Is 運算子 (Visual Basic)

更新:2007 年 11 月


 result = object1 Is object2


  • result
    必要項。任何 Boolean 值。

  • object1
    必要項。任何 Object 名稱。

  • object2
    必要項。任何 Object 名稱。


Is 運算子會判斷兩個物件參考是否代表同一物件。但是,它不會執行值比較。如果 object1 和 object2 都會參考完全相同的物件執行個體,則 result 為 True,如果不是,則 result 為 False。

Is 也可與 TypeOf 關鍵字搭配使用,以組成 TypeOf...Is 運算式,用以測試物件變數是否會與資料型別相容。


下列範例會使用 Is 運算子,來比較物件參考的配對。結果是指派給代表兩個物件是否完全一樣的 Boolean 值。

Dim myObject As New Object
Dim otherObject As New Object
Dim yourObject, thisObject, thatObject As Object
Dim myCheck As Boolean
yourObject = myObject
thisObject = myObject
thatObject = otherObject
' The following statement sets myCheck to True.
myCheck = yourObject Is thisObject
' The following statement sets myCheck to False.
myCheck = thatObject Is thisObject
' The following statement sets myCheck to False.
myCheck = myObject Is thatObject
thatObject = myObject
' The following statement sets myCheck to True.
myCheck = thisObject Is thatObject

如以上範例所示範,可使用 Is 運算子來測試早期繫結 (Early Bound) 和晚期繫結 (Late Bound) 物件。



Visual Basic 的比較運算子

Visual Basic 中的運算子和運算式


TypeOf 運算子 (Visual Basic)

IsNot 運算子

Visual Basic 中的運算子優先順序

運算子 (依功能排列)