private License license = null;

    public MyControl()
        // Adds Validate to the control's constructor.
        license = LicenseManager.Validate(MyControl.class.ToType(), this);

        // Insert code to perform other instance creation tasks here.

    protected void Dispose(boolean disposing)
        if (license != null) 
            license = null;






